The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2958 Venerable Kasyapa VS Burning Taoist

Chapter 2958 Venerable Kasyapa VS Burning Taoist
Eighteen arhats died in battle one after another, and the situation is not optimistic that they can continue to fight. This has inevitably affected the people in Lingshan, and their momentum has obviously declined.

After all, the Eighteen Arhats are regarded as elites in the entire Lingshan Mountain, second only to the Bodhisattvas.

"Tota Arhat, Crouching Tiger Arhat, Probing Hand Arhat...Damn it, you have suffered such a huge loss from the very beginning. Did you guys have been prepared and expected us to come?"

Besides Venerable Ananda, the constant attendant beside the Tathagata Buddha is Venerable Kasyapa.

Although Ananda Kasyapa is the title of the Venerable, but because he often follows the Tathagata Buddha, he has benefited a lot, and his cultivation level cannot be determined according to the Venerable.

Really counting, both of them are completely strong at the Bodhisattva level, and the Eighteen Arhats are considered to be the strongest under the Bodhisattva, so they have to be counted by throwing them out.

At this time, Venerable Kassapa was fighting Taoist Ran Deng.

When he saw the eighteen arhats dying in battle one after another, he frowned and couldn't help thinking of something in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, when the heavenly court breaks the laws of the three realms, according to the information it receives, the guardians of the four major heavenly gates should be very weak, because those with high cultivation bases must participate in breaking the laws of the three realms.

But the West Heaven Gate in front of you, whether it is the Taoist burning lamp that you are dealing with, or the three Golden Spirit Virgins who are fighting with the Eighteen Arhats, and Nezha who is entangled with Venerable Ananda, all of them can be called names in the Heavenly Court and the Underworld. .

Moreover, he also saw the 28 constellations and the top ten yin commanders. So many people who can rank in the heaven and the underworld, instead of participating in breaking the laws of the three realms, come to guard the West Heaven Gate. Is this normal?
Could it be that these people came to support because of Monkey King and Zhu Bajie making a scene?

But according to the plan, with the combat power of Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, the West Heaven Gate under normal guards would not last long, and it was impossible for people who broke the law of the three realms to support them.

The plan at the time was that after Monkey King and Zhu Bajie broke through the West Heaven Gate, Lingshan would come directly to the West Heaven Gate after feeling it, and enter the Heavenly Court without any hindrance.

But things didn't go according to plan.

Lingshan did not receive the signal from Monkey King and Zhu Bajie. They came here because it had been too long and they felt that something was wrong.

After seeing the situation at Xitianmen, it was far worse than imagined.

The situation here made Venerable Kasyapa feel that the Heavenly Court had already expected that the Lingshan side would make trouble today, so it strengthened its defenses at the West Heaven Gate in advance.

"Venerable Kasyapa, what do you think?"

"At this time, I still think about whether Heavenly Court has already prepared to strengthen the defense in advance, and care about the life and death of other people. Is there any real value?"

"What you should consider now is whether you can survive today."

Among the people who came to Xitianmen for reinforcements this time, apart from the Master Tongtian, the ones with the highest cultivation level were the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, and Taoist Ran Deng.

In the Battle of the Conferred Gods back then, although Taoist Ran Deng had a bad reputation because of his many sneak attacks on his opponents.

But his being able to sit on the position of the deputy leader of the teaching is a proof of his strength.

The three of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit fought against the Fourteen Arhats, and before the Lord Tongtian made a move, he was undoubtedly the most suitable person to deal with Venerable Ananda.

"I don't know who died!"

Venerable Kassapa frowned at Taoist Ran Deng's answer, and became more certain of his thoughts in his heart.

As for the Heavenly Court, it must have been prepared long ago, which is why it caused the immediate predicament.

In terms of Lingshan, after all, I still underestimated Tianting.

Under the restriction of the law of the Three Realms, although the Heavenly Court and the Underworld are in a state of having nothing to do, it is very boring.

But this state did not make the heavens and the underworld become depressed, ignorant, and enjoy ease.

Drinking lightly in his mouth, Venerable Kasyapa formed a seal in his hand, pushed his palm forward, and a golden * blasted towards Taoist Burning Lamp.

"The universe ruler... break it for me..."

When Venerable Kasyapa typed the * letter, the golden light looked dazzling, but under the gorgeous appearance, it carried a strong destructive power.

He is a constant attendant next to the Tathagata Buddha, and he must have learned a lot from the Tathagata Buddha.

Daoist Ran Deng didn't dare to be careless, he held the Qiankun ruler in his hand, swiped the ruler several times, and shadows of the ruler flew out, hitting the golden * before breaking it.

"Kasyapa, as the Tathagata Buddha's regular attendant, you attack the Heavenly Court. You are worsening the relationship between the Heavenly Court and Lingshan. Are you not afraid that the Buddha will scold you later and send you to the Asura Hell to be tortured and punished? "

Breaking through the opponent's attack, Daoist Ran Deng bullied him.

The Qiankun Ruler in his hand attacked Venerable Kasyapa while shouting loudly.

Venerable Kasyapa was full of Buddha's energy, and with a long golden stick in his hand, he fought with Taoist Ran Deng.

Hearing Taoist Burning Deng mentioned Tathagata Buddha, Venerable Kasyapa showed a meaningful smile on his face.

"It seems that you people are not as smart as you think."

"Will the Buddha punish me? Knowing these things before me, the Buddha will definitely be very unhappy, very unhappy..."

Venerable Kassapa's voice sounded a little weird.

The strange smile on his face may make people feel a little strange, and they don't understand what the smile represents.

And what he said made Taoist Burning Lamp even more ugly.

Daoist Ran Deng was not angry at what the other party said, but he felt that the other party's words meant something.

It's just that at this time, Daoist Ran Deng didn't have time to think too many questions, and didn't think deeply about the meaning of the other party's words.

Taoist Ran Deng's cultivation base is indeed not low, but Venerable Kasyapa is not weak either.

If he is careless, he is likely to suffer.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The Qiankun ruler and the golden long stick collided repeatedly, and the confrontation between Taoist Ran Deng and Venerable Kassapa intensified.

In the short confrontation, it was impossible to tell the winner.

But as time passed, it gradually appeared.

Although Venerable Kasyapa has the fighting power of a bodhisattva, it is also a very low-level one, which is stronger than the fighting power of subduing dragons and tigers fused with golden dragons and tigers.

But after all, he was fighting Daoist Burning Lamp alone, which was a big disadvantage.

There is no doubt that the cultivation of Daoist Ran Deng is higher than that of Venerable Kasyapa.

After a long time, Venerable Kassapa gradually fell into the lower peak.

The state of the lower peak is becoming more and more obvious.

"Jiaye, put down the golden stick in your hand, surrender voluntarily, and then follow me to apologize in front of the Jade Emperor, and I can spare your life."

"Otherwise, I don't care if you are the regular attendant next to the Tathagata Buddha, I will take your life!"

Daoist Ran Deng, who occupied the upper peak, waved the Qiankun Ruler to maintain his upper peak advantage, and at the same time asked Venerable Kassapa to surrender.

He hoped that with his hard and soft actions, the fight with Venerable Kasyapa would be over soon.

In this way, I can continue to maintain my current best state, and then go to solve other opponents...

(End of this chapter)

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