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Chapter 2846 Nine Li Angel Legion

Chapter 2846 Jiuli Angel Legion
"Go, of course."

"Heaven? Isn't that the heaven in the west, you must go there."

"I didn't expect that I, Mutu, would have a day to enter and leave heaven at will. I must go..."

Ji Yang asked everyone if they wanted to go to heaven, and everyone's answer was very unified, that is to go.

Ji Yang was not surprised by such an answer, it was completely expected.

"Then we'll go to heaven together."

"Tell me how to get to heaven."

When looking at Mutu, Huang Fengguai and others, Ji Yang had a very kind expression.

But when he turned his head and asked the angel how to get to heaven, his expression became colder, with some majesty invisibly.

"Reporting to my lord, there is the gate of hell leading to the abyss and purgatory, and there is a road to heaven leading to heaven, and you can reach heaven through the road to heaven."

The angels have sworn allegiance to Ji Yang, and they will have no objection to how Ji Yang treats them.

A seraph walked forward, bowed and saluted, and replied with a little humility in his voice.

"what's your name?"

Being called the master by the angel, Ji Yang felt that it seemed to be pretty good.

So he didn't ask the other party to change the name, but just asked the other party's name.

Impressions are very important. With tens of thousands of angels, it is impossible for Ji Yang to remember their names completely, but whoever impresses him will definitely benefit.

For example, the seraphim in front of him has a strong breath, and should have the ability to approach the eight-winged angel. With his active opening, Ji Yang remembered him.

Tens of thousands of angels obey my orders, but I can't take care of them every day.

There are some people he can use, such as Han Ye, Huang Fengguai, even if Cain and Mutu can help manage them, it is still possible.

But they send people back to send people, after all, they are not familiar with the situation of heaven and the situation of angels, so it is still necessary to pick some people from the inside.

The seraph in front of him, Ji Yang thought it was good.

"Return to my lord, my name is Galel!"

Garal bowed again and said, still very humble when speaking.

Judging by his appearance, he didn't feel any resentment because of being coerced to swear, but went with the flow, which Ji Yang was very satisfied with.

People have to know the current affairs, don't make yourself feel unhappy, some angels look very unhappy, but what can you do if you are unhappy, you dare to resist yourself, unless you want to die.

"Galer, I am very satisfied with your initiative. I will now appoint you as the acting deputy head of the Jiuli Angel Legion, responsible for assisting the head and managing all the angels."

Since it is his own Angel Legion, of course it must have a title.

Ji Yang didn't forget what his father said to him, and he didn't forget the Jiuli tribe either.

Now that he has real power of his own, he will call this Angel Legion the Jiuli Angel Legion.

He is very satisfied with Garrell's performance, but there is still a period of investigation, so it is only a proxy.

Why is it the deputy head of the group? Of course, the head of the group, Ji Yang, has to arrange a more secure person.

As for who should be the head of the regiment, Ji Yang still has to think about it.

"Acting deputy chief? Assisting the chief to manage all the angels? Isn't that the archangel?"

Galer looked at Ji Yang in disbelief, trembling when he spoke.

The number of angels now is far less than before, but the position of the deputy chief is undoubtedly the former archangel.

Although there are two words of agency in front of it, and I have not confirmed the position, but as long as I perform well, I can definitely get rid of these two words.

Becoming an archangel is the wish of all angels, and Galel is the same.

But how can it be so easy to be an archangel, let alone when there were millions of angels in the past, there were many angels who were stronger and more capable than him.

Even if there are tens of thousands of angels left in front of him, plus the tens of thousands of angels left behind, the number is only about [-], and there are many stronger than him.

But now, just because he took the initiative to answer questions, Ji Yang granted himself the same rights as the archangel, the acting deputy head of the Jiuli Angel Legion, which made him feel like a dream.

Everything seems unreal.

It's just out of instinct that I feel that I have recognized Ji Yang as the master, so I should respect and obey him. Now I have reached the sky in one step?

"What? If you don't want to, then I'll change someone now, I think..."

"Thanks to my lord, Galel swears allegiance to my lord to the death, and will do his best to help my lord manage all the angels well."

Ji Yang looked at the somewhat silly Garrell, smiled and teased softly.

Galer's heart tightened, he quickly knelt on the ground, and began to express his opinion to Ji Yang.

This unexpected surprise, I can't miss it.

When Garrell knelt down to serve him, Garrell felt that there were many eyes looking at him like sharp swords.

These gazes didn't make Garrell feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, he felt very good.

Because he felt that these were envious and jealous eyes. They were jealous that they seized the opportunity and became the acting deputy head of the Jiuli Angel Legion under one person and above ten thousand.

His feeling is also right, all the angels are really jealous of him now.

If they knew that such a good thing could happen if they said a word, they would have rushed to speak.

But this time they missed the opportunity, and they also understood something, that is, in front of Ji Yang, they should show themselves more and take the initiative, so that they can get unexpected benefits.

The gazes of all the angels also fell on Ji Yang's eyes. Ji Yang's face was calm, but his heart was full of joy.

He would give Garrell such a big reward all at once, on the one hand, he felt that Garrell was good, and on the other hand, he wanted to stimulate other angels.

Ji Yang is telling all the angels with his actions that he is not their former master, and he has his own style of acting.

As long as they can express themselves and satisfy themselves, I won't treat them badly.

"Anyone can say something nice. If you want to remove the word agent, let me see your performance."

"Lead us now."

It's not that Ji Yang doesn't like to hear good things, who wouldn't like to hear good things.

It's just that Ji Yang prefers to watch actions rather than nice words, and it's really good when actions are in place.

"My lord, please."

"Together open the way to heaven for our Lord!"

"Yes, open the road to heaven."

The road to heaven is different from the gate of hell. The gate of hell has a fixed location, but the road to heaven is not fixed.

The road to heaven is a golden road with no end in sight. To open the road to heaven requires the release of divine power to open it.

The current Galil has the right to command all the angels, and all the angels have no intention of disobeying him, because his rights are given by Ji Yang.

The first time Galeer gave an order, he disobeyed him. Isn't that slapping Ji Yang in the face? Only a fool would do such a thing.

When the road to heaven appeared, Galil respectfully stood aside and let Ji Yang walk ahead.

As expected, Ji Yang was the first to go up, and then Chi You, Cain and others followed. After all the people brought by Ji Yang walked on the road to heaven, the other angels walked on the road to heaven one after another. headed to heaven...

(End of this chapter)

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