The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2793 Decision From Hell

Chapter 2793 Decision From Hell

"Lucifer, is what you said true? Those helpers you mentioned are actually comparable to them?"

It is Satan's greatest wish to defeat heaven and occupy heaven.

But Heaven's overall combat power is only stronger than Hell's.

Even if two archangels are dead, if they want to rely on all the fighting power of hell to fight against heaven, the winning rate is not 100%, and even if they win in the end, it will be a tragic victory.

But if there are more helpers who can rival the level of the leader of hell, it will be different.

Satan is confident that if he has such a group of helpers, he will definitely be able to defeat Heaven in one fell swoop if he uses all the power of hell this time.

"In this battle, I will bring all the fallen angels to participate. I don't care about your life or death, but also my subordinates."

"Do you think I'm going to joke with you about this?"

Lucifer looked at Satan and said calmly.

He brought all the fallen angels from heaven, and he didn't let his subordinates die for no reason.

Listening to Lucifer's words, Satan already believed that Lucifer did not lie to himself.

Other people at the leader level of hell were also extremely shocked at this time, and their hearts began to get excited.

Destroy heaven, occupy heaven, and all creatures in the abyss of hell will live freely in the future.

"Those people are not only able to compete with them, but there are many who can compete with you and me."

Just when everyone was excited, Lucifer dropped a blockbuster again.

His words shocked everyone who was already excited.

The strongest beings in hell are Satan and Lucifer. If there are helpers who can compete with them, it is a certainty that they want to defeat heaven, and there will be no more accidents.

"Such a group of helpers, we must let them join."

"But their request is really too high. Give them heaven, is that different from now? This request is really too high."

A powerful helper, Satan is unwilling to let go.

It's just that according to what Lucifer said, Ji Yang's party actually wants to manage the entire heaven, which Satan is unwilling to agree to.

The real purpose of defeating Heaven is not to control Heaven, but not just to defeat the Lord and the angels.

Afterwards, the heaven was handed over to Ji Yang and others. How did the hell creature change from the current life?
"My lord, it is absolutely impossible to give them all of heaven, but if they don't give them absolute benefits, these helpers may not help us, so we must negotiate a way that both of us can receive rewards."

Kersu, the leader of the necromancers, narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly.

Compared with other leaders in hell, Kersu's brain is still quite enough.

Ji Yang’s helpers are necessary, but the benefits cannot be given according to the other party’s requirements, so it is necessary to discuss a decision that is big enough and will not threaten the interests of hell.

"Kersu is right, so let's all share your thoughts."

Upon hearing this, Satan nodded seriously.

Although he is the ruler of hell, the final decision is in his hands.

But the composition of Abyss Purgatory is not only the demon family, but also other races.

Therefore, when making a proposal, it is still necessary for everyone to discuss it.

After hearing everyone's ideas, Satan can compromise a good suggestion.

"How about dividing the heaven into two, one half for one person?"

"No, although the helpers are strong, they are just assistants. How can we share the heaven with us? I don't agree. One-third, at most, one-third."

"One third, we can accept this, but I'm afraid they won't agree..."

The eager talk began after Satan's voice fell.

During this period, neither Satan nor Lucifer gave any opinions, and the two of them completely regarded themselves as the audience.

How long did it take to talk about it, and no one tried to calculate the time.

After everyone expressed their thoughts, Satan looked at Lucifer.

"Lucifer, tell me what you think. You have had the most contact with those people. I think after listening to everyone's opinions, you should have an idea in your heart, right?"

After all, Satan and the others did not understand Ji Yang and the others.

Only Lucifer, who has been in contact with Ji Yang, knows Ji Yang and others better.

And he also knows the leaders of all the tribes in the abyss and purgatory.

At this time, it is indeed the most appropriate for him to come up with a suitable remuneration.

"Then I'll tell you what I think."

"According to my contact with those people, I think they want to have their own territory in the west, that's for sure, but heaven, we absolutely can't give them all."

"I think we can hand over a quarter of heaven to them to rule, and then hand over all of the world to them."

"In addition, I once promised Ji Yang that after the battle with Heaven, I would give him an army of angels. I think these benefits will be given to them, and they will agree."

After Lucifer expressed his thoughts, he looked at Satan.

The final decision is still in the hands of Satan.

In fact, Lucifer originally wanted to say that the world should only be handed over to Ji Yang's people to rule, but in the end he still felt that they should be given a small piece of heaven.

This small area of ​​heaven is mainly used for the residence of Ji Yang's Angel Legion.

"what do y'all think?"

Satan frowned tightly and did not give an answer right away.

He would do this, but in fact he still didn't want to.

The Three Realms of the West, Heaven, Hell, and Human World.

Satan is not willing to hand over all of a human world to others, let alone a quarter of heaven.

Confused in his heart, but he didn't want to lose such a group of helpers, so he could only ask other people again in the end.

"My lord, I agree with Lucifer's suggestion."

When everyone heard the words, there was silence at first, and no one spoke.

In the end, it was Kersu who spoke first.

As the most intelligent of the hell's chiefs, he first agreed to Lucifer's suggestion, and the rest of the people who were still struggling, followed suit and agreed.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Satan finally nodded.

"Lucifer, then according to what you said, a quarter of heaven, the whole world, plus a 5000-member angel army as reward."

"If they still refuse to agree like this, then forget it."

Such a reward is already the limit that Satan can give.

It is said that the creatures in the abyss and purgatory are greedy and cruel, and he thinks that Ji Yang and others are more greedy.

Although it was only a quarter of heaven and earth, and in the end, the abyssal purgatory creatures occupied more of West Wind's territory, but no matter how you think about it, it still feels unpleasant.

"I'll send Ji Yang a message right now."

With Satan's decision, Lucifer did not continue to waste time.

He sent a WeChat message to Ji Yang, telling him about the hell's decision.

A few seconds later, Ji Yang replied to him on WeChat with the four words "Go all out"...

(End of this chapter)

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