The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2892 The Virgin of the Golden Spirit Shots in Anger

Chapter 2892 The Virgin of the Golden Spirit Shots in Anger

There will be winners and losers in fighting, and there will be casualties. This is a normal phenomenon.

Ever since Yu Yuan and Tu Xingsun fought, the people who intercepted and explained the teaching knew that the two of them would definitely be injured.

Yu Yuan's leg was broken, this kind of injury is considered serious for ordinary people, but to Yu Yuan, it's really nothing, after all, he is a god.

It is very simple to restore the legs to their original state.

But after Yu Hua made a move to slash Zhongtu Xingsun with the blood-transforming sword, the situation became a little out of control.

Because the blood-transforming sword has a fatal effect, although Tu Xingsun is a god, he will not die immediately, but after a long time, something will happen.

Although Yu Hua said that he would give an antidote and not let Tu Xingsun die, it would take some time.

During this process, Tu Xingsun was very painful, so the people who explained the teachings would not be grateful because Yu Hua would give the antidote, but instead became quite angry.

"Binding Xiansuo!"

Fearing that Liusun is Tu Xingsun's master, he is the first one who can't bear his apprentice being injured like this.

The toes touched the ground, and the body instantly popped out. With a flick of the sleeves, the fairy-binding rope flew out of the cuffs, and directly bound towards Yu Hua.

Yu Hua was shocked when he saw the Xiansuo flying towards him, and instinctively slashed with the blood-melting sword in his hand, trying to shake the Xiansuo back.

The Immortal Binding Cable is a treasure that teaches the Twelve Golden Immortals to be afraid of leaving their grandchildren. With Yu Hua's ability, how can they retreat.


The fairy-tying rope was not shaken back, and Yu Hua was tied up firmly.

From being afraid of leaving grandson to attack, to Yu Hua being tied up with the immortal rope, this process is very short, it just happened in two breaths, and the other people who intercepted the teaching have not yet reacted.

When everyone reacted, they saw that Yu Liusun stretched out his hand, and Yu Hua, bound by the fairy rope, had already flown to Fearsun by himself.

"Don't say I bullied the juniors, you asked for it yourself."

"I don't want your life directly, it's already cheap for you, here's the antidote."

Fearing Liusun with a gloomy face, he said to Yu Hua in a cold voice.

Even though Ai Liusun is the same as Tu Xingsun, they are not tall, but their momentum is stronger by many times.

The grandson of Fear stared at him, and Yu Hua felt chills in his heart. This is a strong man of the same level as his ancestor, the Holy Mother of Jinling. He would not dare to treat the grandson of Fear like he did to Deng Chanyu, otherwise he must be the one who suffers.

"In my arms!"

"Count you acquainted!"

Yu Hua told the location of the antidote, afraid Liusun took the antidote from his arms directly, and threw it to Deng Chanyu.

After taking the antidote, Deng Chanyu hurriedly gave it to Tu Xingsun.

After taking the antidote, Tu Xingsun's injuries were under control, but he was unconscious and lost his combat effectiveness.

"Fear of leaving grandchildren, you have already got the antidote, let my grandchildren go quickly."

It was true that Yu Hua attacked Tu Xingsun for Yu Yuan, after all, it was for the sake of Master, but the move was a little bit harsher.

Therefore, when the people who stopped the teaching were afraid that the grandson would come forward to arrest Yu Hua, they wanted to control him, but they didn't do it. After all, they were a bit unreasonable on their side.

It's okay to hit, and it's okay to injure, but it's too much to be fatal. After all, the times are different. It's not the time of the Battle of the Conferred Gods, so you can do whatever you want.

Even the fight between Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun seemed fierce, but there was no fatal attack.

Now that the antidote Fear Liusun has been obtained, and Tu Xingsun has also given it to him, it is time to let Yu Hua go.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is Yu Yuan's master, that is, the ancestor of Yu Hua. The matter started because of the mutual confrontation between the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the grandson of fear, and now she has to speak up.

"Let it go? Don't let it go."

"My apprentice has been so miserable by him that he has already passed out, so what if I tie him up for a while, not only won't let him go, but I will tighten it up."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit did not ask too much, but fearing that the grandson would be entangled in her heart, she glanced at Deng Chanyu, who was pear-blossoming and rainy, and then at Tu Xingsun, who had passed out, but he did not agree to let her go.

On the contrary, the celestial rope was tightened, and Yu Hua screamed a few times when he was strangled.

Tu Xingsun is short in stature, not born with it, he is responsible for being afraid of leaving his grandson, because Tu Xingsun has practiced the technique of escaping from the ground taught him by his fear of leaving his grandson.

So towards his apprentices, he always felt a little owed for fear of keeping his grandchildren, and he was famous for protecting his shortcomings on weekdays.

Now that Tu Xingsun has fainted, how could Liusun not use Yu Hua to dispel his anger.

"I'm afraid that you, an elder, will bully a junior. You're so kind. Let Yu Hua go right away, otherwise I won't be polite."

The attitude of fear of keeping grandchildren made the Holy Mother of Jinling furious.

It was a fight, so it's normal for someone to be injured. Yu Hua's leg is still broken now. Wouldn't it be fair for the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit to arrest Tu Xingsun to vent her anger?

With a blunt tone, he warned Fear Liusun again, but Fear Liusun raised his neck, looking like he was in love, and refused to let go of Yu Hua.

"Fear of keeping grandchildren, you are too deceitful!"

The attitude of fear of keeping grandchildren completely angered the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit.

The Holy Mother of Jinling didn't care what the real purpose of coming here today was, she shouted angrily, and Longhuyu Ruyi appeared in her hand, and rushed directly towards Fear Liusun.

The identities of Fearing Sun and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit are not comparable to Yu Yuan, Yu Hua, Tu Xingsun and Deng Chanyu. The Golden Spiritual Mother is one of the Eight Great Disciples of the Jiejiao, and Fearing the Sun is one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Interpretation.

Once the two of them hand in hand, today's affairs will change, and the situation will deteriorate to a certain extent.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit rushed forward, fearing that the remaining grandson would not be able to escape.

If you are afraid of leaving your grandson to escape, you are cowardly and you are losing face.

A long sword appeared in his hand, and Fear Liusun swung the sword to meet the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

"Clang clang clang..."

The long sword and the dragon, tiger and jade collided with each other, and the sound of gold and iron crossing sounded, and the energy shook the surroundings. Everyone couldn't help taking a few steps back to avoid being affected.

"Fear of keeping grandson, you are not my opponent, let him go quickly, or you will suffer."

To be honest, the Eight Great Disciples of Jujiao are only stronger than the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, no matter in terms of cultivation level or the magic weapon in their hands.

During the Battle of the Conferred Gods back then, any one of the Eight Great Disciples of Jiejiao was able to fight alone among the Twelve Golden Immortals.

Sanxiao's Jiuqu Yellow River formation directly took down all the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao.

The Holy Mother of Jinling relied on her own strength to contend against Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Daoist and Cihangdao people without defeat. It wasn't that Daoist Randeng used Dinghaizhu to sneak attack. The three golden immortals back then were probably about to die in Jinling In the hands of Our Lady of the Spirit.

So a person who is afraid of keeping grandchildren can't beat her.

"If you don't let it go, I won't let it go!"

He is also stubborn enough to be afraid of leaving his grandson, and he is obviously at a disadvantage, but he just refuses to admit defeat.

The Immortal Binding Cable is his magic weapon, only he, Tu Xingsun and Yuanshi Tianzun know how to untie it, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit has no way at all.

"Fear of keeping grandchildren, this is what you asked for!"

The Holy Mother of Jinling was furious, and Longhuyu Ruyi swung out suddenly, and a green halo spread, hitting Fear Liusun's body.


"Fear of keeping grandchildren...Damn it, Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, let me meet you."

"Brother, let me help you."

"I'm coming too!"

Fearing that his grandson would vomit blood and fly upside down, when the Twelve Golden Immortals were neutral, several figures flew out and rushed towards the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit...

(End of this chapter)

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