The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2883 Pangu Banner and Pangu Axe

Chapter 2883 Pangu Banner and Pangu Axe

"Junior brother, since you are unwilling to stop, don't blame the senior brother for being unkind!"

Master Tongtian's attitude is very clear, no matter who is strong and who is weak, he will never give up.

It is impossible for Yuanshi Tianzun to take the initiative to admit his mistakes and admit defeat, and it is definitely impossible not to fight.

The expression on his face became dignified, Yuanshi Tianzun clenched the Pangu banner in his hand, the immortal energy in his body was released, and the five colors of light shone all over his body.

A substantial coercion blows to the surroundings like a gust of wind, hitting the barrier maintained by Li Jing and all the heavenly soldiers and generals, and there are continuous deafening roars.


The barrier oscillated, and some tiny cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the barrier.

It's just the coercion of the breath released, which caused cracks in the barrier between Li Jing and the heavenly soldiers and generals. If there is a real fight, the barrier will still be good.

"Release the immortal energy, repair the enchantment, maintain it, hold on!"

Seeing the cracks in the barrier, Li Jing's face turned pale, and he shouted for all the heavenly soldiers and generals to increase their strength to maintain the barrier.

The Jade Emperor just said that if today's matter is not handled properly, he, the heavenly king, will be withdrawn, his military power will be gone, and he will have to guard the Nantian Gate.

Li Jing didn't want to guard the Nantian Gate by being inappropriate, so he must maintain the barrier as much as possible to block the power of the Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun.

As long as he and the heavenly soldiers and generals can stop him, he will never back down.

"The fairy energy is released, and the enchantment is condensed..."

When all the heavenly soldiers and generals heard Li Jing's order, they all shouted solemnly and released their immortal energy to enhance the power of the barrier.

Li Jing didn't want to guard the South Heaven Gate, and they didn't even want to guard the huts in the Heavenly Court...

"Yuanshi Tianzun, don't call me junior one at a time. At this time, it is more appropriate for you to call me Master Tongtian."

"Pangu Banner, known as the supreme heaven-opening holy weapon, has the power to tear apart chaos, shatter time and space, control all laws, and open up the world. It's a pity that you met my Pangu axe today. What kind of!"

The leader of Tongtian religion looked at Yuanshi Tianzun's hand which was in a chaotic black yellow color, and on the flag was painted the scene of the great god Pangu opening up the heaven and the earth. The flag body was full of evil spirits, as if to destroy chaos, and then opened the Pangu flag, and said with a sneer.

Master Tongtian knows how powerful the Pangu Banner is. If it is placed before, even with the Four Swords of Jade Immortals in hand, Master Tongtian dare not say that he can beat the opponent 100%.

Because the power of Pangu Banner is really terrifying.

But it's different now, Ji Yang handed the Pan Gu Ax to him.

The power of the Pangu Banner sounds similar to that of the Pangu Axe, because this Pangu Banner was transformed from the former blade of the Pangu Axe.

The power of the Pangu axe cannot be said to be stronger than his own Four Swords of Zhuxian, but with the Pangu ax in his hand, the master of Tongtian will face head-to-head with Yuanshi Tianzun's Pangu banner.

This is also one of the reasons why he asked Ji Yang to exchange for China's top ten artifacts, and why he asked Yuanshi Tianzun to settle the score after he got the Pangu axe.

Even if the top ten artifacts and the Four Swords of Zhuxian, Pangu Banner, and Zhutian Yunqing are all on the same level, each artifact has its own special power.

There is no distinction between high and low levels, but there will be restraint in terms of special strength.

"Boom boom boom..."

While speaking, Master Tongtian also increased the release of immortal energy in his body. The immortal energy oscillated, and the enchanted barrier swayed violently. Li Jing and the heavenly soldiers and generals who maintained the barrier had flushed faces and sweat dripped from their foreheads like raindrops.

Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun, the two top powers in the Three Realms of China, are showing their power. Li Jing and the heavenly soldiers and generals are really struggling.

"Master Tongtian? Alright, then I will call you Master Tongtian."

"Today, there are no brothers and sisters here, only Master Tongtian and Tianzun Yuanshi. Now let me, Tianzun Yuanshi, come and teach you the skills of Master Tongtian, and let you see my ability to teach."

The change in the titles of the elder brother and younger brother Changtongtian Jiaozhu and Yuanshi Tianzun also represents the change in the relationship between the two at this time.

Now the two are rivals, real rivals.

Master Tongtian represents Jiejiao, and Yuanshi Tianzun represents Chanjiao. The confrontation between the two of them represents themselves, and also represents Chanjiao and Jiejiao.

"That's right, there are no brothers and sisters here, only Master Tongtian and Tianzun Yuanshi, Tianzun Yuanshi, take me first!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's words were in line with the wishes of Tongtian Cult Master, Tongtian Cult Master's eyes turned cold, and he rushed towards Yuanshi Tianzun wielding a Pangu axe.

Seeing the Tongtian Sect's initiative, Yuanshi Tianzun, who had already been prepared, narrowed his eyes, snorted coldly, and greeted him with the Pangu banner.

"Hmph, you should try my Pangu Banner first!"

The Pangu Banner and the Pangu Ax have many similarities in power, they are both divine weapons with extremely strong attack power and the power to split the void.

Master Tongtian's Pangu ax slashed at Yuanshi Tianzun from top to bottom, and Yuanshi Tianzun's Pangu banner swept from left to right. After each strike, the Pangu banner and Pangu ax happened to collide.


The collision of the Pangu flag and the Pangu ax did not have the sound of metal and iron clashing with ordinary weapons, but a huge explosion sound broke out.

These two treasures did not really touch each other at all, but the energy carried by the Pangu ax and the Pangu flag collided together.

Although it was just a collision of strength, when the burst of power ripple hit the barrier, the barrier was covered with dense cracks like spider webs.

"Boom boom boom..."

A collision is just the beginning of the battle between Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun.

The two of them don't care whether the enchantment can withstand the aftermath of the battle between the two, and no matter what kind of damage it will bring to the heaven, they only have each other in their eyes now.

I just want to see who is strong and who is weak today.

Under the control of Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun, the Pangu ax and Pangu banner collided again and again, and the power of the explosion became stronger and stronger.

"Tongtian, I haven't seen you for so many years, your cultivation seems to be not as good as back then!"

"Yuanshi, I'm not a fledgling kid, your mocking methods are useless to me!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu fought several moves, there was no victory or defeat between each other.

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke with ridicule, but Master Tongtian responded with a disdainful sneer.

During the conversation, the fight between the two did not stop at all.


The aftermath of the collision between the Pangu ax and the Pangu banner continued, hitting the barrier one after another.

The cracks on the enchantment are like spider webs, and the cracks are getting bigger and denser, and they are about to fail.

"Li Jing, you hold on to me, hold on!"

The Jade Emperor, who was watching from a distance, saw that the enchantment was about to fail, so he called out to Li Jing anxiously.

Li Jing didn't speak, but continued to output immortal energy. It's not that he doesn't want to speak now, but he really can't be distracted.

Concentrating on maintaining the enchantment is almost unbearable, and if you are distracted, it will break immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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