Chapter 2940

"Ma'am, shouldn't this person be killed?"

The dog-headed military master's hand had dug into the old monk's scalp, and blood flowed out. The top of the old monk's head was bright red, his expression twisted with joy, and he let out bursts of moans.

As long as the dog-headed military master uses a little more strength in his hand, the old monk's head will be crushed by him.

But Dongfang Mei told the Goutou military division not to kill him at this time, the Goutou military division frowned and looked at Dongfang Mei strangely.

"No, he's damned, but not now."

"There are many ways to die. You can die instantly, or you can die slowly and painfully. As for how he dies, it depends on his next performance."

The surrounding monks had already lost count of how many were killed.

Anyone who tries to cause trouble for Ji Yang tonight, Dongfang Mei will not be soft on him.

As the leader, the old monk in front of him is even more damned.

Dongfang Mei stopped the dog-headed military division not to avoid the old monk's life, she just had some plans of her own.

Hearing what Dongfang Mei said, the dog-headed military commander felt relieved.

He was really afraid that Dongfang Mei said that he would spare the old monk, then the dog-headed military division would be in trouble.

It's not easy to disobey my king's words, Ji Yang's words are not easy to disobey, even Ji Yang's woman is not easy to disobey, so Dongfang Mei doesn't really want to spare the old monk in her hands, it's easy up.

"Madam, what do you want to do with him?"

"Tell me who sent you here."

"Say it out, and I can give you a good time, otherwise, I will let you know that death is a luxury."

The dog-headed soldier asked Dongfang Mei, and Dongfang Mei nodded to the dog-headed soldier, indicating that he could just listen to her, and then spoke to the old monk.

Dongfang Mei's thoughts were not as complicated as Ji Yang's, but she still wanted to ask him if there was someone behind him.

"Go against my Buddha's wishes, and you will all be punished when my Buddha comes."

"If you want to know who sent us here, I will never tell. If I die, I can go to Lingshan to meet my Buddha in advance. I am not afraid of your death threat."

Dongfang Mei's words made the old monk with a happy expression sneer, as if you wanted to kill or cut up casually.

Seeing his appearance and listening to his words, Dongfang Mei frowned more and more.

This guy said "I Buddha" one by one, and if he can explain one point, then there is indeed a messenger behind him, that is, "I Buddha" in his mouth.

But who is this my Buddha?
In the entire Lingshan, there is not only one Buddha, but many.

Sakyamuni Buddha, Dadu Maitreya Buddha, Randeng Ancient Buddha, Lushana Buddha, Medicine Buddha, etc. Sun Wukong also hangs a fighting Buddha. One can imagine how many Buddhas there are on Lingshan.

Therefore, it is difficult to determine who the main messenger is just by saying "I am Buddha".

"You have a strong backbone, and you still want to see your Buddha as soon as possible, but what you think is beautiful."

"With your violent appearance just now, you don't look like a monk. I think you will go to hell if you die."

"If you want to die, then I will fulfill you, but before you die, I will let you enjoy the process of dying first!"

The old monk's answer was not what Dongfang Mei wanted, nor what the dog-headed military commander wanted to hear.

Seeing the old monk's smug look, the dog-headed military division was very upset.

Who the hell are you showing this haughty look of going all out?

With a thought in his heart, the dog-headed military master exerted a slight force on his hand, and he wanted to tell the other party with actions, don't pretend to be... coercive in front of him, otherwise he will suffer.


"Ah ah ah..."

The dog-headed military master exerted strength with his fingers, and there was a sound of bone cracking in the old monk's head. His skull had been crushed by the dog-headed military master.

But the dog-headed army master also mastered one degree, that is, he didn't directly crush it, and didn't let him die just like that.

It would be too cheap for him to die directly. What the dog-headed army division wants is that he can't die without being overwhelmed, so that he can get the information he wants.

"I won't say it, I won't say it."

"Kill me, kill me now, kill me..."

At this time, the old monk was in great pain, which could be seen from his blood-stained bald head, which was so happy that he couldn't express it, but he just refused to say who instigated him.

In fact, the old monk himself knew that if he didn't say anything, the people who ordered him would appear soon.

But the other party took the initiative to show up and said it in advance, which are two different things.

Having said that, he is a traitor, and then he will really not be able to go to Lingshan to meet his Buddha.

So no matter how happy he is, he has to hold back and never reveal a word of the other party's information.

Dongfang Mei saw everything that the dog-headed soldier did to the old monk, but she did not stop the dog-headed soldier again.

Because she actually felt that the old monk should be taught some lessons.

If you can't be soft, you have to be hard, so that the other party can tell what you want to know.

"This loyalty is really touching."

"But if you don't say it now, you will be very painful. Tell me, who made you come here?"

But things didn't develop as he thought, and the old monk still refused to tell the truth under such circumstances.

To have such a subordinate, I believe anyone would like it.

But as an enemy, that's another matter.

Dongfang Mei yelled angrily, and the dog-headed army division cooperated and increased its strength again.


The ear-piercing sound of the skull breaking made one's scalp tingle. If it weren't for the old monk's face covered in blood, he would have seen that his face was already pale and bloodless.

"I will never betray my Buddha, no matter how much you torture me, I won't say anything."

"My Buddha, my disciple Xingchi swears that he will never betray you... ah..."

The toughness of the old monk was beyond the expectations of Dongfang Mei and the dog-headed military division.

No matter what means the two of them used, the old monk Xing Chi would never say anything.

As he spoke with decisive words, the breath in the old monk's body suddenly increased, and his body began to swell as if it were inflated.

"Damn it, you're actually doing this with me."

After the dog-headed military master felt that the old monk's breath was not right, his face was startled, he grabbed the old monk's head and threw it into the air.


After the old monk's body was thrown into the air, it exploded directly.

Blood and minced meat splashed and fell, and everyone dodged one after another, not wanting to be contaminated.

Yes, the old monk finally chose to blew himself up.

He was really too happy, so happy that he couldn't bear it.

But he can't be a traitor, so he can only end himself in this way.

"Ma'am, do you want to ask another one? I don't believe they are all the same as that old bald donkey."

The old monk blew himself up, and the dog-headed soldier looked at Dongfang Mei.

Dongfang Mei narrowed her eyes and glanced at the monks who were less than half left.

Although more than half of the monks died, the remaining people did not flinch in the slightest.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Mei shouted loudly: "Kill them all, leave no one behind..."

(End of this chapter)

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