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Chapter 2841 Ji Yang sits on the ground and raises the price

Chapter 2841 Ji Yang sits on the ground and raises the price
Without the leader, the angels couldn't move or move at this time, and each of them felt as if their hearts had been broken, which made them uncomfortable.

But what can they do now, none of the seven archangels are here, and the Lord has also been arrested, and is still screaming, what can they do?
Continue to fight, forget it, let alone the issue of quantity, how can everyone display their real combat effectiveness now.

All they can do now is to be surrounded and wait to be dealt with.

The creatures of the abyss, according to Satan's order, did not continue to attack the angels, but they were all staring at these angels, still as if they would strike at any time.

"Ji Yang, everyone has stopped now, tell me, what do you mean?"

After all, Satan and Ji Yang were not familiar, so he didn't speak, but still looked at Ji Yang with a bad expression.

Lucifer, who is almost equal to Satan, is about to speak at this time.

Although he was the first to stop the fallen angels from attacking just now, he also considered the interests of both parties.

But it doesn't mean that he agrees with what Ji Yang did just now.

So the way he looked at Ji Yang at this time was not very kind.

"Remember what you promised me earlier?"

Lucifer asked Ji Yang, but Ji Yang didn't answer, but instead asked a rhetorical question.

This question made Lucifer frown, not understanding what kind of medicine was sold in Ji Yang's gourd.

But he still nodded, and then said: "Of course, we promised before that as long as you can help us solve the heaven, then a quarter of the heaven, as well as the mortal world in the west, will be managed by you. "

Lucifer remembered the promise to Ji Yang very clearly.

There's nothing wrong with what he said, that's what he promised Ji Yang before.

"Yes, but that's not all, right? You also promised to give me a group of angels and let me form an angel army, right?"

"That's right, we promised to give you five thousand angels and let you form an angel army."

What Lucifer said just now is correct, but there is still one thing left out, but it is not something Lucifer deliberately forgot.

Rather, he believed that the management power given to Ji Yang was far more important than these angels, so he didn't say it directly.

But since Ji Yang raised it, he would not deny it.

"Very good, just remember."

"But what were you doing just now? You want to kill all these angels, so where do I get my angel army? Do you supply me with creatures from the abyss? To be honest, I still like these angels better, at least they look comfortable."

Ji Yang's words did not intentionally belittle the creatures of the abyss, nor did he mean to insult them, but the truth.

Not to mention the fighting power of the abyssal purgatory creatures, but in terms of appearance, they are indeed incomparable to angels.

A good appearance is very comfortable to look at after all. As for the appearance of the creature in the abyss and purgatory, forget it, it is more than enough to scare children to tears.

"In heaven, there are still angels staying behind. Even if I kill them, it won't affect what I promised you, but what you did just now was a bit too much."

Satan, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke at this time.

Seeing the helper I found with my own eyes and killing my subordinates, what kind of shit is this.

It wasn't Lucifer who stopped him, he must have rushed up to fight Ji Yang for [-] rounds just now.

"I ha ha..."

When Satan opened his mouth, Ji Yang said hehe very disrespectfully.

This answer made Satan's expression stiffen, and his chest heaved violently.

You huh, what a ghost, what do you mean at this time?
"The angels left behind in heaven? I know what they are? What if they are all angels with two wings?"

"A bunch of weak chickens, I'm not interested, I want to pick from these angels, and I want to pick half of them."

Ji Yang can clearly see how the angels are fighting today.

In today's battle, although the angels lost, their fighting power cannot be denied.

If it was reversed today, Ji Yang helped heaven, he can guarantee that the one who failed in the end would be the abyss and purgatory.

Compared with the abyss and purgatory, the angel's individual combat power is stronger.

They will be defeated. On the one hand, the people led by Ji Yang attacked all the archangels and the Lord first, and directly killed their heads.

This made them panic, without a commander, otherwise the price paid by Abyss and Purgatory today would definitely not be the little in front of them.

"What did you say? You want half an angel?"

"I only promised to give you five thousand at the time, but there are tens of thousands of angels here. I don't agree."

What does Ji Yang call this? It’s called sitting on the ground and raising the price. He will obviously agree to five thousand, but he intends to double it ten times at once.

Satan quit and directly vetoed it.

Hearing the other party's answer, Ji Yang seemed to have expected it, but he was not annoyed, just smiled lightly.

"Satan, let me ask you, if I hand over these angels to you, what do you plan to do with them?"

"Kill them all!"

Ji Yang asked Satan, but Satan didn't even think about it, and said directly.

At the very beginning, before the war started, Satan really had the idea of ​​leaving some angels for his own use.

After actually meeting the angels and starting the war, his thoughts changed. The hatred in his heart and the restraint of both attributes made him not allow it.

"Kill them all, I knew you would say that, which means they are useless to you."

"But they are useful to me. I will have a fierce battle to fight in the future. I need them as helpers. How about this? How about I trade this desert with you? This is the gate to the deep hell. I will exchange the desert here. Give you the control, I don’t want it? But I want all the angels, anyway, it’s useless for you to keep them.”

The entire western mortal world belongs to Ji Yang, it's just a desert, he doesn't care.

Moreover, the environment in this place is harsh, and there is not even a living thing at ordinary times, so it is useless to come here by yourself.

If you can exchange this place for tens of thousands of angels, you can make a lot of money by buying and selling.

"What did you say? Do you think I'm stupid if you want to exchange so many angels with such a broken desert?"

"I want you to give me half of the Western Mortal World, yes, half."

It is indeed a big profit to buy and sell, but it has to be approved by Satan.

Satan is obviously not stupid, he will not agree, even if he wants to change, it is not enough for a desert.

"Satan, you are more ruthless than me."

"Half of the western mortal world is replaced by these angels, thanks to your thinking."

"In this way, I will suffer a little more. With the desert as the center, the mortal world within [-] kilometers belongs to you. Your subordinates will come to the mortal world in the future. As long as they don't take the initiative to provoke or make trouble, how about I let them move freely?"

What is Ji Yang?The three circles of China are recognized as black.

Asking him to exchange half of the western mortal world for tens of thousands of angels, Ji Yang would never agree.

And the conditions he added at this time actually carried a bit of a threat.

The mortal world in the west is ruled by Ji Yang, that is what Ji Yang decides, whether the abyss purgatory creatures can come to the mortal world, and whether there will be accidents, is also what Ji Yang decides...

(End of this chapter)

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