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Chapter 3018 Zhuxian Sword Formation May Be Broken

Chapter 3018 Zhuxian Sword Formation May Be Broken
In the entire Lingshan Buddhist sect, although the number of Buddha-level is not limited to the Tathagata Buddha, there are not as many as a thousand.

The Thousand Buddhas Come to the World performed by Tathagata Buddha is not a summoning spell. Summoning all the Buddhist sects of the Buddhist sect is just a form of attack.

The countless Buddhas descended from the Thousand Buddhas are all transformed by the Buddha's energy, and they are all fake, not real.

But even if they are fake, they have reached the level of confusing the fake with the real.

They look exactly the same as the Tathagata Buddha, but they are dressed differently, as if each one is a different moment of the Tathagata Buddha.

If it's just the appearance and number, let alone a thousand, even if it's 1, the leader of Tongtian will not care.

However, the Thousand Buddhas came to the world not to confuse the real ones, not to confuse the opponent and inflict fatal damage on the opponent's attack method, but a real attack method.

Therefore, the Tathagata Buddhas transformed by these Buddha Qis are not only identical in appearance, they all exude a strong aura.

In other words, although these Buddhas descended from the Thousand Buddhas are fake, they have fighting power comparable to that of real Buddhas.

"This is going to be bad!"

The Zhuxian Sword Formation has infinite murderous aura, and its power is extremely terrifying.

Even if Master Tongtian uses the power of his avatar alone, the power is not as powerful as the Sword Formation of Immortal Execution that was set up during the Battle of the Conferred Gods, but it is still very strong.

It's just a Tathagata Buddha, Master Tongtian has absolute confidence that he can use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to defeat him.

But at this moment, looking at the countless "Tathagata Buddhas" in front of him, Master Tongtian was a little unconfident about his Sword Formation.

The strength of the Tathagata Buddha alone is equivalent to the level of a saint of heaven.

These "Tathagata Buddhas" descended from the Thousand Buddhas, even if they do not have the level of a saint in the way of heaven, they can still be compared to the peak of the first-rank immortal rank, or even the level of a saint.

The Jade Immortal Sword Formation is not a formation that is not scary, but to break through it requires at least four saints to join forces.

Of course, it doesn't mean that as long as the four saints join forces, they will definitely be able to break.

It is only a basic requirement for the four saints to join forces. The fighting power of these four saints must be the strongest among saints, and it is possible to be close to the kind of saint of heaven.

In front of the countless "Tathagata Buddhas" who are close to the fighting power of saints, if Master Tongtian only supports it for a while, the Zhuxian Sword Formation should still be able to hold it.

But if these illusory Tathagata Buddhas can continue to fight for a long time, the Jade Immortal Sword Formation will undoubtedly be broken, and he will lose without any suspense.


Execution of Immortal Swordsmanship, the people watching in the heavenly court thought that the Tathagata Buddha must be defeated, especially the few disciples of Jiejiao.

Because they all know the Zhuxian Sword Formation and the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

But at this time, seeing the Thousand Buddhas coming to the world performed by the Tathagata Buddha, and seeing the countless "Tathagata Buddhas" appearing in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, everyone was not calm.

Even if they didn't look at the ugly face of Master Tongtian, they knew that the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which they thought was infallible, was in danger.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the disciples of the Jiejiao were astonished, and couldn't help calling out to Master Tongtian in worry.

"Sister, shall we help Master?"

"Yes, let's help Master!"

Rules are dead, people are alive.

After the Master Tongtian fought against the Tathagata Buddha, the people from Tianting and Lingshan Buddhism retreated consciously, and handed over the battlefield to the two.

But after seeing that something is wrong with Master Tongtian, who cares so much.

"Okay, let's go help Master."

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit and 28 Xingxiu all wanted to help, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit agreed without hesitation.

The rest of Heavenly Court is also ready to make a move at the right time.

In fact, they all knew that if the Jade Immortal Sword Formation couldn't stop the Tathagata Buddha, it would be impossible for them to turn the tide of the battle if they went to help.

But everyone can't wait for the leader of Tongtian to be defeated, and then all of them will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Don't let them affect the Buddha, everyone is going to stop them!"

In terms of Lingshan Buddhism, the strongest forces, including Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjusri Bodhisattva, have been injured, and the fourteen golden arhats have died.

In terms of the overall combat effectiveness of both sides, Lingshan Buddhism is not as good as Tianting at this time.

But they can't look at the heavenly court to make trouble, and they have no action on their side.

Even though his injuries were extremely serious, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva was ready to lead all Buddhists to do it after seeing the changes in the people in the heavenly court.

"No one is allowed to come here, the leader of the sect has not yet been defeated, why are you panicking!"

Seeing that the original Lord Tongtian and Tathagata Buddha were fighting alone, it was about to turn into a melee between the two sides.

The Master Tongtian's eyes turned cold, and he shouted loudly at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and others who were about to make a move.

I am the majestic leader of Tongtian, and now I just feel that the situation is not good, and I am not really in trouble, so what does it feel like to ask other people to help.

This is clearly the meaning of underestimating the Master Tongtian and feeling that he is not good enough.

This made the leader of Tongtian very dissatisfied.

Moreover, now that the Zhuxian Sword Formation has started, what are the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the others rushing in for, are they dying?
If the Zhuxian sword formation can't stop the Tathagata Buddha at this time, or the thousand Buddhas coming to the world, the Holy Mother of Jinling and others will be killed if they rush forward.

Master Tongtian will not let his disciples die in vain.

"Master, we..."

"Shut up, don't interfere with my maintenance of the Zhuxian Sword Formation...Listen, as long as I'm alive, none of you are allowed to move without my order, and you all stand there and watch carefully!"

The Master Tongtian opened his mouth, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and others stopped their bodies.

But they stopped their bodies, but they didn't give up the idea of ​​making a move.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also tried to comfort the Master Tongtian. After all, no matter how good your face or status is, it is still not as important as your own safety.

Furthermore, since they intend to make a move, they are already ready to die.

They couldn't do it to watch their master Tongtian leader be killed with their own eyes.

But the attitude of the leader of Tongtian was very firm. The Holy Mother of Jinling spoke again, but before she could finish her sentence, she was yelled back.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who knows the character of Tongtian Jiaozhu, knows that Tongtian Jiaozhu is really angry.

He was not angry because of the Tathagata Buddha, but because he cut off his disciples.


The biggest consideration for Master Tongtian not to let everyone take action is not just for face, but for protection.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit knows the mind of the leader of Tongtian, and the reason why he is angry is because everyone can't understand his heart.

In the end, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit compromised.

At least on the surface, she has compromised.

But she was still prepared in her heart, that is, if Master Tongtian was really in danger later, he would definitely rush forward regardless of the consequences.

Even if she dies, she will die before her master, Master Tongtian.

"Master Tongtian, let's win!"

"Thousand Buddhas cross the world!"

When the Lord Tongtian and the Holy Mother of Jinling spoke, the birth of the thousand Buddhas of the Tathagata Buddha had been completed.

After countless "Tathagata Buddhas" stood beside him, the Tathagata Buddha shouted loudly, and he and all the "Tathagata Buddhas" shot at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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