The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2932 Wukong 8 precepts unconscious

Chapter 2932 Wukong Bajie is insane
"Have you noticed that there seems to be something wrong with the appearance of the Great Sage just now?"

"There is indeed something wrong. The Great Sage has a big temper and willfulness. It is probably caused by anger."

"It doesn't feel like the reason for being angry. Why do I feel that he is different from the great saint in the past? It's very strange."

"Okay, don't bother with the Great Sage. He is the only Sun Wukong in the Three Realms of China. Even the Jade Emperor has nothing to do with him. Let's continue to break the laws of the Three Realms..."

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie left, and several immortals who noticed that they were wrong communicated softly.

Zhu Bajie didn't mention it, just Sun Wukong.

In the entire Three Realms of China, Sun Wukong is the only one who does his own thing. No laws or rules are of any use to him.

At this time, they left angrily. Although the immortals felt that Sun Wukong was doing something inappropriate, they didn't find it strange.

Whatever Sun Wukong did in anger seemed normal to them.

As for what was wrong with Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, it was also regarded by everyone as being angry, and they didn't think about anything else.

And where are Monkey King and Zhu Bajie at this time?
The location where the immortals break the law of the Three Realms is at the Nantian Gate, and Monkey King and Zhu Bajie were originally at the Nantian Gate.

But now, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie have come to Xitianmen.

"Monkey, old pig, aren't you two breaking the law of the Three Realms? What are you doing here? Are you here to see my jokes?"

Nezha is in charge of guarding the West Heaven Gate. He is an old acquaintance with Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, and they have a good relationship on weekdays.

Although the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun gave good explanations for not being able to participate in breaking the laws of the Three Realms, Nezha was still unhappy and depressed.

When I saw Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie coming to West Heaven Gate, I thought they were just here to make fun of me.

Nezha spoke in displeasure, but Zhu Bajie and Monkey King ignored him and continued to approach the West Heaven Gate.

"Hey, I'm talking to you two, why don't you two answer me?"

"Hey, monkey, when did your golden eyes turn red, and old pig, what do you mean by rolling your eyes?"

Neither of them spoke, and Nezha frowned.

When the two got closer to him, he found that Monkey King and Zhu Bajie looked very strange at this time.

Sun Wukong's eyes were red, Zhu Bajie rolled his eyes, the expressions of the two were a little dull, and their aura felt a little violent.

"Third Prince, there is a problem with the two of them. They are unconscious, as if they are being controlled by someone!"

Along with Ne Zha, Zhong Kui and Marshal Wen (Wen Qiong) were guarding the West Heaven Gate. Zhong Kui looked at Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, and when he saw that something was wrong with them, his face changed drastically.

He will see that Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie have mental problems before Nezha, and it is not that he is stronger than Nezha.

It's because he has been dealing with ghosts all year round, so he is more sensitive to the perception of soul consciousness.

The situation of Monkey King and Zhu Bajie seems to have lost their souls, and their bodies are not moved by their own thoughts at all.

"What? The monkey and the old pig have been controlled?"

"Who has such a great ability to control the two of them."

As soon as Zhong Kui's words came out, Nezha's body trembled.

Nezha is very aware of how capable Monkey King and Zhu Bajie are. To be able to control the two of them, one must have great abilities.

"Third Prince, be careful, there is indeed a problem with the Great Sage and the canopy."

"All heavenly soldiers and generals line up, capture them!"

When Nezha was shocked, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were less than a hundred meters away from him.

This distance seems very far to ordinary people, but whether it is for Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, or Nezha and Zhong Kui and Wen Qiong, it is only the distance between breaths.

When Wen Qiong saw Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie each take out the golden cudgel and nine-toothed rake, the expressions on their faces became fierce, and she hurriedly reminded Nezha.

At the same time, he ordered the heavenly soldiers and generals guarding the West Heaven Gate to line up and prepare to capture Monkey King and Zhu Bajie.


All the heavenly soldiers and generals were originally guarding the West Heaven Gate, and they were already in formation.

Wen Qiong asked them to line up, and all the heavenly soldiers were already lined up in an instant.

Following Wen Qiong's order, 1 heavenly soldiers and generals moved at the same time under the leadership of Wen Qiong, and rushed towards Monkey King and Zhu Bajie.

Everyone knows how powerful Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are, so tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals did not separate, but rushed forward together.

Wen Qiong was the first among them, although he knew the strength gap between himself and Monkey King and Zhu Bajie.

But he shoulders the responsibility of guarding the Heavenly Court, so he can't be timid, let out his immortal energy, swing a silver spear in his hand, and stab directly at Monkey King.


Sun Wukong's mind did have some problems at this time, but his reaction speed was still very fast.

Wen Qiong stabbed with a silver spear, and Sun Wukong stepped forward with the golden cudgel in his hand, and took Wen Qiong's spear with ease.

The silver gun was touched by Sun Wukong, Wen Qiong's arm went numb, and his body took several steps back.

"Sun Wukong, Monkey King, is really powerful."

It was the first time for Wen Qiong to fight against Monkey King, and at the moment of the fight, he knew the gap between himself and Monkey King.


Shocking Wen Qiong back, Sun Wukong grinned at the corners of his mouth, revealing his fangs, let out a sharp cry, jumped out of his body, swung the golden cudgel and threw it at Wen Qiong.

Delirious, the instinctive fighting consciousness is still there.

Whoever attacks him, Sun Wukong will take that as the target of attack.

"Stop him!"

Seeing Sun Wukong rushing towards Wen Qiong, more than a dozen heavenly soldiers tried to intercept him at the same time.

Sun Wukong's scarlet eyes stared, and the golden cudgel in his hand swept across, directly breaking the muscles and bones of a dozen heavenly soldiers, spitting blood and flying backwards.


A dozen heavenly soldiers were swept away by Monkey King for helping her, Wen Qiong's eyes turned red, and anger ignited in her heart, she let out a loud shout and flew towards Monkey King.

Anger can stimulate the potential strength of the body, but the gap in strength is too obvious, and anger is useless.

Wen Qiong was very powerful and rushed out very fast, but he retreated even faster.

It's just that after less than three rounds of fighting with Monkey King, he was forced back by Monkey King again.


Wen Qiong was unwilling. Although she knew that there was a gap in strength between herself and Monkey King, she didn't expect it to be so big.

Seeing that Sun Wukong didn't let go of his plan just because he was forced to retreat, but raised his stick to hit him, Wen Qiong's complexion changed, and he instinctively raised his gun to block it.


"You follow Zhong Kui and lead a group of heavenly soldiers and generals to deal with Lao Zhu, and leave this monkey to me."

Wen Qiong originally thought that his silver spear might break, and he would be seriously injured, or even directly killed by the golden cudgel.

But I don't want to, Sun Wukong's stick didn't hit himself, but was stopped by Nezha halfway.

Nezha said something to Wen Qiong, stepped on the Hot Wheels, and attacked Monkey King with a pointed gun.

Wen Qiong didn't say much, grabbed the silver gun in his hand, and rushed towards Zhu Bajie who was fighting with Zhong Kui and all the heavenly soldiers and generals...

(End of this chapter)

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