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Chapter 2949 The people from Lingshan are here

Chapter 2949 The people from Lingshan are here
"The person who controls him is of extraordinary strength!"

Tianting is employing people. After capturing Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, Master Tongtian intends to wake them up and ask them to help Tianting deal with the troubles that will arise next.

But when Master Tongtian pointed between their eyebrows, and the two strands of immortal energy entered their bodies respectively, his brows frowned immediately, his expression slightly dignified.

After saying a few words like talking to himself, he took his hand back.

"Uncle Master, can't you wake up the monkey and the old pig too?"

Master Tongtian withdrew his hand, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were still in a state of no self-awareness, plus what Master Tongtian said, Nezha looked at Master Tongtian in disbelief.

Nezha is very clear about who the leader of Tongtian sect is and how capable he is.

With his ability, he can't wake up Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, who else in China can wake them up?
How powerful and terrifying would this person who controlled Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie's mind be?

"The person who controlled them has extraordinary cultivation, and the means of controlling them are also very clever, but if I want to wake them up, I naturally have a way."

"It's just that this method is a little troublesome, and it will consume a lot of immortal energy. In the current situation, we can only temporarily give up waking the two of them."

"But as long as the person who controlled them came here and killed him, the two of them would naturally wake up."

Turning to look at Nezha, Master Tongtian said softly.

It's not that he can't wake up Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, but the current situation does not allow him to do so.

Awakening the two of them will consume a lot of immortal energy, and then the fighting power of Tongtian leader will decrease, so it is not a wise choice.

Because although Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong are strong in combat, they are still not as good as the leader of Tongtian.

Even if the two of them joined hands and it was a life-and-death battle, Master Tongtian would still win.

"seal up!"

"Uncle Master, what are you doing?"

The words of Master Tongtian are very reasonable, and Nezha is powerless to refute what he heard.

But when he saw Master Tongtian sipping the word "seal" lightly, pointing his fingers between the eyebrows of Zhu Bajie and Monkey King, and the two immediately fell into a coma, he was a little confused again.

"If you don't wake them up, you can't let them make trouble."

"I temporarily put a seal on the two of them, so that the person who controlled them could not continue to control them for the time being. You can just let someone take them down now."

Looking at the bewildered Nezha, Master Tongtian said softly indifferently.

He considered issues much more thoughtfully than Nezha.

Although the Immortal Binding Cable binds Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, there is always a contingency. Although the Immortal Binding Cable cannot be undone without the Loose Rope Curse, what if it is broken by the two of them?

At that time, without Monkey King and Zhu Bajie who became helpers, it would be troublesome again.

That's why the leader of the Tongtian sect sealed them and let them fall asleep, so they won't be controlled for the time being.

"You guys, take the monkey and the old pig down and take care of them!"

"Follow the third prince!"

Nezha scratched his head in embarrassment, and then gave orders to several heavenly soldiers.

When the heavenly soldiers left, Wen Qiong and the seriously injured heavenly soldiers and generals were sent to rest and recuperate while the battlefield was cleaned up. The slightly injured heavenly soldiers and generals stayed and continued to guard the West Heaven Gate...

"What is that? Be vigilant and prepare to fight!"

Before the battlefield was cleaned up, Nezha saw several golden vortexes appearing outside the West Heaven Gate.

Seeing these golden swirls, Nezha's heart trembled. Although he didn't know what these golden swirls represented, he felt that it must be something bad.

So as soon as these golden vortexes appeared, Nezha made all the heavenly soldiers and generals ready to face the battle.

As for the 28 Stars and the Ten Great Yin Shuai, they also consciously prepared for battle.

"The one who should come is still here, Lingshan, let Master Tongtian see how capable you are!"

For Lingshan, the most unfamiliar person is the Master Tongtian.

Because Lingshan Buddhism officially appeared after the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

Therefore, Master Tongtian didn't know the specific situation of Lingshan.

However, he had heard some from the disciples of the Jujiao. According to the disciples of the Jiejiao, the predecessor of this Lingshan Buddhism was the Western religion that guided Taoists and Zhunti Taoists.

Thinking of Zhunti Taoist and Bodhi Taoist, Master Tongtian's expression was a little ugly.

At the end of the Battle of the Conferred Gods that year, these two helped the leader of the Tongtian Church to defeat him.

More importantly, some disciples of Jiejiao were taken away by the two and joined Western Cult. This was the most unacceptable thing for Tongtian Cult Master.

A large part of the reason why the Master Tongtian proposed to come to Xitianmen is because of this...


Inside the West Heaven Gate, Nezha and the others looked at the golden vortex vigilantly for a while, and then saw a group of familiar or strange people walking out of it.

Whether it is unfamiliar or familiar, they will say "Amituofo" after appearing.

Needless to explain, the people who walked out of the golden light all came from Lingshan. These people include Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajras, and monks...

There are a lot of people, hundreds of people have appeared in a few breaths, and the number is still increasing.

"Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, I don't know what the two Bodhisattvas are doing here with these people?"

PS: There are conflicts between Taoism and Buddha in many roles, such as the Four Heavenly Kings and the Four Vajras, such as Puxian Bodhisattva and Puxian Daoist, Cihang Taoist and Guanyin, Kong Xuan and Peacock Mingwang Bodhisattva, etc. This book is a novel , the setting may not be perfect, but in order to make the plot more interesting, I hope everyone can not mix the conflicting characters together, and don't get too deep into it.

Nezha could tell that the person was not kind, but he was not impulsive enough to let someone do it directly.

Looking at the Manjushri and Pu Bodhisattva standing in the front, riding a blue lion and a white elephant, he spoke loudly.

These two Bodhisattvas have a very high status in Lingshan. Although they are only at the level of Bodhisattvas, they are no less than Buddhas in terms of strength and influence.

Why did Nezha speak instead of Tongtian Sect Master?
Because Nezha is the nominal commander here, and the leader of Tongtian doesn't want to take the lead directly, he stands at the farthest position at this time, looking at the blue lion and white elephant with complicated eyes.

"The Buddha learned that the Jade Emperor led the immortals in the heaven and the underworld to break the laws of the three realms, so he asked us to come here to help. Please step aside and don't delay the important event."

Puxian Bodhisattva spoke with a serious and sincere expression.

If it wasn't for the Jade Emperor's warning in advance, and the uproar caused by Monkey King and Zhu Bajie just now, Nezha at this time would definitely believe the words of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and let these people enter the heaven.

"I'm really sorry, the Jade Emperor has issued a decree. Before the law of the Three Realms is broken, the Heavenly Court will be under full martial law and no one is allowed to enter."

"We appreciate the kindness of the Buddha. It is enough to break the laws of the three realms to destroy the immortals in the heaven and the underworld. Please leave quickly."

Nezha is still very polite when speaking, but it gives people a taste that cannot be refused...

(End of this chapter)

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