The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2814 5 merits are not in vain

Chapter 2814 500 merits are not in vain
After fighting ordinary angels for a long time, Chi You didn't even meet an archangel, and even if the other angels were seraphs, they couldn't beat him with two moves.

Fighting like a harvester harvesting straw is not suitable for Chi You. Although it is fun to abuse vegetables, it is not what he wants now.

Now if he doesn't meet him, it's fine. Once he meets him, he will be the strongest man in heaven, the ruler of heaven, Lord. This is really enjoyable.

One attack was ineffective, but was knocked back by the opponent's broken thunder shield, which just showed that the master's strength was strong enough.

"Come again, come again, come again..."

Chi You waved the Chi You battle ax in his hand, screaming and attacking frantically.

Chi You's battle ax opened and closed, each stroke was full of force.

He showed his fierce side, and the Lord seemed to respond casually.

Lightly waved the staff in his hand, and thunder and lightning shot out from it, blocking Chi You's attacks one by one.

Judging from the current situation, in Chi You's current state, it may be very difficult to defeat the Lord.

But it is also impossible for the Lord to deal with Chi You easily.

Although the Lord looks relaxed on the surface, he can't be distracted by other places now. Naturally, he can't see the battle situation in the two battle circles of Sariel and Gabriel...

Gabriel's situation, although not occupying the upper peak at this time, is still stable on the whole, at least it has not fallen to the obvious lower peak.

The three of Peng Mowang are against one of Gabriel, and it is impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

But in another place, Sariel, the situation is not so optimistic.

His situation is getting worse and worse, and he is almost at the point of being completely suppressed and beaten.

"It's pretty strong, let's see how long you can last!"

Among the three of Ji Yang, Ji Yang is actually the weakest one.

But he saw the situation most clearly. He had already seen that Sariel's situation at this time was not as good as before.

The beginning of passive beating is the beginning of failure.

With the current state of Sariel, she couldn't last long at all.

In the beginning, Sariel was only injured on one wing. Although the impact was there, it was not that great.

But after he started to heal the wings with great vigor, instead of making the injury better, it became more and more serious, because as his combat power weakened, Ji Yang and the three attacked more fiercely, and there were many more wounds on his body.

What is this called, this is not worth the candle.

If the treatment fails, the injury will get worse and worse. This is the same reason as if you fail to be strong, you will be sunk.

"Don't deceive others and underestimate me!"

Ji Yang spoke in American Mandarin, which Sally could understand.

His own situation is very bad, but Sariel will not admit defeat at this point.

Today's battle is a fierce battle between heaven and hell. All the forces in heaven are almost pouring out, and even the Lord is involved.

In this battle, an unknown number of angels died, and Remiler also died in battle.

But no matter who died in the battle, there was no situation of admitting defeat, how could he be the first.

He wants to fight, he wants to fight to the end, he can die in battle, but he must not admit defeat.

Thinking this way in his heart, Sariel no longer wasted energy to treat his injury. After healed for so long, the injury didn't get better but got worse, so why waste energy.

It's just that it's a little late for him to wake up.

It would have been fine if he hadn't healed the broken wing in the first place, but now he's planning not to heal it, since his body has already suffered a lot of injuries, can he save the defeat if he doesn't heal it?
Don't waste energy on healing, Sariel's combat power has indeed soared a lot when he is fully facing the enemy.

But he wanted to turn the decline into an advantage and turn the tide of the battle, but it was impossible. After all, what he was facing now was not ordinary abyssal creatures, but Ji Yang, the Lion Camel King, and the Macaque King.

The three of Ji Yang are not only rich in actual combat experience, but also very strong.

"Damn, damn, damn..."

Putting all his air into the battle, but still unable to change the situation of the battle, Sariel was very angry and annoyed.

At this time, he really began to regret and realized his mistake, but it was obviously too late.

His angry scolding sounds useless, it can only be regarded as a joke.

"If you can't hold on, then don't hold on, Xuanyuan Sword Art!"

Sariel, who was a little impatient, messed up his attacks.

Seeing the opportunity, Ji Yang cast Xuanyuan Sword Art, and the golden sword energy was released, instantly forcing Sariye back, while leaving several deep scars on his body.

"Good retreat!"



Sariye retreated, and retreated to the direction where the lion camel king was.

The Lion Camel King's eyes widened, and the Bailian Burning Heart Knife swung out, slashing directly at Sariye's back, cutting off his two wings at the same root.

Wings are the source of angels' strength, and if they are broken off, their combat effectiveness will be affected. If they are chopped off by Qi Gen, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Unspeakable pain spread all over his body, and Sariel let out a miserable cry. The whole person looked miserable, and his breath dropped sharply.


The attacks of Ji Yang and the Lion Camel King had already worked, how could the Macaque King not show it.

The body quickly moved close to the screaming Sariye, swept the Fenghuo Ruyi pestle in his hand, and hit Sariye directly in the chest.

Sariye felt severe pain in his chest. He did not know how many sternums were broken, and his internal organs were also injured. With a puff, he spat out a mouthful of golden blood. His body was like a kite with a broken string, facing the ground. fall.


"Archangel Sariel..."

Sariel's screams attracted the attention of the Lord and Gabriel, as well as the attention of nearby angels.

Seeing Sariel's body fall to the ground with their own eyes, everyone exclaimed with complicated emotions.

But they can only yell, but they can't help Sariel if they want to, because they all have opponents that they haven't gotten rid of yet.

"I, Sally, will not fail like this."

"Even if it is death, I will pull you together, and my soul will devour my heart!"

Sariye fell to the ground, looking fiercely at Ji Yang and the three in the air.

The long gray sword in his hand actually pierced towards his heart.

Even if he is an archangel, if he is pierced in the center by this sword, he will die.

Of course he would not commit suicide for no reason, he was releasing a force in his body, a force that belonged to him alone.

Over the years, Sariel has spared countless souls from punishment, but also devoured some souls. What he releases now is the souls devoured by him.

Tens of thousands of souls floated out from the wound in his heart, rushing toward Ji Yang and the others howling.

With the appearance of these souls, a confident smile appeared on the corner of Sariye's mouth. He thought that he could kill Ji Yang and the others by doing so.

But this feeling only lasted for a short time, and then saw many soul bodies appear in front of Ji Yang and the three of them, meeting the souls released by him, and the souls of the other party were actually stronger than their own.

"Fight ghosts with me, you are too young!"

Ji Yang swooped down, rushed towards Sariye, and said softly at the same time.

It is not in vain that he spent 500 million merits. Two thousand Yin soldiers and ten thousand evil ghosts came in handy at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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