The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2856 The situation of the wind and thunder unicorn

Chapter 2856 The situation of the wind and thunder unicorn

Within a day, the Master of Tongtian told Ji Yang that there was news of the wind and thunder unicorn, but he had to ask the Holy Mother of Wudang for the specific situation.

Ji Yang found the Holy Mother of Wudang according to what the Master Tongtian said, and the two of them didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

"Speaking of Fenglei Qilin, I don't know him well. It was when I was practicing alone after the battle of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation..."

Ji Yang didn't talk nonsense, so the Holy Mother of Wudang told Ji Yang about herself and Fenglei Qilin.

After Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, the Battle of the Conferred Gods came to an end. As the only surviving direct disciple, Wudang Holy Mother began to practice Taoism as the Holy Mother of Lishan.

While slaying demons and demons, the Holy Mother of Lishan searched for a suitable place to practice, and finally found Lishan, where spiritual energy is full, and practice is more effective with half the effort.

A good practice place will naturally attract some people's prying eyes, and some people will inevitably come to make trouble, especially in troubled times.

One day, a highly cultivated unicorn came to Mount Li. This unicorn was none other than Fenglei Qilin.

One's own practice place, especially a good practice place, of course cannot be handed over to others, let alone one of the only living four major disciples of Jiejiao.

Fenglei Qilin took away her place of practice, and the Holy Mother of Wudang would not only lose her place of practice, but also make the reputation of Jiejiao worse, so she tried her best and refused to give up Lishan Mountain.

"I have to say that Fenglei Qilin is very powerful. I fought with him for three days and three nights, but there was no winner."

The way Ji Yang and Our Lady of Wudang chose to narrate is also a video call.

This way of communication is more direct, otherwise you send a sentence and I send a sentence, which is really a waste of time.

When Our Lady of Wudang said that she had fought against Fenglei Qilin for three days and three nights, her expression was a little heavy and worried.

When the Master Tongtian and the Jiejiao people talked about the Fenglei Qilin, they had already mentioned the reason, that is, the relationship between Fenglei Qilin and Ji Yang was an enemy.

What does this mean?
This shows that after finding Fenglei Qilin, Ji Yang will settle accounts with Fenglei Qilin.

As one of the four direct disciples of the Lord Tongtian, the Wudang Holy Mother is self-evident in her advanced level of cultivation, and her combat effectiveness is also beyond the charts.

Even if it can't be compared with today's cultivation base, it is still very high in the cutting off teaching, explaining teaching and human teaching back then.

Don't forget, the Eight Great Disciples of Jiejiao can surpass the existence of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao.

Her worry at this time was worrying about Ji Yang.

Based on her understanding of Fenglei Qilin's strength, she is not optimistic about Ji Yang.

"Senior sister, don't worry, you just need to tell me where Fenglei Qilin is at this time."

The Holy Mother of Wudang was worried, but she didn't say anything, but Ji Yang could see it.

After smiling lightly at the Holy Mother of Wudang, signaling to the other party not to worry too much, he asked about the situation of Fenglei Qilin again.

"Junior Brother, it would be a lie to say that you are not worried, but the Fenglei Qilin's methods are clever, and its strength is really strong. I don't know how deep your enmity with him is, but if possible, I suggest you wait until the law of the Three Realms is broken. Find it again."

"At that time, all my disciples will be able to freely travel to and from the Three Realms. No matter how strong the Fenglei Qilin is, with the help of my senior brothers and sisters, it will be very easy to settle accounts with him."

Seen through by Ji Yang, the Holy Mother of Wudang had to say a few words.

The idea she gave is very safe.

A Fenglei Qilin must be strong, but no matter how strong it is, can it be stronger than the entire Jiejiao disciple?

"Senior Sister, I've written down what you said, but continue to tell me about Fenglei Qilin, where is he?"

Ji Yang did write down the words of the Holy Mother of Wu, but it doesn't matter if he wants to do that or not.

But Ji Yang will not refute directly, he will still follow the words of Our Lady of Wudang.Then he asked about Fenglei Qilin again.

The Madonna of Wudang has lived for so long, and she still has a good way of judging people.

Ji Yang's expression let the Holy Mother of Wudang know that Ji Yang's words did not come from sincerity, but she did not continue to persuade Ji Yang, but continued to talk about the situation of Fenglei Qilin.

"That battle, we lasted for three days and three nights, both of us were seriously injured, but in the end we couldn't tell the winner..."

According to what the Holy Mother of Wudang said, there was no winner in the three-day and three-night battle, and both were injured. This is not the point, the point is that the environment of Mount Li was destroyed.

The reason why Our Lady of Wudang fought with Fenglei Qilin was Lishan Mountain, because the environment of Lishan Mountain was very suitable for cultivation.

Once the environment is destroyed, the cultivation will be affected. This is not what the two of them want to see.

In the end, the two chose to coexist peacefully, that is to say, the Holy Mother of Wudang and the Fenglei Qilin shared Lishan...

"Junior Brother, that's all I know. When I shared Mount Li with Fenglei Qilin, it was before the law of the Three Realms. I'm not sure if he is still there now."

What she knew, the Holy Mother of Wudang had already told Ji Yang everything.

But this is all before the law of the Three Realms. After the law of the Three Realms, the Mother of Wudang has never seen Fenglei Qilin again. Whether he is still in the original place, the Mother of Wudang is not sure.

"Senior Sister, it is already very valuable for you to provide me with this information."

"Senior sister, I want to ask again, what is the weakness of Fenglei Qilin? Where is his specific training place in Lishan?"

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will never end in a hundred battles, and Ji Yang is very willing to learn more about Fenglei Qilin.

For a place as big as Mount Li, I searched for it by myself. If the place where Fenglei Qilin practiced was too hidden, it would be difficult to find it. It must not be easy to find it, otherwise Han Ye would have found it long ago.

As for the weakness, it is of course better to know this in advance.

"Fenglei Qilin's weakness, to be honest, I didn't find it, otherwise there wouldn't be a tie for three days and three nights."

"At that time, the north side of Lishan Mountain was where I practiced, and the south side was where he practiced. As for his specific training place, it is not fixed, but every time the wind and thunder come together, he will definitely appear in the place where the wind and thunder are strongest. Wherever you go, absorb the power of wind and thunder to strengthen yourself."

The Holy Mother of Wudang thought for a moment, then gave Ji Yang the answer.

The answer isn't perfect, but it's not completely useless either.

After Ji Yang nodded, he thanked the Holy Mother of Wudang.

Then I sent some items in the WeChat store to Our Lady of Wudang as a thank you gift.

The Madonna of Wudang didn't want to accept them at first, she said that they are all seniors, sisters and brothers, so there is no need to do so.

In the end, Ji Yang still gave it, the reason is that it was a meeting gift for the senior sister, not a thank you gift.

"Although the location of Fenglei Qilin can't be clarified now, it can be regarded as gaining something, and it can also be regarded as an explanation to Han Ye, which makes him feel more comfortable."

"As for the day when the wind and thunder are blowing, it can be done at any time!"

A smirk curled up on the corner of Ji Yang's mouth, and he whispered to himself.

If the laws of the Three Realms of China are not broken, Ji Yang will not leave China, but Mount Li is within the scope of China...

 There are too many things, today's update is a bit late, everyone has been waiting for a long time

(End of this chapter)

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