The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 291: Black Hearted Hospital, Black Hearted Director

Chapter 291 The Black Hearted Hospital's Black Hearted Director (Fourth Update)
Ji Deming is the black-hearted dean?

It is not normal for middle-aged people to suddenly rush out and chop people with kitchen knives.

He also said that Ji Deming is the black-hearted dean, which is even more strange.

Although Ji Yang has not been in contact with Ji Deming for a long time, Ji Yang can feel that he treats the patients in the hospital with sincerity.

Ji Yang was puzzled, but his movements were not slow, and he directly blocked Ji Deming.

Ji Deming was stunned when the middle-aged man rushed towards him with a knife, and stood there stupidly.

He didn't react until Ji Yang stood in front of him.

"Ji Yang, be careful!"

When Ji Deming reminded Ji Yang to be careful, the middle-aged man had already arrived in front of Ji Yang.

The target of the middle-aged man is Ji Deming, and now Ji Deming is blocked by Ji Yang, the middle-aged man's eyes are hard, and the kitchen knife cuts down on Ji Yang.

"Black-hearted dean, today I must hack you to death, whoever dares to stop him will die with him."

The middle-aged man looks like he won't give up until he kills Ji Deming.

Seeing the knife slashed by the middle-aged man, Ji Yang's eyes froze, his body stayed still, and he quickly stretched his right hand forward.


Ji Yang stretched his right hand forward and directly grabbed the middle-aged man's wrist. His palm tightened, and the middle-aged man felt pain in his hand, and the kitchen knife dropped from his hand.

When the kitchen knife was about to fall to the ground, Ji Yang caught the kitchen knife in his other hand.

Grabbing the middle-aged man's right hand and twisting it hard, he twisted the opponent's hand behind his back.

"Let go of me, let me go, I want to kill this black-hearted dean, and I want to avenge my baby."

The middle-aged man shouted, and he also struggled to break free from Ji Yang's control.

It's so easy to break free from Ji Yang's control, the middle-aged man's struggle is useless at all, but makes himself very painful.

The middle-aged man kept calling Dean Ji Deming the black hearted dean, saying that he would avenge his own baby, which made Ji Yang frown.

After controlling the middle-aged man, Ji Yang looked at Ji Deming.

"Have you had a medical accident recently? Do you know him?"

Ji Deming shook his head and said.

"I seldom perform surgery myself now, unless it is someone with a special status, or other doctors perform the surgery."

Ji Yang thought that Ji Deming had a problem during the operation and killed the middle-aged child.

But Ji Deming's appearance doesn't look like a lie, and he thinks about the identity of the other party.

As the dean of the hospital, the people who can let him perform surgery himself are definitely not ordinary, and the middle-aged people under his control are not enough.

"Don't move around, or your arm will be broken, don't blame me."

"Go to your office now, and I'll ask him what's going on."

Ji Yang wanted to know what was going on, and Ji Deming thought the same, if Ji Yang hadn't stood in front of him just now, he might have been hacked to death by the other party.

In that case, he would definitely be a fool and die inexplicably.

"Dean Ji, Doctor Ji, are you all right?"

"Why is this lunatic again, Dr. Ji, leave this lunatic to me, and I will teach him a lesson."

At this time, the security of the hospital also rushed over.

Seeing the middle-aged man under Ji Yang's control, the leading security guard's expression changed, and he spoke.

Hearing what he said, it was not the first time he had seen this person.

It was just that when the security guard said that the middle-aged man was a lunatic, the middle-aged man shouted loudly.

"You bastards, I, Huang Tian, ​​am not a lunatic, and Linhai Hospital is a black-hearted hospital."

"Black-hearted dean, black-hearted doctor, you guys are black-hearted security guards."

The middle-aged man who called himself Huang Tian roared loudly, twisting his body vigorously, as if he didn't know how painful his twisted arm was.

Huang Tian roared loudly, the hospital security guard's face suddenly turned pale and turned red when his words irritated him.

"Damn it, let you talk nonsense, a lunatic, and see if I don't smash your mouth."

The security guard of the hospital didn't know whether he was angry at being slandered, or he was hit by the other party's words.

Anyway, they looked very angry, the security guard who spoke before even drew out his baton, and beat Huang Tian.


It's just that the security guard's baton hadn't knocked down Huang Tian before he was grabbed by Ji Yang.

"I caught the man, so I'll just ask. It's nothing to do with you, so do whatever you want."

Ji Yang frowned tightly, looked at the security guard with a bit of cold eyes, and said in a cold voice.

This Huang Tian is definitely not a lunatic, Ji Yang can be sure of this.

When he was holding Huang Tian's hand, he could sense the other's pulse beating, and felt that apart from being a little angry, everything else was normal, and his breath was very even.

This Huang Tian was absolutely normal mentally.

Although he didn't know what happened to Huang Tian, ​​but Ji Yangjue, this matter had something to do with Linhai Hospital.

The performance of this group of security guards deepened Ji Yang's feelings.

When he heard that Ji Yang wanted to question Huang Tian, ​​he refused to hand him over to the security guard.

The security guard who was caught by the baton became a little nervous: "Doctor Ji, since this is a lunatic, you..."

"Enough, there is nothing for you here."

"Ji Yang, take this gentleman to my office. If I, Ji Deming, really made a mistake, I will surrender myself to the Public Security Bureau."

Ji Deming's face was very ugly at this time, and he was not stupid.

He now has the same feeling as Ji Yang, that is, Linhai Hospital has definitely done something to feel sorry for Huang Tian.

Even if Ji Deming spoke, these security guards had to obediently get out even if they didn't want to.

Otherwise, if Ji Deming really got angry and asked these security guards to take off their security uniforms and leave, it would be a disaster.

"Let's go, with me here, no one in Linhai Hospital will dare to touch you."

As soon as Ji Yang said these words, Huang Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then glanced at Ji Deming.

He was skeptical of Ji Yang's words, because the biggest director of Linhai Hospital was Ji Deming.

Ji Yang is a doctor, can he be better than the dean?
"If you believe me, follow me. If you don't believe me, you can leave the hospital right now. I guarantee that no one will dare to stop you."

The words were addressed to Huang Tian, ​​but Ji Yang's eyes were on the security guards of the hospital.

The bodies of these security guards trembled when Ji Yang saw them, and a sense of fear arose from the bottom of their hearts.

Huang Tian hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"I'll go with you."

Hearing Huang Tian's words, Ji Yang didn't say anything, and walked towards Ji Deming's office.

Ji Deming and Huang Tian also followed him.

Seeing Huang Tian being taken away by Ji Yang and Ji Deming, the security guards who hadn't left looked very disturbed.

"Boss, what should we do? If Dean Ji and the others know the truth of the matter, will they implicate us?"

A younger security guard asked the security guard who just hit someone.

"You ask me, who should I ask, no, I have to contact Director Zhuo immediately."

 Thanks to Hukou, Xingchen, Clown and others for their rewards, the fourth update will be sent today, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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