The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2877 This moment is to respect you

Chapter 2877 This moment is to respect you

"Ah ah ah..."

Thousands of swords flew up and down, piercing from left to right, flying swords all over the sky shuttled back and forth to pierce Fenglei Qilin's body, scales fell and splashed, and blood flowed and pooled to form a river of blood.

The shrill screams sounded quite terrifying and sent chills down the spine.

What Ji Yang and the others could see at this time were only thousands of swords attacking, and they couldn't see the real appearance of Fenglei Qilin at this time.

Because Fenglei Qilin has been completely wrapped in the sword, there are too many swords, and it is impossible to see him through the attack gap of the sword.

You can't see it, but you can feel it.

The breath of Fenglei Qilin is weakening at a very obvious speed, becoming weaker and weaker, and his vital signs are also weakening, and it is obvious that he is about to die.

"After all, the Little Zhuxian Sword Formation is better!"

Relying on his own feeling, although Fenglei Qilin didn't die completely, the victory and defeat had already been decided.

Ji Yang looked at the thousands of swords flying up and down, a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he was completely relieved.

Although Ji Yang and the others were very confident in the power of Xiao Zhuxian's sword formation, Fenglei Qilin was not weak after all, and they couldn't be completely relieved until the current situation.

"No... roar..."


With Fenglei Qilin's last unwilling roar, Fenglei Qilin's body didn't even have the strength to continue standing, and it collapsed to the ground like a small hill, with the roar of heavy objects collapsing.


Fenglei Qilin has only one breath left, and now he has completely lost the strength to resist, and has become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Ji Yang waved his hand several times in the air, retracted all the swords he controlled, and stopped attacking.

In the process of taking it back, the hundreds of swords controlled by Ji Yang merged towards one of the Absolute Immortal Swords, leaving only one in his hand, which is also the real Absolute Immortal Sword.

Chi You, Han Ye, and the Yellow Wind Monster also each retracted their swords. After the four of them retracted all their swords, thousands of swords were left, and only the real Four Swords of Zhu Xian remained.

The oppressive sense of destroying the world and destroying everything has also weakened a lot after thousands of swords became the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

Without the hindrance of Feijian, Ji Yang and the others could finally see the situation of Fenglei Qilin clearly.

At this time, Fenglei Qilin didn't have a piece of intact flesh on his body, his whole body was like a honeycomb, covered with dense sword wounds and blood holes.

Blood flowed continuously from the wound, and a lot of blood had gathered beside Fenglei Qilin's body, and the blood flowed like a bloody river.

"Han Ye, this last blow, you can do it yourself."

Looking at Fenglei Qilin with dim eyes and very weak breathing, Ji Yang said softly to Han Ye.

Fenglei Qilin is the person Han Ye hates the most, and being able to hand over the matter of finally understanding Fenglei Qilin to Han Ye, it can be regarded as Han Ye's own grievances, letting him completely let go of his worries.

"Thank you master!"

The four of them controlled the flying swords in their hands just now, and they could have killed Fenglei Qilin directly, without letting Fenglei Qilin breathe.

At the last critical moment, Ji Yang withdrew his flying sword. Although Han Ye withdrew his flying sword with Ji Yang, he still didn't understand what Ji Yang meant.

Now Han Ye understands, it turned out that Ji Yang withdrew Feijian to give himself a chance to deal with Fenglei Qilin with his own hands.

After Han Ye thanked Ji Yang, he walked towards Fenglei Qilin without any hesitation.

"Fenglei Qilin, have you ever imagined that you will have such a day? Would you die like this in the hands of my Han Ye?"

Han Ye came to Fenglei Qilin's side, looked at Fenglei Qilin whose eyes were almost lifeless, and who was exhaling more than inhaling, and said in a strange voice.

Time flies, and for thousands of years, many things have happened in China.

An acquaintance of the same era as Han Ye, the Fenglei Qilin in front of him is the only one he can still see now.

But he is an enemy, and it is impossible for Han Ye to reminisce about the old days with him, but in Han Ye's heart there is still some melancholy and sadness.

"I really never thought that one day I would die in your hands, but it doesn't matter if I want to or not, I still can't change my fate."

"There is no need to discuss whether things were right or wrong back then. You and I belong to the Qilin clan. At the last moment of my life, you sucked my blood and swallowed my guts for the future of the Qilin clan. Dan."

Fenglei Qilin's voice was very soft and calm, without any waves.

When able to fight, Fenglei Qilin looked down on everyone and didn't flinch at all.

But at this moment, Fenglei Qilin, who had accepted his fate, showed another side, the side that an emperor of Qilin should have.

As the Qilin Emperor, one must care about the entire Qilin clan and consider the future of the Qilin clan.

"Fenglei Qilin, at this moment, I admire you, you are the real king of Qilin, roar..."

Han Ye did not expect that at this moment, Fenglei Qilin would say these words to himself.

Drinking the blood of Fenglei Qilin and swallowing the inner alchemy of Fenglei Qilin will greatly improve Han Ye's cultivation.

It's not that Han Ye doesn't want these things, but if Fenglei Qilin doesn't want to give them, he can explode the inner alchemy by himself, but Fenglei Qilin didn't do that.

Instead, before he died, he still thought about the future of the Qilin clan. This sense of responsibility to the Qilin clan made Han Ye sincerely admire him.

Admiration will not make Han Ye change his decision. Not a few of the Water Qilin clan died at the hands of Fenglei Qilin back then, and he must avenge this.

With a roar, Han Ye's body turned into the original ice unicorn, and then bit the Fenglei unicorn's neck.


Fenglei Qilin's body twitched, and he let out a muffled moan. The blood poured into Han Ye's mouth along the arteries in his neck, and Han Ye swallowed it all.

During the process of absorbing blood, Fenglei Qilin's vitality continued to be consumed, and finally it lost its vitality.

Han Ye's body also kept shaking during this process, and his expression looked very painful, because Fenglei Qilin's blood contained a strong wind and thunder power.

The Fenglei Qilin itself is a mutation of the Fire Qilin, which is a force that is incompatible with the Water Qilin family. It is also very risky for Han Ye to drink the blood of the Fenglei Qilin.

If one is not well controlled, he will die violently due to the power in Fenglei Qilin's blood.


The blood was completely drained, Fenglei Qilin's body was already shriveled, and Han Ye's body felt as if it was burning or struck by lightning, making him cry out to the sky, his voice was full of pain.

"Cold night!"

Ji Yang looked at Han Ye who was screaming in pain, looked at Han Ye's bloodshot eyes, blood oozing from his eyes, nose, nose and ears, couldn't help but yelled, and wanted to rush over.

"Don't go there, he can only rely on himself in this process. Not only will you not be able to help him, but you will also affect him and make him fail completely!"

Chi You grabbed Ji Yang, shook his head with firm eyes as a warning...

(End of this chapter)

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