The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2951 Only 4 Arhats

Chapter 2951 Only Fourteen Arhats
The West Gate of Heaven, the battle between Heaven and Lingshan has officially begun.

Who is the biggest traitor behind Lingshan is not fully known for the time being, but his identity has been determined to be a Buddha.

If you want to attack the Heavenly Court, even if you choose a good time, hundreds or thousands of people are not enough.

At this time, the number of people in Lingshan had already exceeded ten thousand, and there were still people coming out of the golden vortex.

Today, Lingshan and Tianting are completely torn apart. The purpose is very clear, that is to hinder the breaking of the law of the Three Realms of China, and solve the high-level gods and ghosts in Tianting and Hell in one fell swoop...

Nezha and Venerable Ananda first played against each other. Under normal conditions, there is some gap between Nezha and Venerable Ananda.

But after he became overwhelmed, the situation improved, and the two of them were fighting each other without mentioning it.

"As expected of the third prince Nezha, he is really capable. No wonder that monkey and Bajie failed."

"As long as you join Lingshan Buddhism, my Buddha will definitely use you."

While fighting against Nezha, Venerable Ananda praised Nezha's strength and tried to win over Nezha.

"Venerable Ananda, if you join the Heavenly Court with your own ability, the Jade Emperor will definitely use you again. Do you want to join us?"

Venerable Ananda wooed Nezha, but Nezha didn't object or agree. Instead, he said something similar to Venerable Ananda with a strange smile to win him over.

What he said sounded very sincere.

"You are stubborn, so don't say that this venerable will not give you a chance!"

Seeing the weird smile on Nezha's face, Venerable Ananda's face darkened.

Because it is impossible for Venerable Ananda to defect at this time, and Nezha will not betray the heaven, so what Nezha said sounds like he is trying to win Venerable Ananda.

In fact, it was sarcasm, teasing him.

Venerable Ananda, who knew that it would be useless to talk too much, said no more. He drank lightly in his mouth, the Buddha energy in his body circulated, and his palms carried the power of breaking mountains and cracking the ground, and launched a crazy attack on Nezha.

The strange smile on Nezha's face disappeared, and he didn't dare to be careless. He waved a few magical weapons in his hands and collided with Venerable Ananda's palms in turn.

The fight between the two became more and more intense, and the other people around were also fighting fiercely...

"One, two, three, four...thirteen, come there are only fourteen?"

The arhats in Lingshan are generally called five hundred arhats and eighteen arhats. Although they are both arhats, there is a big gap in fame and strength.

The Eighteen Arhats composed of Venerable Dragon Subduing and Venerable Fuhu are much stronger than the five hundred Arhats.

To put it simply, five hundred arhats are first-class arhats, and the eighteen arhats are special ones.

After Nezha and Ananda fought together, people from Tianting and Lingshan also met one after another.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and the Holy Mother of Guiling followed the Tongtian leader to the West Heaven Gate and stood together all the time.

When they dealt with Monkey King and Zhu Bajie earlier, the three of them didn't make a move at all.

It's not that they didn't help, but that Monkey King and Zhu Bajie had already been captured before they could make a move.

After the three of them appeared in Lingshan, they had locked on their target, and their target was very consistent, which was the Eighteen Arhats.

The Eighteen Arhats are a small group, and after they walked out of the golden vortex, they also gathered together.

The three Holy Mothers found them easily, but after seeing the Eighteen Arhats, they felt a little strange.

Because four of the eighteen arhats are missing, there are only fourteen arhats.

"It is true that there are only fourteen Arhats, missing the Bowl-raising Arhat, Happy Arhat, Laughing Lion Arhat, and Long-Browed Arhat!"

Before what happened today, the relationship between Tianting and Lingshan was still very close.

For the Eighteen Arhats in Lingshan, the Holy Mother of Jinling is no stranger to them.

The three of them searched around among all the people in Lingshan, and it was true that four people were missing.

"The eighteen arhats all come out together, how could there be four less?"

"Could it be that they were late and hadn't come out of the vortex, so they didn't see them?"

"I hope it's a step late, not because of other plans... Fourteen or fourteen, let's deal with them first..."

Four arhats were missing, which made it very strange for the three Wudang Madonnas who knew something about the eighteen arhats.

But at this time, no one will give them an answer.

The thing to do right now is to prevent people from Lingshan from entering the Heavenly Court. Thinking about other things is a waste of time.

After the three Holy Mothers exchanged briefly, as the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit finished speaking, the three of them rushed towards the direction of the Fourteen Arhats at the same time.

"Boom bang bang..."

"Ah ah ah..."

When the three saints were watching the fourteen arhats, the fourteen arhats had already handed over the heavenly soldiers and generals.

The fighting power of the Fourteen Arhats is the strongest among the Arhats, and second only to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan.

Ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals, where are their opponents.

Fourteen Arhats rushed forward without any hindrance at all, and the heavenly soldiers and generals suffered a lot.

But this unstoppable situation changed after the three saints arrived.


The three Holy Mothers flew over, and seeing the heavenly soldiers and generals being beaten back and losing a lot of money, the expressions of the three of them all changed.

The Holy Mother of Guiling made seals in her hands, and with a loud shout, a green barrier descended from the sky, blocking the fourteen arhats.


The green barrier appeared, and the attack of Fourteen Arhats was blocked.

Although Qi Qi shattered the green barrier in an instant, he couldn't hurt any of the heavenly soldiers and generals.

"The Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, the three Holy Mothers came directly to us, shouldn't we feel honored?"

The Fourteen Arhats' attack was blocked, they tacitly stopped attacking, and at the same time looked up at the three flying Virgins.

Fourteen Arhats seem to be standing in a random position, but they are actually very particular.

They have been together all year round, and they have a tacit understanding with each other. The position they are standing now happens to be a kind of formation.

Although there are four missing Arhats, it is impossible to form a formation of eighteen Arhats, but the formation of fourteen Arhats can also allow them to exert stronger combat effectiveness.

The speaking Arhat rides a golden dragon under his crotch, and it is the Venerable Jianglong (Qinglong Arhat).

Among the Eighteen Arhats, although the Dragon Subduing Arhat is the No.17 Arhat, his battle can actually be said to be the strongest among the Eighteen Arhats.

"Is it an honor? If I can meet Eighteen Arhats for a while, I'm actually more interested."

"I just don't know why only fourteen of the eighteen arhats are here? Could it be that the other four were not willing to be traitors like you, so they were killed?"

The three Holy Mothers of the Golden Spirit fell from the sky and stood in front of the Fourteen Arhats.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals who had obstructed the Fourteen Arhats dispersed automatically, leaving an area for them.

Listening to the words of Jianglong Arhat, the Holy Mother of Wudang smiled faintly and asked a question that they were very curious about.

"Ridiculous? My eighteen arhats came here following my Buddha's order. How could it be called a betrayal?"

"As for the four arhats...if you want to know where they are, you have no chance..."

The Venerable Fuhu (Fuhu Arhat) who was riding a tiger under his crotch stared at him, and had no intention of answering the question of the Virgin of Wudang. He slapped the tiger on the head, and the tiger rushed towards the Virgin of Wudang...

(End of this chapter)

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