The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2944 Chi You Fights 4 Arhats

Chapter 2944 Chi You Fights Four Arhats ([-])

"My eyebrows, my eyebrows... who the hell is it? If this Arhat doesn't crush you today, it will be hard to solve the hatred in my heart, my eyebrows..."

The long-browed arhat looked at his broken eyebrows, his eyes were red and full of anger.

His own eyebrows can grow indefinitely, and if some are cut off, it won't affect him too much.

But his two eyebrows, the ordinary magical weapons and fire and thunder, were all fine, but today they were cut off all of a sudden, which made him angry, but more in fact, he was shocked.

"You guys can't do it, what can you do here? If I didn't come here quickly, you doghead would be finished."

"Drink this, watch a play and recuperate, just leave these bald donkeys to me."

The long-browed Arhat yelled, but the other party didn't answer his question, but he was already at the side of the dog-headed army division.

This person is none other than Chi You who has been depressed for a long time and has been waiting to make a move.

The ax that cut off the eyebrows of the long-browed Arhat had returned to Chi You's hands. Chi You swung the battle-axe and cut off the eyebrows that wrapped the dog-headed army commander. There are four eyebrows.

"who are you?"

Chi You turned to look at the four Long-Browed Arhats. The Long-Browed Arhat looked at Chi You with an expression like he was about to swallow him alive, but it was not him who spoke, but the Bowl-raising Arhat beside him.

The arhat holding the bowl looked dignified, and the voice of the inquiry was a little low.

As soon as Chi You appeared, he broke the eyebrows of the long-browed Arhat, but the key point was the bursts of devilish energy emanating from him.
How many monsters the four Arhats have killed in their lives, they did not say in their hearts, but this is the first time they have seen such a strong tacit understanding like Chi You.

"For today, you should have been preparing for a long time. Don't you even know the existence of this Demon God?"

"That kid Ji Yang, it seems that he overestimated you."

Chi You really didn't know who the four Arhats in front of him were.

When Chi You existed, there were no Eighteen Arhats.

However, he was quite satisfied with the four people in front of him, at least they didn't look weak.

In fact, Chi You felt it when the four Arhats holding bowls appeared, and his original intention was to come directly, but after he sensed the action of the dog-headed army master, Ji Yang told him to wait.

It wasn't until the Gobout Army Division lost that he was able to come here, otherwise he would have come here long ago.

"You are Chi You!"

Chi You's words had already revealed his identity.

When the four Arhats heard Chi You's words, they also knew who he was.

After learning that the person in front of them was Chi You, the faces of the four Arhats became a little ugly.

As the saying goes, the shadow of a famous tree, Chi You's name is so great, they have heard of it a lot.

"Since you know the name of this demon god, you should also know what will happen next. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Others have things to do, but he wants to watch a play, Chi You is really depressed.

But my waiting was not in vain. The four arhats who waited were much stronger than the one or two hundred monks down the mountain.

The fighting spirit that was suppressed in his heart surged out with Chi You's laughter, and Chi You's battle ax was clenched tightly in his hand, and Chi You rushed towards the four arhats holding bowls.

"So what about Chi You, don't be afraid of him, if you don't kill him, you won't be able to complete today's mission, hurry up and go together!"

The four Arhats were obviously afraid of Chi You.

But when they came here today, they were already prepared to face Chi You.

Needless to say, those monks at the foot of the mountain were in the same group as the four arhats.

The monks came to make trouble first, in order to attract some helpers beside Ji Yang, but unfortunately those monks were highly regarded, and it can be said that they underestimated the situation on Ji Yang's side.

There was no need to send out absolute powerhouses, and the monks were dealt with.

If the desired result is not achieved, what should be faced is still to be faced.

Before Chi You raised his bowl and the Arhats to come to the mortal world, he thought that he was the most difficult strongman beside Ji Yang. As long as he was solved, the rest of the matter would be much easier.

Facing Chi You alone, the four Arhats who raised their bowls knew that they were no opponents.

Only by working together can we have a chance to defeat each other, and we must be fast.

Time was delayed for a long time, Ji Yang successfully broke the law of the Three Realms, and it was too late.

The arhat holding the bowl was the one with the highest cultivation level among the four arhats. As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the iron bowl in his hand first. The iron bowl magnified in the air and fell towards Chi You.

From the looks of it, he wanted to imprison Chi You in the iron bowl.

"Devil God Shake!"

How could it be so easy to detain Chi You.

Chi You moved quickly, and at the same time cast Demon God Shake, a shadow of an ax flew towards the iron bowl.


The ax shadow collided with the iron bowl, and the iron bowl vibrated and flew backwards, defeating the purpose of holding Chi You.



The goal of raising the bowl arhat was not achieved, and the happy arhat and the long eyebrow arhat made moves after it.

Happy Arhat looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice vibrating, trying to influence Chi You through the power of his own sound waves.

Long-browed Arhat was more direct, and his two eyebrows shot out like two white snakes, wrapping around Chi You.

However, with previous experience, Long-browed Arhat carefully controlled his eyebrows to prevent Chi You from breaking them off easily.

"Sonic attack?"

"Your level of sonic attack is far inferior to that of Fuxiqin... You will laugh, but I can't... Hahaha..."

Sonic attack, to put it simply, is to condense one's breath into sound waves to attack.

The sonic attack not only has physical effects, but also hurts the internal organs and even the soul of the enemy.

Although Chi You is not good at this aspect, but it is not completely impossible.

The magic energy condensed into sound waves, which spread with his laughter, and the laughter of the happy arhat intersected with each other.

After all, it is not the attack method that Chi You is good at, its power is not very great, and it is obviously at a disadvantage, but it is enough.

At least it can be blocked for a moment, it can keep Chi You from being affected.

At the same time, Chi You slashed with his battle ax and collided with the eyebrows of the long-browed Arhat.

The Long-Browed Arhat was careful enough, but head-to-head encounters were inevitable, and the broken eyebrows flew around, but the Long-Browed Arhat did not give up, and kept growing his own long eyebrows, attacking Chi You.

He also went all out today, no matter what, he would avenge his eyebrows, even if he had to pay more eyebrows as a price.

"Old guy, I don't believe your eyebrows are infinite!"

The eyebrows were broken and regenerated, and Chi You beat him helplessly.

But to say that Chi You just went out of business like this, or was furious, that's not the case.

Anyway, if you can grow, I can break it, it depends on your own endurance, or if you have more eyebrows.

But at this time, what Chi You was facing was not only the Long-browed Arhat and the Happy Arhat, but also the Bowl-raising Arhat and the Laughing Lion Arhat.

Arhat holding the bowl controlled the flying iron bowl, and covered Chi You again, while Arhat the Laughing Lion silently recited Buddhist scriptures. After hearing the scriptures, the cub beside him collided with each other at a high speed, and in the blink of an eye he had grown into a head seven or eight meters tall. long giant lion.


The body of the cub grew bigger, and its aura also increased. With a huge roar, it charged towards Chi You...

(End of this chapter)

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