The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3004 kill Ji Yang first

Chapter 3004 kill Ji Yang first

"Pfft... pfft..."

Ji Yang was sent flying by Tiangu Leiyin Buddha's benevolent thunderclap, and his body spit out a few mouthfuls of blood in the air, and he couldn't even keep his body that had become bigger and bigger.

The body fell to the ground and fell heavily on the ground, and the whole person looked very sluggish.

The anger emanating from his body became weaker and weaker, his whole body was in extremely poor condition, and he was constantly vomiting blood from his mouth, staining the ground in front of his eyes red.

"Ji Shao..."

"Ji Yang!"

In the Tiangu Thunderfield, because it is covered with dense thunder and lightning, it is impossible to see the internal situation clearly from outside the Tiangu Thunderfield.

But the people among them all saw Ji Yang fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Whether it is Chi You and Amaterasu who were also injured, or the Yaozu and Shizu who are still alive.

When they saw Ji Yang fell to the ground and kept vomiting blood, they obviously panicked.

Compared with other people, Ji Yang's meaning is different.

Because all the people who came here today are because of one person, that is Ji Yang.

He is the convener who breaks the law of the Three Realms, if not for him, who would come here.

Once Ji Yang was injured, it had a great impact on everyone.

"I'm fine,"

Everyone was worried, but Ji Yang didn't want to make people worry.

Although he was seriously injured, he still forced a smile, trying to reassure everyone.

But there are some things that you can't hide even if you want to hide it.

Even though Earth Sha Pushing Mountain Palm counteracted part of the strength of the compassionate thunderous palm just now, it still hurt him very badly.

If it hadn't been for offsetting part of his strength, he might have died on the spot at this time.

So he tried to pretend, but he didn't succeed. Before he could finish his sentence, he spat out a mouthful of darkened blood.

Facts speak louder than words. Can he be fine with his appearance?

Ji Yang's body has a good resistance to thunder and lightning, which has something to do with the fact that he has endured the thunder and promoted his immortal status, as well as the spells he has cultivated.

But the lightning power carried by the Compassionate Thunder Palm is not weaker than that of Ji Yang's second-rank top-level sky thunder.

So this time, he was not only injured externally, but also internally.

His internal organs have been injured, although they are not completely broken, but many blood vessels on the surface are broken, and cracks have appeared in the internal organs themselves, and his mouthful of thick blood is because of this.

This mouthful of thick blood spit out, no matter how much he said that he was fine, no one would believe him.

Everyone knows that he is just pretending to be fine, so his words are useless.


"Ji Shao...Ji...poof..."

But even if they knew that Ji Yang lied, it was because they wanted to make everyone not worry, but they wanted to help, but they were powerless.

Because whether it is Chi You and Amaterasu, or other monsters and corpses, it is difficult to protect themselves now, everyone has injuries, and each one is heavier than the other.

"It's really a touching scene. Everyone can't save themselves, but they still want to save others."

"My Buddha is merciful, good, good..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tiangu Leiyinfo showed a sneer on his face.

But his words didn't match his smile.

Looking at Tiangu Leiyinfo like this, Ji Yang and others cursed "hypocrisy" in their hearts.

Tiangu Leiyinfo's performance today was an eye-opener for them.

What Lingshan Buddhism is merciful, what put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, what Buddhism doesn't tell lies... It's all a joke.

Only through personal experience can we know what is the true side of Lingshan Buddhism.

"Death is also a relief for you, so let us help you free it!"

In Tiangu Leiyu, the most difficult people are Chi You, Tianzhao and Ji Yang.

Now all three are seriously injured, and each of them has lost their combat effectiveness.

At this time, Tiangu Leiyinfo didn't just choose who he wanted to kill.

"Come on, kill me, kill me!"

Tiangu Leiyinfo wanted to kill Chi You the most, because he was the one who hurt himself just now.

But at this time, after hearing Chi You's initiative to beg for death, Tiangu Lei Yinfo stopped his movements again.

After scanning his eyes around, he looked at Ji Yang, and the sneer on his face enlarged accordingly.

"Don't worry, I will kill you."

"But now I suddenly changed my mind, I want to kill him first!"

Pointing at Ji Yang, Tiangu Leiyinfo said softly.

The important purpose of my descending to earth today is to kill Ji Yang, destroy the formation of the top ten artifacts, and hinder the breaking of the laws of the three realms.

So far, he hasn't done any of it.

Now that I can finally kill Ji Yang, why not kill him first.

As long as Ji Yang dies, Chi You will definitely feel very uncomfortable. He feels that this way he will feel more comfortable, seeing Chi You in pain.

Moreover, he would kill Ji Yang and release Tiangu Leiyu to let everyone know that he was dead.

That would affect Xiaolongnv and the others who are still maintaining the top ten divine weapon formations. Then the top ten divine weapon formations might be destroyed by themselves, and their missions would be completed.

After all, even he himself doesn't know when the laws of the Three Realms can be broken.

What if he kills one by one, Chi You first and then Ji Yang, during this time, the law of the Three Realms is broken?

Then his mission of going down to earth today will fail, and he will also become a sinner of Lingshan Buddhism.

"Don't even think about it... ah..."

As soon as Chi You heard that Tiangu Lei Yinfo was going to kill Ji Yang, his eyes changed instantly.

The relationship between him and Ji Yang is not simply a partner, but they are also members of the Jiuli tribe, and the other party is his descendant.

Letting myself watch Ji Yang being killed will make him feel more uncomfortable than being killed himself.

But what can his body do at this time.

Chi You wanted to pounce on Tiangu Leiyin Buddha, but before he could stand up, a burst of Buddha's energy pierced his shoulder blades. This blow would not kill him, but it made him very painful, and his mobility was hindered again.

"The law of the Three Realms that has restricted the Three Realms of China for thousands of years was almost broken by you. Are you really great?"

"But have you ever thought that what you do will cost yourself your life?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it would be great if you could become a Buddhist disciple."

A burst of Buddha Qi hurt Chi You, but Tiangu Leiyin Buddha ignored him.

Instead, he approached Ji Yang step by step, while talking with regret.

"What you did today, let me know that I'm lucky that I didn't enter Buddhism, otherwise I regret it more than death!"

Looking at Tiangu Leiyinfo who was getting closer and closer to him, Ji Yang was not afraid of the approaching death, but looked at him mockingly.

Anyway, it is a death, why should I die so aggrieved.

"you wanna die!"

Ji Yang's sarcasm made Tiangu Leiyinfo's expression change, his eyes became more murderous, his body rose into the air, and he slapped Ji Yang's head with his palm.

But at this moment, a huge roar suddenly moved forward, and a force penetrated the Tiangu Thunder Field from the outside, penetrated into the inside, and hit Tiangu Leiyinfo...

(End of this chapter)

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