The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2768 Three people join forces to fight Amaterasu

Chapter 2768 Three people join forces to fight Amaterasu

The dozen clones of Xiaotiangou disappeared almost instantly, except the body of Xiaotiangou, which rushed into the golden light of Amaterasu.

Although the main body did not dissipate directly when it touched the golden light like the avatar, it was still very painful to see the roaring dog. The hair on its body was scorched and curly, exuding a burnt smell.

But Xiaotiangou didn't retreat because of this, and didn't even bark, but just spotted Amaterasu and continued to rush towards her.

"Such a trick, you dare to make a fool of yourself in front of me, go to hell!"

Looking at the rushing Xiaotiangou, Amaterasu just gave him a sneer with disdain.

He raised the long sword in his hand, and stabbed towards Xiaotiangou's head.

"Shouting Tiangou, Tianyan..."

Erlangshen had been knocked back by Amaterasu just now, and he got a closer look at Amaterasu's strength, Xiaotiangou's strength was incomparable to Erlangshen's.

Xiaotiangou's appearance at this time is obviously still insisting on attacking, even if it rushes over, it is impossible to beat Amaterasu.

Seeing that Amaterasu was about to stab Xiaotiangou, Erlang Shen rushed directly to rescue Xiaotiangou, but it must be too late. He could only use his sky eyes to shoot a golden light and hit Amaterasu.

The speed of Tianyan Jinguang is faster than Xiaotiangoupu's speed, so he got in front of Amaterasu first.

Seeing the golden light coming from the sky eyes, Amaterasu narrowed his eyes and pulled a strange smile at the corner of his mouth. He retracted the long sword, raised the Yata mirror in his hand, and quickly backed away.

"Don't you value this beast, then I will let you kill it yourself!"

"Yakata mirror, reflection!"

Smiling coldly, Amaterasu's Yata mirror flashed a burst of light, and the golden light of the sky eye that hit the Yata mirror flew directly, and the roaring dog started.

"No! Roaring Sky Dog, hide!"

Erlangshen himself is very clear about the destructive power of his own sky eyes.

If this golden light hits Xiaotiangou, even if Xiaotiangou does not die, he will be seriously injured and lose his combat effectiveness.

The point is that he hurt Xiaotiangou himself, which Erlangshen couldn't accept.


Seeing the golden light reflected by the Yata Mirror, Xiaotiangou, who had not barked until now, let out a terrified dog bark.

The Xiaotian dog's reaction speed is very fast, but the golden light is flying even faster, even if it wants to dodge, it is impossible to completely avoid it.


Just when Erlangshen and Xiaotiangou thought that Xiaotiangou would definitely be hit, Amaterasu showed a weird smile on his face, looking like he was watching a show, but saw something flying towards the golden light of Tianyan Voice.

The ear-shattering sound of metallic clinking sounded, the golden light was smashed, the power ripples spread, and a gust of wind blew up, directly blowing the Xiaotian dog away. Block the incoming wind.

"Qiankun Circle, Nezha?"

Erlangshen looked at a golden bracelet that shattered the golden light in his eyes and was then bounced off, with an unconcealable excited smile on his face.

"You don't have to thank me, we are all brothers."

"Xiaotiangou, I can save you once, but I can't guarantee that I can save you every time. Stop biting. If you want to bite someone, show your strongest state."

The upside-down Qiankun circle fell into Nezha's hands again, and Nezha shouted at Xiaotiangou with a straight face.

Xiaotiangou loyally protects it, and it is no problem to attack Amaterasu.

But the Xiaotian dog's state at this time did not show all its strength at all. It is now just the strength of an ordinary beast, and it is not a real Xiaotian dog at all.

"Xiaotiangou, you heard Nezha's words, don't attack recklessly without my order."

The Xiaotian dog was blown away by the strong wind, although it was not seriously injured, but in the golden light of Amaterasu just now, the dog's hair had been burned badly, and it still looked a bit miserable at this moment.

Being reprimanded by Erlang Shen, Xiaotiangou lowered his head, with an expression of admitting his mistake.

"Master, I know I was wrong."

It was because of Erlang Shen that Xiaotiangou rushed directly to Amaterasu without thinking too much.

So Erlang Shen reprimanded it, saying that it was more concerned than blamed.

Now that Xiaotiangou has admitted his mistake, Erlangshen will not say anything more.

"Nezha, Yang Jian, don't talk about Xiaotiangou anymore, Amaterasu is the master of Gao Tianyuan, her strength is terrifying, let's deal with her together."

Ji Yang spoke at the right time, and Erlang Shen and Nezha looked at each other and nodded together.

Whether it is Erlangshen who has actually fought against Amaterasu, or Nezha who is watching from the sidelines, they all know that Amaterasu is really difficult to deal with, and if they want to deal with her by themselves, there is basically no chance of winning.

"Then I'll go first, Hot Wheels!"

Nezha has always been a pioneer-like existence.

Just like when the Jade Emperor ordered [-] heavenly soldiers and generals to attack Huaguo Mountain, Nezha was also the vanguard officer.

At this time, they decided to make a move together, and Nezha also chose to take the lead, stepping on the Hot Wheels, holding a pointed gun in his hand, and rushed towards Amaterasu first.

"Xiaotiangou's true identity, and then wait for the opportunity to move!"

"Yes, master... Wang..."

When Nezha moved, Erlang Shen followed suit.

But before Erlangshen moved, he first gave Xiaotiangou an order.

When Xiaotianquan heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a little black air spewed out of his mouth, wrapping his body in an instant.

"Shoutiangou is going to become like that, it's going to be serious this time."

It wasn't the first time Ji Yang saw Xiaotiangou. When he was dealing with Two-faced Buddha, Xiaotiangou had turned into a terrifying form.

Seeing the Xiaotian dog at this moment, Ji Yang knew what it was going to do.

"I'm here to help too, the size of Ruyi will become bigger, and the dragon chant swordsmanship!"

Ji Yang, who knew exactly what Xiaotiangou was going to do, didn't bother about Xiaotiangou.

Since they shot together, Nezha and Erlangshen both rushed out, and if they didn't follow up, it would be impossible to continue watching the show.

Ji Yang's strength is limited, he is no better than Nezha and Erlang Shen, so even if he wanted to help, he didn't choose to fight in close quarters, which would become a drag.

He just held the Xuanyuan Sword and Heimang Sword in his hands, his body became six or seven meters high, and he swung the sword with both hands. Two golden dragons flew out to assist Nezha and Erlang God from a long distance.


Tianzhao looked at Nezha and Erlangshen who rushed forward at the same time, and then glanced at Ji Yang who was attacking from a distance, his face became a little dignified.

The Yata mirror in his hand changed its shape with a word change, and turned into a golden sword.

With a long sword in one hand and a big knife in the other, he waved the sword, first splitting the two flying golden dragons, and then directly facing Nezha and Erlang God.

"Ding ding ding!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Amaterasu used his own strength to fight against the two powerful generals of the Huaxia family. The moment they fought, the world changed color.

The sound of weapons colliding, the air roaring and spreading, no one dared to approach the position where the three of them were fighting. Even Ji Yang had to hide tens of meters away, occasionally swinging two swords to wait for an opportunity.

As for Xiao Tiangou, he was still wrapped in black air at this time, and had not yet turned into his original form...

(End of this chapter)

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