The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3010 Master Tongtian VS Tathagata Buddha

Chapter 3010 Master Tongtian VS Tathagata Buddha ([-])

"This is for you!"

The universal light of the Buddha will not only enhance the Tathagata Buddha's own strength, but also have a certain attack effect.

If it weren't for this, it was just an ordinary light, and the leader of Tongtian would not close his eyes, and even affected himself to control the heart-piercing lock.

Not only the Master Tongtian, but even the Buddhists and the heavenly people who retreated far away were also affected.

Looking at the situation of both parties, one side is enjoying it at this time, while the other side is suffering.

Those who enjoy it are naturally the people of Buddhism, and those who suffer are the ones in heaven.

The wound on Tathagata Buddha's shoulder has begun to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye after he pulled out the heart-piercing lock.

At this time, the Master Tongtian was still closing his eyes, and had not yet adapted to the universal illumination of the Buddha's light.

As the Buddha said just now, he wants to return the pain he has endured to the other party, and he did so at this time.

After he threw the chain of the heart-piercing lock, it shot at the Tongtian leader at an extremely fast speed.

Although the Tongtian leader was still closing his eyes at this time, but when the chains of the piercing heart lock came, his ears moved, and he already felt it.

The body moved instinctively, avoiding the attack of the heart-piercing lock.

But what he avoided was only the vital point, and the shoulder was still rubbed by the heart-piercing lock.


This time, he was not pierced through the shoulder like the Tathagata Buddha, but a piece of flesh was wiped off, and the Painful Master Tongtian gasped.


The injury was not serious, it was just a skin trauma.

But it made Master Tongtian very depressed. After all, Piercing Heart Lock was his magic weapon. Now that he was injured by his own magic weapon, how could he be in a good mood.

Cursing unhappily, Master Tongtian opened his eyes abruptly.

At this time, he didn't know whether it was because of shame and anger, or because he had adapted to the Buddha's light, but he was not affected anymore.

"Hmph... Golden Buddha Lamp!"

The heart-piercing lock did not penetrate the body of the Master Tongtian as he wished, and the Tathagata Buddha was very dissatisfied.

At this time, his shoulder had recovered to its original state, and from the surface, there was no scar at all.

The nose snorted coldly, the Tathagata Buddha didn't care what the Master Tongtian was thinking, anyway, he was very displeased, and rushed towards the Master Tongtian with his body.

On the way, he raised his palms in the air, and an illusory light and shadow emerged.

The light and shadow look like a Buddha lamp, but it is condensed by Buddha energy.

The light on the Buddha lamp flickered, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

"Puff puff……"

The golden-top Buddha lamp appeared, and the Tathagata Buddha's palms were quickly slapped out, and several palm shadows flew towards the leader of Tongtian.

When these palm shadows were shot, the Buddha lamp above his head flickered with fire.

On the palm that flew out, a golden flame burned, passing through the air, and the air resounded with a "cracking" sound like fire.

Tathagata Buddha's palm strikes this time, no matter in terms of strength, speed, or quantity, are not comparable to those of the previous moves.

And in the palm, it also carries the flame of the golden-top Buddha lamp. The flame is not an ordinary flame, but the inner fire of the Tathagata Buddha.

These flames are not like real flames, but they are stronger like real flames.

"Jade Immortal Sword Intent... Luan Wu..."

The Tathagata Buddha rushed towards him, and the Master Tongtian also rushed up.

Looking at the dozens of palm shadows flying towards him, he waved the Zhuxian Sword in his hand.

The sword dance seemed to be messy, but with one swing, the palm shadows that could come flying just happened to be broken, and it didn't take much effort.

Although the Tathagata's wrath carried on the palm shadow caused some troubles to Master Tongtian, it can be ignored.

With the release of the black immortal energy on his body, it can be regarded as blocking these flames.

"Master Tongtian!"

"Tathagata Buddha!"

"Ha... drink..."

Dozens of palm shadows were broken, and the Lord Tongtian and the Tathagata Buddha had already met.

Seeing each other's displeasure, both of them were angry in their hearts, and they called each other's name at the same time, and then each started to attack.

Under the blessing of the golden-top Buddha lamp, a layer of flames condensed on the palms of the Tathagata Buddha, and it was with these condensed palms of flames that he began to resist the sword of Zhu Xian of the Master Tongtian.

Fist to sword, palm to sword, the two fought fiercely.

All kinds of roaring and explosions could be heard endlessly, and within a kilometer range of the two of them, they were covered by black and gold energy, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the ground cracked and rolled.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Bang bang bang... rumbling..."

The encouragement played by the Tathagata Buddha and the Tongtian Sect were both beaten and injured by each other.

But they didn't care, and they still attacked each other fiercely, as if they wanted to fight to the death of one side.

"Retreat, continue to retreat!"

"Quick back, quick, quick..."

The two fought fiercely, and it was very enjoyable to watch.

But the power they erupted was too strong, and the Buddhists and heavenly people who were watching had to continue to retreat.

Now it is only affected within a kilometer range, who knows if the range will be wider later.

After all, Buddha Tathagata and Master Tongtian are both too strong. It is really scary when the two of them fight together and do not give in to each other.

"Tathagata, I really underestimated you before. Your cultivation today has already surpassed the guide and quasi-mention!"

Tongtianjiao's main fight is smooth, and I have to say it is enjoyable in my heart.

Although not long ago, he had fought against Yuanshi Tianzun.

But at that time, I still couldn't let go completely.

Don't look at what he said at the time, but after all, he couldn't completely release himself like facing a real enemy like Tathagata Buddha.

He has fought against two Western leaders, Jieyin and Zhunti, and he knows the strength of their cultivation.

Tathagata Buddha's achievements today are really blue out of blue and better than blue.

"Master Tongtian, do you want to be subdued by saying such words?"

"If you surrender, with your cultivation, I can make you the Buddha of my Lingshan Buddhist sect. What do you think?"

Who doesn't like to hear good words, and Tathagata Buddha is no exception.

He was even more delighted to hear these words from Master Tongtian.

Being able to get the approval of Master Tongtian means that his cultivation today has really reached a certain height.

"Tathagata, your cultivation is higher than the two of them, but you still need to temper your heart, otherwise, you will suffer a lot."

Tathagata Buddha wins him over at this time, and the leader of Tongtian Sect sneered.

The smug look on the other party's face made Master Tongtian regret what he said just now.

But that's good too, once the opponent is proud, his moves are affected.

The Immortal Execution Sword in his hand changed his move, stabbing fiercely at the heart of Buddha Tathagata.

If you stab the opponent this time, it will pierce the opponent's heart, and the Tathagata Buddha will be finished.

"Master Tongtian, you have been tricked!"

"Welcome Buddha to Western Heaven...ha..."

The Tathagata Buddha deliberately made holes in his heart, and he deliberately lured the leader of Tongtian to attack him.

Master Tongtian stabbed with a sword, and the Tathagata Buddha, who had been prepared for a long time, dodged in an instant.

At the same time, he charged for a punch, and hit the back of the leader of Tongtian.


"Ah... poof..."

This palm hit the descendants of Tongtian Cult Master firmly, causing him to scream and vomit blood...

(End of this chapter)

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