The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2791 Hell's Response

Chapter 2791 Hell's Response

"Okay, don't say any more, that's about it, we are all friends, don't go too far."

Everyone chatted endlessly, just like arguing.

Ji Yang really suspected that if the quarrel continued, the people on his side did not fight with Lucifer, and his own people would fight first.

When Ji Yang got a little dizzy, and saw Lucifer's increasingly ugly face, he rubbed his ears, and hurriedly stopped everyone from continuing.

Let them go on talking, it is estimated that the whole west will belong to Ji Yang.

After being stopped by Ji Yang's exit, everyone obviously still looked dissatisfied, but they didn't continue talking. They just looked at Lucifer one by one, waiting for him to express his opinion.

The table that everyone sat around was made of refined iron and was very tough.

Even people like Ji Yang and Lucifer can't be destroyed casually.

After all, the people who come here to discuss things are all the top leaders of the Dark Night Alliance. If the table is easy to destroy, you have to change it every time you have a meeting.

Money can't be wasted like that, can it?

But it is such a tough fine iron table, where Lucifer's hand is placed, there are a few clear fingerprints, which are pinched by Lucifer.

It takes a lot of strength to be able to leave these fingerprints on the table. As for why he did this, everyone knows it well, but they don't see it.

"Lucifer, you have heard everyone's thoughts, what do you think?"

Fingerprints can be treated as invisible, but you have to ask.

Ji Yang raised his eyebrows at Lucifer, and looked at him with a sincere expression.

Ji Yang's innocent eyes seemed to be telling Lucifer that I am already a buddy enough to help you stop everyone, otherwise their next request will be even more excessive.


Under Ji Yang's gaze, Lucifer did not speak immediately, but took a deep breath first.

He didn't relax himself, but vented the sullenness in his heart first, so that he wouldn't be able to suppress his anger later, and said something that shouldn't be said.

"Although I have a noble status in hell, the real lord of hell is Satan. I can pass on your request to Satan. As for whether he agrees, and what kind of reward he will promise you afterward, that's up to him."

Lucifer's words were not excuses, nor were they intended to deceive Ji Yang and others, but facts.

As the leader of the family of fallen angels, Lucifer's status in hell is indeed noble. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is under one person and among ten thousand people.

But since there is a Satan on his head, then he is not the master of hell.

"Okay, there is still time until tomorrow, I will wait for your reply."

Ji Yang knew Lucifer's status in hell, so he didn't force him to give a reply at this time, and even other people wanted to speak, but he waved his hand to stop him.

There are already enough embarrassing Lucifer this year, there is no need to really force Lucifer to explode completely.

The time that should be given to the other party should be given to him.

"I will try to give you an answer before the war starts, so I'm leaving now."

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Lucifer stood up and walked towards the door without looking back.

Ji Yang and the others got up immediately to see Lucifer off.

After watching Lucifer and several fallen angels disappear at the same time, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Ji Yang's mouth, and then gave a thumbs up to King Peng, the general and others.

It looks like you guys are doing a good job and interesting enough.

When everyone saw Ji Yang's actions, they laughed without saying a word. There is no need to deliberately explain some things, it is enough for everyone to know.

There are many things that Ji Yang doesn't say, and he has been with Ji Yang for a long time, don't you know some of his little thoughts?

Although there was no explanation and no rehearsal for the previous matter, they have already done what they should fight for Ji Yang and what they can do...

"What? They actually made such a request, they are even more greedy and greedy than us demons!"

In Abyss Purgatory, on a high platform built entirely of white bones, a huge demon with a figure as tall as a mountain sat on a bone chair on it, with a bit of unconcealable anger in his eyes, he shouted angrily.

There is a pair of huge red wings on the back of this demon, and the two horns on its head are exaggeratedly curved, and it exudes a rather evil aura.

There were several people standing under the high platform, and Lucifer was among them.

"Yes, that's what they said."

"Satan, they want me to tell them the result before starting the war, what are you going to do."

Lucifer looked at the angry demon. This demon was none other than Satan, the Lord of Hell.

"My lord, their demands are too much. They even asked us to give them half of heaven. Who do they think they are? Without them, wouldn't we be able to deal with those guys in heaven?"

Dan Gul, the leader of the death knights, rode on a bone dragon, shouting in a hoarse and arrogant voice.

"That's right, except for the remaining five archangels and God, the other angels are nothing to worry about. Even without helpers, we can level the heavens."

Kersu, the leader of the necromancer, also looked disdainful, shaking a bone staff in his hand.

"Lucifer, you don't want to return to heaven by yourself, so you deliberately join forces with those people to gain control of heaven from the monarch?"

The banshee king Xinas twisted her seductive body, looked at Lucifer with a strange smile, and said in a soft and playful voice.

These people present, except for Satan and Lucifer, are the leaders of the major forces in hell.

Originally, when Lucifer and Satan reported the matter of looking for Ji Yang, after hearing the request from Ji Yang and others, everyone just put forward their own objections to the request.

But now Xinas brought the topic to Lucifer, and everyone stared at Lucifer with a little chill.

Lucifer is a fallen angel, the most powerful Archangel ever.

Although he belongs to hell now, everyone knows that he has always wanted to return to heaven.

So it is not impossible for him to take this opportunity to do something.

"Xinas, you are courting death!"

A cold light flashed in Lucifer's eyes, and eight pairs of black wings spread out behind him, flapping the wings, and he arrived in front of Cynas in an instant.

The seemingly slender right hand grabbed Xinas' neck.

In a place like hell, strength is the most important thing.

The rules here are for the weak, so don't say what occasions you should do it and when you can't do it.

As long as you feel unhappy, you can attack anyone. As for who will live and who will die after the attack, that is a matter of strength.

"Lucifer, don't think I'm afraid of you!"


Lucifer made a sudden move, and Xinas looked a little panicked.

Although she is the Queen of Banshees, she cannot compare with Lucifer in terms of strength.

But at this moment, she couldn't admit that she was cowardly, and it was impossible for her to just wait for death.

She didn't open her mouth the least, and let out a sharp whistle, and a sound wave directly blasted towards Lucifer...

(End of this chapter)

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