The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2803 Unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shadows

Chapter 2803 Unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shadows
"Master Archangel, you really are a group of powerful blasphemers!"

"Such a strong fighting force, surrounded by so many angels, there is no feeling of pressure at all."

"It's really strong. Many of these people are not weaker than us, or even stronger than us..."

Chi You and the others scrambled to be the first to fight Remiller, but there were too many angels around them, and it was not so easy to break out of the encirclement of many angels.

But at this time, Remiele and a group of seraphim had already approached them actively.

When Lei Miller's side really saw the fighting power of Ji Yang's side, everyone's expressions were very solemn.

It's not like they haven't encountered powerful opponents before. After all, they are all angels guarding the gates of hell, and they have fought against the creatures of the abyss and purgatory.

But after seeing the fighting power of Ji Yang and others, they were still slightly surprised by the fighting power displayed by Ji Yang and others.

With such a strong combat power, even in the abyss and purgatory, they are all existences that can be called names.

"Are you afraid before you fight?"

"Don't forget, we are noble angels, representatives of light."

"They are just blasphemers who belong to the same category as Satan and those guys. They are evil existences. Darkness cannot defeat light. Although they are powerful, we are not weak. No matter how difficult they are, today they have to accept Punishment from the Light."

Remiler listened to the words of the surrounding angels, and shouted with a serious face.

In fact, he himself was not at peace, because the fighting power displayed by Ji Yang and others was indeed very strong.

Especially when Cain, Peng Demon King and others are struggling to break through and want to scramble to snatch Remiller.

But as the archangel here, as the commander of all the angels on the scene, Remiller must not show the slightest fear.

He wants to encourage all the angels to fight, otherwise it will be very bad if they feel fear in their hearts and move their hands before the battle begins.

"Darkness can never defeat light, and blasphemers must be punished."

Ray Miller's encouragement is effective.

Hearing his words, the angels, who were still a little scared in their hearts, shouted in unison.

These words represent their beliefs, and they are also cheering for themselves.

"Accept the judgment from the light, kill..."

In an instant, he felt the aura of all the seraphs around him increase, and Remiller was also affected.

Fighting spirit was ignited in his heart, and he looked at Chi You and the others with arrogant eyes, pointed the long sword in his hand, and the speed of movement accelerated, Lei Mule continued to charge towards Chi You and the others with a group of seraphs.


Remiele and a group of angels rushed over, and the angels who had been surrounding Ji Yang and the others took the initiative to make way for them to pass.

Remiele rushed to the forefront, passing through a crowd of angels, the long sword in his hand was raised with golden light shining, and several golden lights shot at the two members of the Dark Night Alliance.


Of these two members of the Night Alliance, one is the blood prince and the other is the wolf king.

In the Dark Night Alliance, there are absolute masters.

Facing the four-winged angels and two-winged angels, they all have good fighting power, even the seraphs can contend.

But in front of Remiller, blood princes and wolf kings are really not enough.

Especially after he cast the sacred spell that was specially designed to deal with dark creatures, as the light shone, the Blood Prince and the Wolf King screamed, and bursts of black air rose from their bodies. The whole body seemed to be corroded, and it turned into two in an instant. Pus and blood.

As an archangel, I used holy spells, but it turned out to be even more terrifying by dark spells.

"Ah ah ah..."

Following the death of the two blood princes and the wolf king, there were several more screams.

This is the seraph who followed and killed several members of the Night Alliance.

From the fight to the present, Ji Yang's side began to suffer casualties.

"Damn birdman, I will make you pay for your life."


The few who died were all members of the Night Alliance, and they were all absolute masters.

This caused Cain and Mutu a burst of heartache, and their eyes were red like blood.

Cain yelled angrily, and Mutu let out a wolf howl.

Originally, they also wanted to target Remiller, but at this time, they gave up.

Whether it is strong or not, the angels in front of them deserve to die, and the two of them knew each other, so they rushed towards the seraph who killed the members of the Dark Night Alliance.

"Leave these difficult ones to us, and you continue to attack other angels."


Whether it is Remiller or the seraph who came with Remiller, it is obviously more difficult to deal with than the previous angels.

If Ji Yang guessed correctly, these should belong to the elite among the angels guarding the gate of hell.

The members of the Dark Night Alliance and some subordinates brought from China would inevitably suffer casualties. Ji Yang would not let his own people die, so he decisively issued an order.

After receiving Ji Yang's order, those who were self-aware began to retreat, not to contact Lei Miller and the seraphim he brought.

But Chi You, Peng Demon King and others took the initiative to meet them.

It is true that everyone wants to fight Remiller, but they also know that these seraphs cannot stay, so while trying to get close to Remiller, everyone also started to fight these seraphs.

"Yes, these are still a little bit capable, but they are just a little bit stronger."

"Birdman is still birdman, whether he is strong or not, he must die in the end, go die!"

"Where do you want to go? And you, come here..."

Compared with the angels we dealt with just now, these seraphs are much more interesting when they fight.

The so-called interesting, is a little difficult to deal with.

As long as you can make yourself play well, the rest is not important.

Chi You and the others finally began to feel some enjoyment.

"You are the leader of these people, then I will kill you first!"

Remiller, who was originally the number one target, no one attacked him now.

No one took the initiative to attack him, so Remiller started looking for someone to attack.

When he saw that Ji Yang pierced through the body of a seraphim with Xuanyuan sword in one hand and black light sword in the other, he narrowed his eyes and rushed over directly.

After Ji Yang yelled just now, the others responded according to his words, and he already believed that Ji Yang was the leader.

His feeling is not wrong, Ji Yang is not the strongest, but everyone really listens to him.

"Light falls!"



Just as Ji Yang killed a seraph, he saw a beam of light falling from the sky and hitting him.

Swinging the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand quickly, a sword shadow flew out and hit the golden light, causing golden ripples.

"Inadvertently inserting willows and willows into shade!"

The beam of light broke open, and Ji Yang saw Remiller rushing towards him.

Everyone wanted to fight him, but Ji Yang didn't fight at all.

Now Lei Miller took the initiative to look for him, isn't this an unintentional intervention and what is it...

(End of this chapter)

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