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Chapter 2834 came before the Lord

Chapter 2834 came before the Lord
"You two ignorant fellows must die...Shengyao Thunderclap!"

The attitudes of Ji Yang and Chi You let the Lord know that he will definitely not be able to win them over.

Two people who are valued by him but cannot be used by him are the biggest threat.

Regardless of the immediate situation or the consideration of the future, both Chi You and Ji Yang must die today, and he cannot be given any chance to live.

Either a friend or an enemy, the more you value the enemy, the more you must kill it.

The Lord realized this, and he stopped forcing Ji Yang and Chi You, and unleashed a more powerful lightning attack.

The thunder and lightning this time is something that Ji Yang and Chi You, even all angels and abyssal purgatory creatures, have never seen before.

The thunder and lightning of the holy medicine Thunderbolt doesn't look thick, even a little small, and the range is not wide, it is only within the battle circle between the Lord, Chi You and Ji Yang.

The color of the thunder and lightning is golden, as bright and golden as the rays of the sun. The golden thunder and lightning descended from the sky with a clear target, namely Ji Yang and Chi You.

Several bolts of thunder and lightning fell from the sky, striking towards Ji Yang and Chi You's positions impartially.


The thunder and lightning that fell first struck Ji Yang's guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The guard of the Eastern Emperor Bell trembled violently at the moment it was struck, sending out energy ripples in circles.

This time, it seems that the power is very strong, but the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell seems to be nothing for the time being.

But as the second thunder and lightning fell on the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell, Ji Yang's face changed instantly.


There was a crisp cracking sound, and tiny cracks appeared on the surface of the Donghuang Bell.

Ji Yang is very clear about how strong the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell is, but it was only two consecutive lightning strikes that split the guardian apart. The thunder and lightning power of the Holy Glory Thunderbolt is stronger than Ji Yang expected.

"It's such a strong thunder and lightning, Chi You should not be struck by these lightning and lightning, don't resist stubbornly, hide, hide!"

Although Chi You was physically strong, he was protected by a demon god.

But in terms of defense, it is definitely not as good as the protection of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Ji Yang had to remind Chi You to prevent Chi You's strong temper from being relieved, and to forcefully catch these golden lightnings.

"okay, I get it!"

Chi You really wanted to face these thunder and lightning head-on, but under Ji Yang's reminder, he still held back.

He believed that Ji Yang would not remind himself of this for no reason, and his voice was full of anxiety and solemnity.

"Boom boom boom!"

Chi You is still able to dodge instead of resisting. Although the thunder and lightning fall fast, he also dodges very quickly.

Several bolts of lightning fell, but none of them hit him.

The same is true on Ji Yang's side, while maintaining the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell's protection, while dodging the falling golden thunder and lightning.

Two bolts of lightning created cracks, and a few more lightning bolts would completely break it. Can he not hide?

But whether it's Ji Yang or Chi You, in the process of dodging, they also have to deal with the attack from the Thunder Beast, which is also very influential, otherwise they will be able to dodge more easily.

"Strong Universe Hundred Shadows Fist... Dragon Chanting Sword Technique... Xuanyuan Sword Technique..."

Chi You's attacks are all very direct, that is head-to-head, no Thunder Beast can touch him anyway.

Ji Yang was more exhausted, waving the Xuanyuan Sword and Pangu Ax in his hands, performing various moves one after another.

"Hmph, I just escaped the first round, the second round has begun!"

When Ji Yang and Chi You dodged the lightning and attacked the Thunder Beast, they did not forget their purpose, which was to get closer to the Lord.

The Lord looked at Ji Yang and Chi You who had avoided a round of Shengyao Thunder, and released the second round of Shengyao Thunder again.

The number of lightning and the attack range this time were significantly higher than the previous round.

It took more effort for Ji Yang and Chi You to dodge than before, the focus was on the surrounding thunder beasts, they seemed to be affected by Shengyao's thunder and lightning, and became even more difficult to entangle.

"Chi You be careful!"

Ji Yang also has the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell, even if he can't avoid it, the Eastern Emperor Bell's guardian can help block it without directly hurting himself.

But Chi You is different, so when Ji Yang dodges, he will also pay attention to Chi You's situation.

When he saw a golden lightning falling from the sky, and Chi You seemed unable to avoid it, he hurriedly opened his mouth and exclaimed.


When Chi You heard this, he didn't dodge any more, he directly bit a thunder leopard and threw it into the air.

The golden lightning struck Lei Bao's body, and Lei Bao didn't know whether it was bitten by Chi You or struck by lightning, and it was instantly shattered.

The reason for the dissipation is not important, the point is that when it dissipated, it blocked the golden lightning that would have fallen on Chi You.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

"Such a good helper, but can't be used by me."

Seeing that his second round of Shengyao Thunder still did not achieve the desired effect, the master was disappointed and lost.

He still wanted to take the two of them for his own use, but unfortunately this was impossible.

The sacred aura gushing out of the body became stronger, and Shengyao Thunderbolt's attack also started a new round. Shengyao Thunderbolt's attack was stronger than one round.

Both Ji Yang and Chi You had good reaction speeds, but they had to deal with the thunder beasts around them in addition to dealing with the thunder and lightning, which affected their dodge.

I don't know how many rounds Shengyao Thunder has attacked. Anyway, looking at the appearance of Ji Yang and Chi You, it is more and more difficult for them to dodge.

At this time, Ji Yang and Chi You were still about 500 meters away from the Lord.

This distance, under normal conditions, is an instant matter.

But the number of Thunder Beasts blocking the range of about 500 meters in front of us is nearly a hundred densely packed, one next to the other, and it is very difficult to rush over in an instant.

"Chi You, I will open the way for you, Earth Sha Pushing Mountain Palm!"

I approached the Lord step by step, and the whole process went smoothly for the time being.

It's been a few thousand meters, and there are about 500 meters left, so it's impossible to break through.

Disha pushed the palm of the mountain and cleared an open space of tens of meters in front of Chi You. After rushing through more than ten meters, he was intercepted by the Thunder Beast again.

Chi You didn't care about being intercepted, and directly attacked the Thunder Beast.

With the cooperation of Ji Yang and Chi You, soon Chi You was only 100 meters away from the Lord.

But with the cooperation of Chi You and Ji Yang, after Chi You rushed another 30 meters, a golden lightning fell, and Chi You couldn't dodge in time, and struck him.


When the lightning strikes, the protection of the demon god on Chi You's body is instantly shattered, and then another golden thunder strikes, directly hitting Chi You's body.

Literally catching the thunder and lightning, Chi You felt the power of the golden thunder and lightning.

His whole body was numb, the pain was unbearable, and he let out a miserable scream. Chi You breathed a sigh of relief, but his whole body seemed to be stimulated, and rushed forward madly, hitting all the Thunder Beasts in front of him. flew.

"Old guy, I want to return this pain to you a thousand times."

Chi You, who was hurting and rushing forward, suffered a lot, but because of this anger, he finally rushed in front of the Lord...

(End of this chapter)

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