The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 300 The Auction Finale Is a National Treasure

Chapter 300 The Finale Auction Item Is a National Treasure (Part [-])
The value of this Han Dynasty Hetian suet unicorn is only about 400 million.

The local tyrant and middle-aged man bid a price of 650 million, which has far exceeded the value of the Hetian mutton unicorn in the Han Dynasty.

Now Ji Yang has not only increased the price, but also directly increased it by 50.

Call the price of this unicorn pendant to a high price of 700 million.

As soon as the price of 700 million rang, all the people who participated in the auction on the first floor looked to the second floor.

Those who can participate in the auction on the second floor are of some status, and the people on the first floor started discussing in low voices.

They were guessing which big shot bought the Qilin Pei at such a high price.

Not only the people on the first floor, but also people in other boxes were also guessing about Ji Yang's identity.

This is the people who come here, whether they are sitting in the ordinary auction area on the first floor or in the boxes on the second floor.

I don't know the identities of the people in the other rooms, not even the hostess in charge of the auction.

"Ji Shao, you are..."

Quanchang just said that this unicorn pendant was not worth the price one moment ago, and Ji Yang raised the price the next moment.

Quan Chang was immediately stunned, and even Mu Hong and the others looked at Ji Yang strangely.

Ji Yang's expression looks a little strange, why does it feel like Ji Yang is also in a daze?
"This unicorn is not as simple as it seems."

Everyone in the room knew that Ji Yang had the ability to surpass ordinary people, and he also had magic weapons such as the Qiankun storage ring and water-avoiding pearls in his hands.

Now Ji Yang said that this unicorn pendant is not simple, and everyone associates this Hetian suet unicorn pendant from the Han Dynasty with a magic weapon.

If the unicorn pendant is really a magic weapon, it is a priceless treasure.

Not to mention 700 million, even 7000 million, [-] million is worth it.

What Ji Yang said was not very clear. Although the others were puzzled, they didn't continue to say anything.

In fact, even if this unicorn pendant is not a magic weapon, if Ji Yang really likes it, it is not a big deal to buy it for 700 million.

"Does Xiaolongnv's unicorn pendant really have special energy fluctuations?"

It's not that Ji Yang doesn't want to speak clearly, it's that he himself doesn't know what's special about this unicorn pendant.

He said that the Qilin Pei was unusual, and it was Xiaolongnv who told him.

Xiao Longnu felt a faint energy flow on this unicorn.

Although the aura is very weak now, Xiao Longnv said that this aura makes her feel scared.

Even the slightest breath can make Xiaolongnv feel scared. Under normal circumstances, it would be such a terrifying existence.

It's just that Xiao Longnu doesn't know what kind of breath this breath is.

"Well, I can be sure that this unicorn pendant is definitely not simple. It may be helpful to you after you take a photo."

When the little dragon girl was speaking, Ji Yang felt that the little dragon girl was trembling with fear.

Feeling Xiaolongnu's body trembling, Ji Yang decided that no matter how much the unicorn pendant cost, he would order it today.

"Even if I put in all the tens of millions I earned today, I will order this unicorn pendant."

Ji Yang became cruel, no matter what he wanted to take this unicorn pendant.

But Ji Yang was worried that it was unnecessary, because no one would continue to bid with him.

No one has continued to increase the price of the previous 650 million.

Now unless the middle-aged man continues to increase the price, this unicorn pendant will belong to Ji Yang.

Just looking at the appearance of the middle-aged man, although his eyes were a bit unwilling, he still gave up with a sigh.

People who can be on the second floor are not ordinary, and this unicorn is nothing special in the eyes of ordinary people.

For an ordinary jade pendant, paying a high price and offending others, middle-aged people would not do such stupid things.


"Congratulations to Mr. Room 700 for winning the Han Dynasty Hetian Suet Qilin Pei at an auction of [-] million yuan."

No one raised the price, the female supporter dropped the auction hammer, and the unicorn pendant belonged to Ji Yang.

It's just the female host's congratulations, but it sounds ridiculous to many people.

It cost 700 million to buy 400 million things, congratulations, you are stupid at all.

Ji Yang doesn't care what other people think, anyway, he knows the absolute value of his 700 million flowers.

The unicorn pendant is not the last auction item, and the auction is still going on.

Because she accidentally discovered that the unicorn pendant has energy fluctuations, in the next auction, Xiao Longnu carefully felt all the antiques.

However, these antiques are ordinary antiques, and there is nothing special about them.

This made Ji Yang a little confused.

"What we are going to auction next will be the last auction item of today."

The hostess smiled mysteriously, and walked off the stage without saying what the auction item was.

The final auction item will be on the stage, and Ji Yang is also looking forward to it.

He wanted to see if there was a special energy aura on this last auction item.

"The last auction item, do you know what it is?"

The hostess looked mysterious, Ji Yang asked Quan Chang and Wang Ji curiously.

Hearing Ji Yang's question, Quan Chang and Wang Ji shook their heads.

"This auction is very strange. Generally speaking, before the auction is held, the auction will have a lot of publicity for the auction."

"Especially the finale, because it can attract more people to bid."

"But this time the auction will have publicized explanations for other auction items, but no information about the final auction item has been disclosed."

"I also asked my friend about the final auction item, but he smiled mysteriously."

"He only said that this auction item will definitely shock the audience when it comes out, and he didn't say anything else."

The final auction item is not advertised, and it is so mysterious.

Ji Yang became more and more curious about this auction item.

Shortly after the hostess walked off the stage, she and a staff member pushed a small cart onto the stage.

The trolley was covered with a red cloth, and the red cloth covered the auction items tightly, making it impossible for people to see the contents clearly.

"What is it that makes it so mysterious?"

"Yeah, this auction item is not clearly stated in the information given to us."

"The auction items are all on the stage, so don't cover up, and quickly uncover the red cloth."

"Could it be that the magic weapon is not working, it is so mysterious, let us see the auction items..."

Sometimes, it is also very effective to make things mysterious.

Just like today's auction, the auctioneer deliberately did not clarify the finale auction item.

Instead, many people came to the auction out of curiosity.

It's just that I don't know what the auction item is, so don't let everyone down.

"Is there any special energy fluctuation?"

As soon as the auction item was pushed up, Ji Yang asked Xiao Longnv.

"There is nothing, it feels very ordinary, and the age is not as good as the previous auction items."

The value of antiques is not only measured by age.

However, this auction item did not have special energy fluctuations, and Ji Yang's interest in it dropped instantly.

And just when Ji Yang's interest was greatly reduced, the hostess spoke with a smile on her face.

"It's the seller's fault that there was no publicity before."

"But this auction item, everyone will definitely not make mistakes, because it is a national treasure."

 Thanks to Alone°Late Autumn ご,????ⅣⅢⅥ?♂???, strangers in time, brother is a legend, etc., thank you for your support, please recommend, monthly ticket, reward
(End of this chapter)

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