The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2784 It's time to break the rules of the three realms

Chapter 2784 It's Time To Break The Law Of The Three Realms

"Hey, happy to be a father, hehe..."

Back in China, after learning that Huang Xiaoxin was pregnant, Ji Yang temporarily forgot about the activation of the law of the Three Realms.

The opening of the Law of the Three Realms is a big deal, but we have waited for thousands of years, and we are not afraid to wait a few more days.

So it's better to take good care of Huang Xiaoxin first, and ensure her well-being first.

At this time, Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoxin were alone in the room. Ji Yang held Huang Xiaoxin in his arms and stared at Huang Xiaoxin's stomach with a smirk on his face. This kind of silly feeling has been maintained since seeing Huang Xiaoxin until now.

But no one laughed at him. After all, being pregnant and becoming a father is a happy event. It would be abnormal if Ji Yang had an indifferent attitude.

As for Huang Xiaoxin, she became everyone's key protection target.

It can be said that except for going to the toilet, she is under 24-hour supervision for fear of any accidents, which makes Huang Xiaoxin feel a little helpless.

But who told Ji Yang that there are many women, and she works hard on weekdays. It took a few years before she became pregnant for the first time. Of course, she has to be taken care of, so she won't lose her temper or anything.

Huang Xiaoxin herself is also very careful, this is the crystallization of her love with Ji Yang, a testimony of their love, and also Ji Yang's first child, she does not allow any accidents.

After knowing that she was pregnant, the matter of Xinyang Trading Company was directly handed over to others. There is only one task for her now, and that is to raise the baby with peace of mind.

"Ji Yang, what are you doing?"

"Hey, let me talk to my son."

"Go and go, you know son, daughter can't do it? Patriarchal patriarchy is a bad idea, besides, it's only been two months, how can I talk to you. "

Seeing Ji Yang laying on her stomach with a smirk on her face, stroking her stomach lightly, and talking nonsense to her stomach, Huang Xiaoxin said something a little funny.

Ji Yang, who was said, smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

"It's okay, I can do it with my son or daughter, they are all my children, and I love them all the same."

No matter how capable Ji Yang is, whether he is a human, a ghost or a fairy, he is just an ordinary person who knows that he wants to be a father.

He has always hoped to have children, not only because of his parents' urging, but also because of his explanation of his life.

When he learned that Huang Xiaoxin was pregnant, he also had an additional bond and responsibility. In his heart, he also began to plan one thing, that is, how to give an explanation to all his women.

"Xiaoxin, I won't let you be wronged, trust me."

"After I activate the law of the Three Realms, I will hold a grand wedding that will cause a sensation in the Three Realms, and marry you and Mei'er."

Pregnancy out of wedlock is very common nowadays.

Marriage with a child is also a very common situation now.

Huang Xiaoxin was pregnant before marriage, and Ji Yang already felt that he was ashamed of her. Similarly, he also felt that he was ashamed of Dongfang Mei's daughters. He must give a perfect explanation to all his women.

He will not let his women become unwed mothers, he will give his women and his children a complete family.

As for the rule of monogamy, it was set for ordinary people, not him. Ji Yang would not wrong any woman.


There is no woman who does not want a real home, Huang Xiaoxin thinks, Qi Wei thinks, Mu Hong thinks, Dongfang Mei and the girls all want to.

But they never told Ji Yang that you must marry me and give me a family. They just silently stayed by Ji Yang's side, quietly being good women.

But if you don't say it, it doesn't mean you don't want to hear what Ji Yang said.

Now that Ji Yang said it, Huang Xiaoxin's eyes instantly turned red, and tears slid down her delicate cheeks like broken beads.

These were tears of excitement. If Ji Yang promised to marry her, it would make her happier than knowing that she was pregnant.

She didn't even know what to say to express her feelings, and she couldn't say the kind of nonsense "who promised to marry you" kind of nonsense, a simple um said it all.

"Silly girl, don't cry, you are still pregnant, crying is not good for the baby."

Holding Huang Xiaoxin in his arms, he spoke softly, but his eyes were extremely firm.

His promise to Huang Xiaoxin is also a promise to all women, and he will not break his promise.

Now that the top ten artifacts have been assembled, let's activate the law of the three realms as soon as possible, and fulfill my promise to Huang Xiaoxin and all the women.

Huang Xiaoxin is pregnant, so Ji Yang will naturally take care of her more, but he will not neglect Dongfang Mei's daughters.

So he and Huang Xiaoxin stayed alone in the room for a short time, and the girls all entered the room.

Looking at the girls in the room, Ji Yang also personally told the girls what he had said to Huang Xiaoxin before, and then there were voices of people weeping with joy in the room.

In their hearts, they all look forward to the day when Ji Yang can marry them. Maybe he won't be recognized by the law, but at least it will give them comfort and a title...

As night fell and the girls fell asleep peacefully, Ji Yang quietly walked out of the bedroom alone.

Huang Xiaoxin's condition is very stable, and the fetus is also very stable. It's time for Ji Yang to start unlocking the law of the Three Realms.

Demon King Peng, Demon King Jiao and others, as well as Cain and Mu Tu, left after Ji Yang returned to Linhai to congratulate Ji Yangxi on becoming a father.

Those who should go back to the Feipeng Gang go back to the Feipeng Gang, those who should go back to YN go back to YN, and those who should go back to the United States go back to the United States. Anyway, they each returned to their own land.

"Pangu Axe, Donghuang Bell, Xuanyuan Sword, Nuwa Stone, Shennong Ding, Demon Refining Pot, Kunlun Mirror, Fuxiqin!"

When he came to the study, Ji Yang took out several artifacts from his body one by one and placed them in front of him.

For a moment, the entire study room, even Ji Yang's entire villa or the entire villa area, was filled with a powerful force that could not be expressed in words.

To activate the law of the three realms, one needs to gather all the ten ancient Chinese artifacts.

There are eight pieces in Ji Yang's hands, and the other two pieces, Kongtong Seal is in the hands of Taishang Laojun, and Haotian Pagoda is in the hands of King Tota.

It's just that the specific opening method is still unknown for the time being.

Ji Yang once chatted with someone who condensed the laws of the Three Realms, but he didn't know the person's appearance or identity.

The other party did not specifically tell him how to break the laws of the three realms, but only said that he would be fine with the top ten artifacts.

From this point of view, I still have to ask Heavenly Court.

Ji Yang believes that Tianting must know more than himself compared to his own knowledge of the method of breaking the laws of the Three Realms.

"Then ask Taishang Laojun, I just want the Kongtong seal in his hand."

Thinking of this in his heart, Ji Yang took out his mobile phone and prepared to send Taishang Laojun a WeChat message...

(End of this chapter)

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