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Chapter 2843 I will let them beg me

Chapter 2843 I will let them beg me

"We are good allies. Of course we will not fight each other at this time. I promised you that I have done it. I want to see how you subdue them. Don't you mind?"

They won't meet each other at this time, but that doesn't mean they won't in the future.

Half of what Satan said was left unsaid.

Eternal peaceful coexistence, no one will believe this kind of words. May I ask, in the whole world, is there any region or country that has never had friction or war, and has been peaceful for thousands of years?

It was impossible, so why bother to pretend.

As for Ji Yang saying that there is a way to make all the angels obey, Satan is really full of doubts.

Anyway, in his opinion, it is impossible for Ji Yang to let all the angels obey his orders, absolutely impossible.

So he didn't leave immediately with his own people, but looked like he was watching a play, waiting for Ji Yang to perform.

The other people in the abyss and purgatory would naturally not leave without Satan's order. Speaking of which, it seems that Ji Yang should leave at this time, because the surrounding area of ​​a thousand kilometers is already in the abyss and purgatory.

"I'm also curious, how do you make them obey."

"I know them best. If you don't use some means to force them to obey your orders, you won't be able to succeed."

Lucifer also spoke. He used to be the Archangel of Heaven.

He knows best what the characters of the angels are, just like himself, he is also very proud. Even though he was forced to leave heaven and go to the abyss of purgatory, he never obeyed Satan in the true sense.

It is more appropriate to say that he and Satan have a superior-subordinate relationship, rather than a tacit cooperation.

So he is not optimistic about Ji Yang, he does not think that Ji Yang can easily make all the angels obey.

Unless Ji Yang uses things like contracts to force them to do so, it is absolutely impossible.

"If I say, I will let them beg me to take me in, do you believe me?"

Satan and Lucifer questioned Ji Yang, but Ji Yang looked very calm.

After the two finished speaking one after another, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, and he said something that no one thought of.

Angels begging Ji Yang?

Don't say that Satan and Lucifer don't believe it, even Chi You and Hou Qing on Ji Yang's side don't believe it.

The angels in front of me, neither the Abyss Purgatory nor the people brought by Ji Yang, don't like them. Judging from their appearance, although some of them are quite cowardly, most of them still have a lot of backbone.

They would beg Ji Yang to take him in, and everyone shook their heads at the same time to express their disbelief.

"Don't say they don't believe it, I don't even believe it, you kid, stop bragging, let everyone see how they begged you if you have the ability."

Chi You is still brooding about the matter of the formation of the top ten divine weapons.

Although he didn't bother Ji Yang directly, he didn't mind teasing Ji Yang at the right time.

By doing this, Chi You felt much more comfortable.

So others just shook their heads to express their disbelief, but Chi You resented him directly.

"Then if I can get them to beg me, how about canceling the previous affairs between the two of us?"

Chi You hates himself, but Ji Yang is not angry either.

Since he felt that Chi You was still blaming him, why didn't he just take advantage of this opportunity to let Chi You calm down and save himself the trouble in the later stage.

"If you can get them to beg you, I promise I won't trouble you for what you tricked me."

"But if you can't do it, then you have to give me a punch. You are not allowed to use any magic protection, only rely on physical strength."

Chi You really wanted to beat Ji Yang up, but because of what happened before, if he beat Ji Yang up, he would lose his grace and appear stingy.

Now Ji Yang is willing to bet with himself, just to give himself a chance to beat him up.

"Okay, then it's settled."

Ji Yang answered very simply, and then looked confidently at the tens of thousands of angels surrounded.

Among these angels, there are two-winged angels, four-winged angels, and seraphs, among which the four-winged angels are the most.

An army of angels composed of tens of thousands of angels, if used properly, the combat effectiveness is terrifying.

How should I put it, this is the Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers in disguise. Thinking about it, it's not right.

"Do you want to live, or do you want to die?"

"If you want to have a baby, then listen to me in the future. If you don't follow me, then I will kill you."

The body soared into the air, and Ji Yang shouted loudly to all the angels in American Mandarin.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the faces of the angels all changed. A small part of them had a somewhat terrified expression, while others seemed to want to kill or cut as you please.

"Hmph, even if we die, we won't obey your orders."

"Yes, we are angels, proud angels, how can we obey the orders of people like you and follow people like you."

"Yes, we are willing to follow the Lord to another world. We would rather die than listen to you..."

Angels spoke one after another, and the ones who spoke were all those angels with more backbone.

As for why the cowardly angel didn't speak, on the one hand, it's not easy to speak first, but to wait and see first. After all, it would be embarrassing to directly admit cowardly, and you may be despised or even attacked by your companions.

Listening to the reactions from the angels, Chi You, Satan and the others all had such smiles on their faces.

To live or die, this routine is too low-level, it is useless at all.

The result is what everyone has already thought of.

But after Ji Yang heard the words of these angels, his expression was surprisingly calm, and he just nodded.

"Yes, I am very satisfied with your answer."

"If you really choose to follow me because you are afraid of death, I will kill you now, because there is no need to keep you who are afraid of death."

Ji Yang nodded and spoke, his words completely confused the people present.

What does this mean?What kind of tricks did Ji Yang play?

Just now you said that if you disagree with following yourself, you will die. How has it changed now?

"What do you mean?"

The angels were also puzzled, and they didn't understand what Ji Yang meant. One of the seraphim asked with a frown.

"You don't care about your own life or death, so do you care about his life?"

"I will give you another chance to choose. If you want him to live, all of you will listen to me in the future. If you don't follow my orders, I will let him be wiped out!"

Ji Yang stretched out his hand and pointed at the Haotian Tower. Everyone focused on Ji Yang, so no one noticed that the flame in the Haotian Tower went out without knowing when.

The Lord was burned miserably, and had fainted in the Haotian Tower.

It is simply impossible for all the angels to obediently obey his words, how could Ji Yang not understand.

But in his hands, there is a big bargaining chip, that is the Lord.

The life and death of the Lord is completely in the hands of Ji Yang, unless these angels usually pretend to worship the Lord, otherwise they will definitely care more about the life and death of the Lord than their own lives...

 I wish you all a happy, healthy and auspicious Year of the Pig
(End of this chapter)

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