The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2997 Surrounding Tiangu Leiyin Buddha

Chapter 2997 Surrounding Tiangu Leiyin Buddha

"Ao Ye... the golden eagle... ah..."

Among the people who can fight against Tiangu Leiyinfo at this time, Jin Diao and Ao Ye are strong helpers. Compared with other monsters and zombies, their cultivation base is much higher.

But who would have thought that the fight had just started, and the other monsters and zombies were fine, but the golden eagle and Ao Ye were seriously injured to the point that they could no longer continue fighting.

Besides the relationship between each other, and the relationship between Jin Diao and Ao Ye, Ji Yang must be deeper than other monster clans and corpse clans.

Seeing the two of them like this, the immortal energy in Ji Yang's angry body was a little out of control, and his voice was a little hoarse, like a roar.

"Boy, stabilize your own emotions, you can't mess around at this time!"

The immortal energy in Ji Yang's body was chaotic, and he looked a little crazy because of his anger.

This kind of body will affect his combat effectiveness.

Maybe stronger power will erupt, but there will also be a sense of chaos.

If he faced ordinary enemies, he would be fine with his appearance.

But in the face of Tiangu Leiyinfo, if he messed up and just attacked madly due to anger, he would suffer a big loss. After all, the difference in cultivation between the two sides is really too big.

As soon as he felt that Ji Yang's state was not right, Chi You immediately opened his mouth to remind him.

"Damn Tiangu Leiyinfo... I will never let you go..."

Ji Yang's anger was real, and his whole body was a little dazed by anger, but under Chi You's loud reminder, he also instantly came to his senses.

It's just that the person calmed down and looked at Tiangu Leiyinfo, but there was still a strong hatred in his eyes.



Chi You reminded Ji Yang that while Ji Yang was calm, Amaterasu had already arrived in front of Tiangu Leiyinfo with some monsters and zombies.

When Amaterasu made a move, the original purpose was to help Chi You.

But as the Yata Bird turned into a Yata Mirror, the reason for her attacking Tiangu Leiyinfo also became revenge for the Yata Bird, which is consistent with Ji Yang's current thinking.

Swinging the Izumo Congjian in his hand and shouting "Ba Ga", Amaterasu's attack speed was very fast and fierce.

It's just that when Tiangu Leiyinfo faced these attacks, he behaved calmly, obviously posing little threat to him.

"Dangdangdang... Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

Even Amaterasu's attack, Tiangu Leiyinfo dealt with it so calmly, and the attacks of other monster races and zombies were even more so.

The Buddha's light flickering on his body was still there, and even the golden eagle couldn't break through easily, not to mention these monsters and zombies who were not as powerful as the golden eagle.

Their attacks couldn't break Tiangu Leiyinfo's defense at all.

In other words, Tiangu Leiyinfo ignored them at all.

"Baga...Izumo Lieyang Slash..."

If you want other monsters and zombies to be able to really hurt Tiangu Leiyinfo, you have to break this layer of Buddha's light on him.

It is impossible to count on the monsters and zombies. Even if they can be rescued, it will take a long time. Tiangu Leiyinfo is enough to kill them a few times in this time.

Only Amaterasu can do this.

Amaterasu is also aware of this matter, besides the defense is not broken, she has no way to hurt the other party.

After attacking for a while, Amaterasu, who recognized this point, flashed a burst of fiery red light on the Izumo Congjian in his hand, and slashed at Tiangu Leiyinfo fiercely.


Fighting Tiangu Leiyinfo for more than a moment, Amaterasu already knows how strong the opponent is.

He wanted to break through the opponent's defensive Buddha Qi, so the moves he used were naturally very powerful. As expected, this sword split the Buddha Qi on the surface of Tiangu Leiyinfo's body.

"Ha...Baga...break it for me!"

Cracks appeared on the surface of the Buddha Qi protection, but it did not break directly.

Amaterasu's spirit surged out of his body, increasing the power of the Izumo sword, and the Buddha's spirit finally dissipated.


But if the Buddha's energy is shattered, Tiangu Leiyinfo rescue will definitely be injured by Amaterasu?
The answer is no, it is true that the Buddha Qi protected Tiangu Leiyinfo and made him less harmed.

But Tiangu Leiyin Buddha did not completely rely on the protection of Buddha Qi.

Since Amaterasu can increase his attack power and break through the protection of the Buddha's energy, Tiangu Leiyin Buddha can naturally also enhance the power of the protection of the Buddha's energy so that it will not be broken.

He didn't do this because he was ready for the next move.

The Buddha's aura collapsed, and a * Buddha seal had already gushed out of his body and blasted towards Amaterasu.


Amaterasu didn't react too slowly, the Izumo Cong sword in his hand changed his move, and struck it together with the * word Buddha seal.

* The Buddhist seal of the word shattered, and the shattered Buddha's light shot to the surroundings. Amaterasu swung the Cloud Cong sword, breaking the Buddha's energy that was shaking towards him.

"Ah ah ah..."

It was very easy for Amaterasu to break the Buddha energy that was hitting him, but compared to him, the other monsters and zombies were a bit unlucky.

The Buddhist aura of Buddhism has a strong restraint effect on monsters, especially zombies.

Especially zombies, they are evil existences, and their aura and Buddha aura are mutually restraining.

If one's own cultivation is not good enough, naturally one cannot bear and resist these Buddha spirits spreading towards oneself.

"The Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist... Bingman..."

The monsters and zombies are uncomfortable, and of course Ji Yang and Chi You will not watch them suffer.

The two had already arrived at this time, and each helped dozens of monsters and zombies break the Buddha's aura.

"It's all here... then let's start..."

With the arrival of Ji Yang and Chi You, those who attacked Tiangu Lei Yinfo were all present at this time.

Tiangu Leiyinfo, who had already been surrounded, didn't look like he was in danger of being surrounded by people, but looked relaxed and content.

It seemed that he just wanted to wait to be surrounded, and even felt that he was too late to be surrounded.

"Dong dong dong..."

Beating the Tiangu with both hands rhythmically, the sound of the drum sounds very enjoyable.

But at this time, Ji Yang and the others were unable to enjoy the sound of the drums, because accompanied by the sound of the drums, there was a sense of discomfort that went straight to the depths of the soul.

Accompanied at the same time, there is also the Buddha's energy and thunder and lightning from Tiangu Leiyin Buddha.

The Tiangu Leiyin Buddha in the middle is like a big lightning ball at this time, with a layer of gold on the surface, which looks very eye-catching and dazzling.

And he gives people the feeling that there is danger over there. ,


"Everyone be careful!"

The thunder and lightning on Tiangu Leiyinfo's body was not for viewing, nor was it to create momentum for himself.

These lightning bolts are for attacking.

As the thunder and lightning splashed out from Tiangu Leiyinfo, and after they were released indiscriminately without a target at all, Ji Yang waved the black sword in his hand while reminding everyone.

After all, he is a person who has endured many thunderstorms, and he has also practiced spells with lightning attributes, so he still has a certain resistance to thunder and lightning.

But unlike him, the monster race and zombies themselves are weak against lightning. Now this situation where there seems to be no target but lightning everywhere is very dangerous.

Because around Tiangu Leiyin Buddha, there are all monsters and zombies...

(End of this chapter)

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