The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2786 WeChat from Lucifer

Chapter 2786 WeChat from Lucifer
Ji Yang really wanted to raise his cultivation to the rank of first-rank immortal sooner, but since he couldn't contact Sun Wukong and didn't know the identity of the traitor for the time being, he couldn't do anything about it.

That being the case, it would be true to discuss with the Jade Emperor the matter of unlocking the laws of the Three Realms.

"Jade Emperor, the top ten artifacts can break the law of the three realms, as long as they are all put together? Or do we have to do something to use the power of the ten artifacts to break through?"

The Jade Emperor turned the topic to the law of breaking the three realms, and Ji Yang asked directly, which was what he wanted to know the most.

It would be much simpler if they were simply put together and the law of the three realms could be broken, but Ji Yang felt that it should not be that simple.

"Of course it's not simply put together. I will teach you a set of formations to fully release the power of the top ten artifacts."

Seeing Jade Emperor's words, Ji Yang was not surprised.

It's just a formation that exerts the power of the ten great artifacts, and it's not a difficult thing.

"This is simple, you can just teach me, then when will we start to form?"

If you think it's easy, don't waste your time.

Ji Yang said that he would hold a grand wedding with his women after the law of the Three Realms was opened.

Moreover, the current first-rank immortal job task cannot be accomplished by him alone. He must rely on the immortals of the Three Realms of China.

"The formation is indeed not difficult, but the formation of the top ten artifacts is not enough. What is really worrying now is the cooperation of the heavens and the underworld."

"This time you went to country R. Although you successfully recaptured the Pangu axe and returned all the top ten artifacts to China, you also injured many gods in the heaven and the underworld."

"So this matter can't be done right away. Laojun is already taking the time to make alchemy and help the immortals recover from their injuries. It will be a month at the latest, half a month at the earliest, before the law of the three realms can be broken."

I thought that only the top ten artifacts would be enough, even if the process would be a little more cumbersome, Ji Yang thought about it.

But he didn't expect that if he wanted to break the laws of the three realms, he would have to rely on the assistance of the Heavenly Court and the Underworld, which would be much more troublesome.

When he was in country R, ​​he called so many Chinese gods to help, many of them were characters who could rank high in the three realms of China.

That battle was not easy, not to mention death, almost everyone was injured.

"Well, I can do it at any time, as long as the Heavenly Court and the Underworld are ready, just let me know."

What else can Ji Yang say besides this.

Whether you are happy or unhappy, whether you have opinions or not, you have to face the situation at hand.

"I will. The main thing today is to say hello to you and prepare you."

"As for your promotion to the rank of Immortal, I will find a way to find out the identity of the traitor as soon as possible. I will inform you as soon as I have news."

Having said that, the conversation between Ji Yang and Jade Emperor came to an end.

The result of this conversation was not happy, because without knowing the identity of the traitor, the law of the Three Realms cannot be broken now.

But there is nothing to do about it, what Ji Yang can do now is to wait or wait.

Putting the phone away, Ji Yang returned to the bedroom again, seeing the girls sleeping soundly, he didn't bother him, just laying gently on the bed, without saying a word all night...

Because there was nothing to do for the time being, Ji Yang stayed with his wife and parents for the next two days.

For the past two days, he has lived very comfortably and easily.

"After a fierce battle in country R, ​​this relaxed life is really comfortable."

Sitting comfortably in the courtyard, several of Ji Yang's women sat around him talking and laughing, this kind of life put Ji Yang in a very good mood.

At this time, he didn't want to think about anything.

What the law of the three realms, what first-rank immortal post, all these are thrown into his mind, he just wants to enjoy this rare time of ease.

But some things don't happen if you don't want to.

With the arrival of a WeChat message, Ji Yang's two-day comfortable life came to an end.

"Ding dong!"

When the WeChat notification sounded, Ji Yang frowned slightly.

According to what the Jade Emperor said, for at least half a month, the gods of Huaxia Tianting Underworld will focus on healing their injuries, and they will not look for him.

At this time, who will send me a WeChat message?

Strange in his heart, Ji Yang took out his mobile phone and looked, it was really someone he didn't expect.

"Heaven has made some moves recently. Satan wants to start a war against heaven. I need your help. Your benefits will be indispensable afterwards."

It was Lucifer who sent him a WeChat message.

The content sent by Lucifer is very simple and straightforward, and it can be understood immediately.

"I just fought with the gods of Country R, ​​and now I'm going to face the Lord and Angels of the West?"

"It's a good thing to have more allies, but it's also a disturbing thing."

Looking at the content of WeChat, Ji Yang smiled bitterly.

Lucifer had helped him before, and he had promised Lucifer that if the other party needed it, he would help him.

Now that Purgatory and Heaven are about to unfold, both public and private Lucifer must participate, so it is not surprising that he is called Ji Yang.

And considering the grievances between himself and Tiantian, Ji Yang really couldn't refuse.

He has killed so many angels, and even the archangel, he has already forged a hatred with heaven, and now is a chance to do so.

To help Lucifer is to help yourself.

As long as Heaven is completely crushed this time, I won't be afraid of them coming to trouble me in the future.

Wanting to understand this, Ji Yang directly replied to Lucifer on WeChat.

"When will you do it, do you need me to bring a helper?"

To solve heaven, it is most appropriate to rely on purgatory.

But the overall strength of Heaven and Purgatory is equal to each other, and it is not so easy for anyone to kill the other.

And this time the war started, Ji Yang certainly hoped to defeat Heaven in one fell swoop.

If you just go to help by yourself, the effect you can play is very limited, so it is necessary to bring a helper.

As for why he asked Lucifer, he naturally had his own plans.

Because as long as Lucifer asks him to bring help, the benefits afterwards will not be calculated by himself alone.

"Of course, the more helpers the better, Satan has already promised, as long as he can defeat Heaven, he will not lose your benefits."

"In terms of time, it's the day after tomorrow."

Lucifer is also a smart person, so he didn't need Ji Yang to say anything, he just said what Ji Yang wanted to hear.

Since Lucifer is so knowledgeable, Ji Yang sighed with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I will take people to the west and arrive before the war."

The other party is straightforward, and Ji Yang will not be dragging his feet.

After giving the other party's answer, Ji Yang put away his phone and looked apologetically at the girls who were still chatting and laughing.

"I can't accompany you guys anymore. I don't seek trouble, but trouble finds me on my own initiative."

Smiling wryly at the girls, Ji Yang took out his phone again and made a call...

(End of this chapter)

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