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Chapter 2858 Let Ji Yang go and see for himself

Chapter 2858 Let Ji Yang go and see for himself
I can't say how strong the Rat Clan's fighting power is, but the Rat Clan is huge in number, and they are very handy in finding people.

It was not the first time Ji Yang used the power of the Rat Clan to find someone. This time, he was relieved to let Wei Suo lead the Rat Clan to find someone.

After Wei Suo said that he could reply to Ji Yang in two days, he took the white-haired mouse demon who had just found it and was still in a hot period to Lishan Mountain.

And what Ji Yang has to do is to wait, waiting for Wei Suo to send him good news.

"Ji Yang, do you think Wei Suo can find the Fenglei Qilin?"

Ji Yang should be the most urgent person to find Fenglei Qilin.

Because of this matter, it was Ji Yang who agreed to Han Ye. Before leaving the West, Han Ye mentioned that Ji Yang also promised to help him fulfill his promise at this time.

But there is a saying that says that the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry.

After learning that Wei Suo helped Ji Yang go to Fenglei Qilin, one day hadn't passed yet. Although Ji Yang wanted to know the result, he didn't contact Wei Suo, but the Yellow Wind Monster came to ask Ji Yang.

When Wei Suo left, the Yellow Wind Monster wanted to follow, but Ji Yang didn't let him.

For what reason, Ji Yang himself can't say clearly, anyway, he thinks that he still needs to be accompanied by a master, otherwise someone will really come to trouble, and when he can't solve it, the Yellow Wind Monster can help .

Wait until there is a result from Wei Suo. If he leaves by himself, someone will have to stay at home.

Regardless of the problems in the west, Ji Yang has solved them, but there are still people in other places who are thinking about them.

Necessary safety preparations cannot be neglected.

At this time, the Yellow Wind Monster came to ask about the result, Ji Yang smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I've asked Wei Suo to handle the matter. Whether I can find it, I can only wait."

Don't use people with suspicion, don't use people who are suspicious.

Since he has left things to Wei Suo to do, Ji Yang will not doubt Wei Suo's ability to handle affairs before there is no result.

Whatever the result is, wait for the result to come out.

"It's boring."

Hearing Ji Yang's answer, Huang Fengwei waved his hand boredly, and left directly.

Seeing the yellow wind monster leaving, Ji Yang shook his head and smiled.

What is boring? Does it mean that you have to say that you doubt Wei Suo?

In fact, Huang Fengguai really hoped that Ji Yang would say that Wei Suo was not good enough, why?

Because Ji Yang said that Wei Suo was not good enough, he would have a chance to show up. Although the Yellow Wind Monster is not a rat clan, as a demon king, is it difficult for him to order some monsters?

Coupled with the fact that the Yellow Wind Monster has a high level of cultivation, he feels that he is more suitable than Wei Suo to find Fenglei Qilin.

But it's a pity, Huang Feng had a good idea, but Ji Yang didn't give him this chance at all.

Time passed minute by minute, and one day passed under Ji Yang's tormented waiting.

Ji Yang really doesn't like to do things like waiting, but he still does this kind of thing a lot, and now he can't do without waiting, he can only wait.

"Suffering, it's really suffering. It's been a whole day. If I don't contact Wei Suo, why doesn't Wei Suo look for me?"

Ji Yang picked up and put down the phone, put it down and picked it up again, repeated more than a dozen times, but did not contact Wei Suo.

If he doesn't contact Wei Suo, but still wants Wei Suo to contact him, what kind of mentality does Ji Yang have?

What psychology, only Ji Yang himself knows.

Anyway, if he didn't contact Wei Suo himself, and if Wei Suo didn't contact him, he could only suffer slowly.

What is the result of suffering?That is a sleepless night.

Ji Yang couldn't fall asleep peacefully all night, and waited until dawn the next day.

"Should I have the result today?"

Wei Suo said that the result will be given in two days, and now it is the next day.

Staying up all night is nothing to Ji Yang, and dark circles under his eyes don't exist at all to him.

Looking at everything under the sunlight outside the window, although it looks beautiful, Ji Yang is not in the mood to appreciate it at all.

All he can think about now is when Wei Suo will contact him and give himself a surprise.

Just waiting, half a day passed.

Ji Yang waited, but there was still no news, which made Ji Yang feel uncomfortable like crawling like ants.

"I can't wait. It's too uncomfortable. If the mountain doesn't move, I will move. If you don't contact me, I can only contact you."

What's going on with Wei Suo, Wei Suo is not in a hurry to tell Ji Yang that Ji Yang can't bear to wait.

Regardless of whether the result is good or bad, or how the progress is, at least give yourself an answer and let yourself know.

Who can stand the situation of not saying anything.

"Jingle Bell……"

Ji Yang picked up his cell phone and was about to call Wei Suo when his cell phone rang by itself.

Hearing the ringtone of the mobile phone, Ji Yang's body shook, and he looked at the caller with some anticipation.

Fortunately, he was not disappointed, it was Wei Suo who called.

"Wesuo, who hasn't contacted me for two days, is calling me now. There must be good news."

The person who called did not disappoint him, and Ji Yang expected that the content of the call would not disappoint him either.

He answered the phone, and asked in a calm voice, "Weisuo, have you found the Fenglei Qilin?"

"Ji Shao, the entire Lishan Mountain has been searched by my people, and there is no wind and thunder unicorn at all."

The expectations were high, but the results were not satisfactory.

Hearing Wei Suo's words, Ji Yang's face instantly collapsed.

After waiting for a day and a half, I just couldn't find it. This is very heartbreaking, okay?

"Ji Shao, I really didn't find anything on Lishan Mountain, but according to one of my clan members, there is a Fenglei Canyon about [-] kilometers away from Lishan Mountain. sound."

Ji Yang's face was sullen, and when he didn't know what to say, Huang Feng's voice came again.

Although what he said at this time was not accurate good news, it made Ji Yang's expression slightly change when he heard it.

The attributes of Fenglei Qilin are wind and thunder, a strange canyon, and it has something to do with wind and thunder, but it is still very close to Lishan Mountain. Could it have something to do with Fenglei Qilin?

"Take your clansmen to investigate immediately, the Fenglei Qilin might be there."

If you find something, you have to investigate it, otherwise it's just nonsense.

Without any hesitation, Ji Yang asked Wei Suo to take his clansmen to investigate.

"Can't check."

"Weisuo, what do you mean? Could it be that my words don't work? Or do you want to negotiate terms?"

As soon as Wei Suo said "can't check", Ji Yang's voice turned cold instantly.

"Young Master Ji, don't get me wrong. I really can't find out. I went to Fenglei Canyon. It's really weird there. I've already lost hundreds of people."

"I called you because I hope you can come and take a look in person."

The real goal of Weisuo's phone call was not as simple as reporting the results of the investigation.

His real purpose is to let Ji Yang go to Mount Li in person, no, it should be called Fenglei Canyon...

(End of this chapter)

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