The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2897 Kong Xuan of Niu X

Chapter 2897 Kong Xuan of Niu X

"I thought it was a powerful character, but it turned out to be two defeats!"

Kong Xuan, other than the leader of Jiejiao Tongtian, is one of the best powerhouses.

The other Jiejiao disciples, no matter the eighth disciples or the three or four generations of Jiejiao disciples, all have opponents, and they are all fighting with those who explain the teaching, but Kong Xuan is left alone.

When he saw someone flying towards him, he just raised some interest in his heart, thinking that he had an opponent, his face collapsed in an instant.

I saw one flying towards him, one with a golden stick in his hand, and a pair of wings growing out of his back, so long... a bit scary.

The other one had three eyes, held a three-pointed two-edged knife, and was carrying a dog.

That's right, these two people are Lei Zhenzi and Erlang God Yang Jian, and they also brought Xiao Tiangou with them by the way.

In terms of the combat effectiveness of Chanjiao's disciples, Yang Jian is the No. 1 disciple of Chanjiao's three generations. He defeated and killed countless Jiejiao disciples.

After his physical body was sanctified, his combat effectiveness was even better than blue. Compared with his master and the others of the Twelve Golden Immortals, he was only stronger than weaker.

In the heavenly court, he is like a god of war, and there are not many people who can beat him.

Lei Zhenzi's combat effectiveness is also very high among the disciples of Chanjiao.

If it was someone else, seeing Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi coming here with Xiao Tiangou, they would probably feel a little scared.

But Kong Xuan is different. Others are afraid of them, but Kong Xuan is not.

During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, these were all defeated by his subordinates. Although Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi's combat effectiveness had increased after the conferred gods became holy, Kong Xuan hadn't been idle all these years.

So facing Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi and Xiao Tiangou, Kong Xuan showed great disdain.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Xiaotiangou was already the vanguard officer, so it was not known whether Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi slowed down on purpose, or because of other reasons, anyway, Xiaotiangou was the first to rush towards Kong Xuan.

The roaring dog ran extremely fast, and its body was like a black lightning bolt, and it rushed to a few meters in front of Kong Xuan in an instant.

With the strength of the hind limbs, the body soared into the air, the front paws made a throwing posture, the mouth opened wide to reveal sharp canine teeth, and rushed towards Kong Xuan to bite.

Xiaotiangou's combat effectiveness is also quite high among the many divine beasts in the heavenly court, and its actual combat experience is very rich. At this time, Xiaotiangou seems to be very vicious when attacking Kong Xuan.

"An evil animal dares to act fiercely in front of me, get out of here!"

Looking at the grinning, ferocious Roaring Dog, Kong Xuan's expression didn't change at all, he just raised his arm slightly, and with a soft drink, two white lights shot out.

The white light flew, Xiao Tiangou couldn't avoid it at all, and was directly enveloped by the white light.

"Wang... ah..."

Shrouded in white light, Xiao Tiangou felt as if he had been thrown into the depths of the sea, he had difficulty breathing when he was squeezed, his internal organs were quite uncomfortable, and he screamed in pain.

Then I saw a black light shot from Kong Xuan's hand, hitting Xiaotiangou's body, as if being hit by a mountain, Xiaotiangou screamed louder, and flew out directly.

"The Roaring Dog... The Roaring Dog..."

The Xiaotian dog first attacked Kong Xuan for a certain purpose.

Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi knew how strong Kong Xuan was back then, but thousands of years have passed, and both of them have grown in strength. Who knows what Kong Xuan's cultivation level is now.

Xiaotiangou started first, with the intention of testing Kong Xuanxiu's skills.

But what Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi didn't expect was that Kong Xuan's cultivation was so strong.

The Xiaotian dog was injured in an instant, and it seemed that the injury was not serious.

"Shoutiangou, how are you?"

Xiaotiangou has been with Yang Jian for many years. In Yang Jian's eyes, Xiaotiangou is not a divine beast, but his brother and closest partner.

Hugging Xiaotiangou in his arms, looking at Xiaotianquan's bruised body, with blood continuously flowing from its mouth, Yang Jian's breathing became short of breath, and his three eyes instantly turned red.

"Master, I'm fine, but I can't continue to fight for the master right now."

The Xiaotian dog uttered human words, his voice was a little weak, but what it said was not to comfort Yang Jian, but that the situation was not very bad.

Its injuries were mainly traumatic, and Xiaotiangou could heal it by itself, but it couldn't continue to fight, otherwise the wound would expand and it would be more troublesome.

"It's fine, you heal yourself well, and I will avenge you."

Xiao Tiangou is fine, so Yang Jian is relieved.

Asking Xiao Tiangou to heal his wounds, Yang Jian stood up and glared at Kong Xuan with three eyes at the same time.

"Kong Xuan, I will make you pay in blood!"


Kong Xuan's current strength is stronger than expected.

But Kong Xuan is not the former Kong Xuan, and Yang Jian is not the former Yang Jian.

While roaring angrily, Yang Jian's body continued to rush towards Kong Xuan, the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand danced out of thin air, and his strength pierced the air, hitting towards Kong Xuan.

Because of Xiao Tiangou's injury, Yang Jian was angry, and his moves were unconsciously stronger.

"Lightning strike!"

Lei Zhenzi doesn't know which one is stronger, Yang Jian or Kong Xuan.

But I was going to join forces with Yang Jian to deal with Kong Xuan in advance, and now that Yang Jian is doing it, Lei Zhenzi can't watch.

The golden stick pointed at Kong Xuan out of thin air, and the two wings of wind and thunder stirred up behind him, and the thunder and lightning were released, hitting towards Kong Xuan.

"Dare to use such a trivial skill in front of me, it's just asking for humiliation."

It's just an appetizer to shake off the roaring dog.

Seeing Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi attack at the same time, Kong Xuan's expression remained indifferent.

The two arms waved continuously, and several blue, yellow, red, black, white and five-color rays of light flew alternately. Whether it was Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged strength, or Lei Zhenzi's thunder and lightning, they were all broken without any pressure.

Kong Xuan himself is not a human being, but the first peacock in the world. He does not have a special magic weapon in his hand, and the five-color divine light he releases is not some innate magic weapon, but the feathers of his five roots.

The five-color divine light is divided into green, yellow, red, black, and white according to the five elements, and the five-color divine light is released at the same time, that is a nirvana.

Once this move is made, wherever the five-color light strikes, it will suck away everything within the range. It can be said to be able to attack and defend, capture alive, and drop treasures. It's amazing.

During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, even Daoist Lu Ya, who was at the same level as Daozu Hongjun, turned into a ray of light and ran away after confronting him a few moves.

Of course, this does not mean that Kong Xuan is as strong as Patriarch Hongjun and Taoist Lu Ya. If Taoist Lu Ya really wants to kill Kong Xuan, I believe he can do it.

As for why he ran, I am afraid that only Taoist Lu Ya himself knows.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be said that Kong Xuan is more powerful than the Master Tongtian?Is it even stronger than Patriarch Hongjun?
The strength of Yang Jian and Lei Zhenzi is the same as that of Lei Dian, Kong Xuan doesn't need to release the five-color divine light at the same time, as long as the rays of light shoot out one after another, it is enough to treat them easily.

This is the case when he is very playful, otherwise he would not need to replace and release the five-color divine light at all, just one color of light is enough...

(End of this chapter)

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