The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2980 Tiangu Leiyin Buddha shot

Chapter 2980 Tiangu Leiyin Buddha shot

Chi You appeared and fought against Bodhisattva Wei Tuo, from the first head-to-head confrontation to the later breath collision.

No matter what kind it is, Chi You has not fallen from the peak.

In the subsequent breath competition, Chi You even stabilized the Wei Tuo Bodhisattva, and he was shocked to retreat and vomit blood.

Breath competition is very harmful to the body. Once lost, it will have a great impact on a person, and it will directly cause internal injuries. This is the case with Wei Tuo Bodhisattva at this time.


Chi You shook Bodhisattva Wei Tuo back, and rushed forward with Chi You's battle ax in hand, as if preparing to kill the opponent directly.

Feeling Chi You's killing intent, even if he recognized that he was not Chi You's opponent, he didn't intend to stand here and wait to be killed.

But as soon as he got lucky and wanted to react, he felt a twitching pain in his internal organs, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Bodhisattva Wei Tuo can't practice his kung fu blindly. He needs to adjust his breath and stabilize his injury.

But Chi You didn't intend to give him this chance at all, the other party was getting closer and closer to him.

"I will not die here, not just like this."

"Tiangu Leiyin Buddha, save me!"

Life is worse than face, Bodhisattva Wei Tuo knew that it was impossible to block Chi You's next attack by relying on his own strength.

It wasn't him who came here today, there was even Tiangu Leiyinfo who was stronger than him.

There was nothing he could do, so he began to ask Tiangu Leiyin Buddha for help.

Although it was a little embarrassing, it was better than being killed by Chi You.

"Amituofo, your murder is too heavy, this is not good!"

Tiangu Leiyinfo has been watching, but never made a move.

He came here today, and he is not a spectator himself, and he has not made a move for a long time, because it is not yet time for him to make a move.

After seeing the defeat of Wei Tuo Bodhisattva, the Buddha energy in Tiangu Leiyin Buddha's body has begun to circulate.

Even if Bodhisattva Wei Tuo does not ask for help, he will save the other party.

Otherwise, just watching Wei Tuo Bodhisattva being killed by Chi You, after returning to Lingshan, he would not be able to explain to other people in Buddhism.

When Chiyou's Chiyou battle ax slashed at the neck of Bodhisattva Wei Tuo, and was about to hit it, the Buddha's name sounded from Tiangu Leiyin Buddha's mouth, and a round of golden characters appeared in front of Bodhisattva Wei Tuo in the mudra of his fingers.


Chi You slashed with his battle ax and hit the golden *.

The word * shone brightly, and there was a roaring sound. Chi You felt his palm go numb, and his body took two steps back.

"The more difficult guy finally made a move!"

When Chi You appeared, he noticed Tiangu Leiyinfo.

The aura he felt earlier also mainly came from Tiangu Leiyin Buddha, not Wei Tuo Bodhisattva.

Chi You knew that this was the most difficult one to deal with today.

As soon as he got back to the top of the mountain, it was the other party that Chi You really wanted to fight.

It was only because of various reasons that he couldn't directly attack the opponent, so he fought with Wei Tuo Bodhisattva first.

At this time, Tiangu Lei Yinfo took the initiative to attack, and Chi You finally knew the opponent's strength.

Strong, very strong.

Just a Buddha seal blocked his own blow, and up to this moment, the light seal of * was still there, but he was knocked back.

"The stronger the opponent, the more I like it, the more excited I am!"

"Jiuli breaks the army and kills!"

Shouting excitedly, Chi You revealed his ferocity.

Not only did he unleash his usual ferocity, Chi You also performed the Jiuli Pojun Kill, which only the Jiuli tribe can perform, to enhance his ferocity.

Chi You's eyes were red, his clothes were rattling, and a fierce scarlet wind blew around him.

"What a Chi You, with such a strong evil spirit, I will definitely not let you stay today."

"Bodhisattva Wei Tuo, this is the elixir given by the pharmacist Tathagata. You take it first, and quickly recuperate the injury. He gave it to me."

Looking at Chi You, whose ferocity was fully revealed, Tiangu Leiyinfo sat cross-legged, floating in mid-air, and a lotus platform appeared below him.

With a wave of his arm, a golden light flashed, and a pill had entered the mouth of Bodhisattva Wei Tuo.

Bodhisattva Wei Tuo didn't say much, just looked fiercely at Chi You, and then at the demons and zombies surrounding the top ten artifacts.

There is a purpose for Tiangu Leiyinfo to let him heal his wounds.

He was telling Bodhisattva Wei Tuo to heal his wounds quickly, and there are still things for him to do.

That is to attack other people and destroy Ji Yang's ten magic weapon formation.

It seems that Tiangu Leiyinfo is not a big person, he attaches great importance to Chi You, and doesn't think he can solve him quickly, so Wei Tuo Bodhisattva can heal the wound, but the time must be fast.

With the elixir assisted treatment by the pharmacist Tathagata, Bodhisattva Wei Tuo should be able to recover soon.

"Hmph...the poser, ha..."

Chi You was ready to attack, looking at Tiangu Leiyinfo who was sitting on the lotus platform, he shouted loudly, his body glowed red, and rushed towards the opponent.

The Chi You battle ax in his hand was still on the way, but he threw it vigorously.

Chi You's battle ax quickly spun out and slammed towards Tiangu Lei Yinfo.


As Chi You's battle ax flew towards him, Tiangu Lei Yinfo narrowed his eyes slightly, and a drum suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lightly tap the drum with the palm of your hand, the drum sounds and the sound waves vibrate.

"Boom boom boom..."

Chi You's battle ax collided with the sound wave, and after breaking through the sound wave, it continued to fly forward for a meter or two, before being able to move any further.

Then there was a change in the strength of the rotation, and it flew backwards towards Chi You.


Chi You's battle ax flew upside down, Chi You frowned, and reached out to grab Chi You's battle axe.

But unexpectedly, Chi You's battle ax got out of his hand and almost cut himself.

The body moved quickly, Chi You strengthened his hand, grabbed the handle of the ax again, there was a crackling sound from his arm, and he held Chi You's battle ax just now.

"This guy is so powerful!"

Holding Chi You's battle axe, Chi You's eyes were solemn like never before.

Chi You was not surprised that the battle ax would fly back upside down.

Because the way he attacked just now was originally calculated to make Chi You's battle ax fly backwards.

But he failed to catch Chi You's battle axe, and was almost injured by his own Chi You's battle axe. This must be because of Tiangu Lei Yinfo.

He likes to fight against the strong, but that doesn't mean Chi You is reckless.

He already felt that Tiangu Leiyinfo in front of him would be the strongest opponent he had encountered in this period of time, except for Nuwa Fuxi.

If I am not cautious enough today, I will probably explain it here.

"Interesting, really interesting, hahaha..."

"Devil God Shake!"

Strong opponents, exciting holding laughs.

While laughing, the devil energy in Chi You's body was operating, and the devil god directly displayed it.



The demon god casts it, and the air mass flies to attack.

Tiangu Leiyinfo beat the drum again as before.

The sound of the drum vibrated and the sound wave spread, but this time, the Demon God Shaker did not disappoint Chi You, but directly shattered the other party's sound wave, and continued to hit Tiangu Lei Yinfo...

(End of this chapter)

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