The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 302 There Are Big Fish

Chapter 302 There Are Big Fish (Part [-])
Ji Yang's strength really cannot change the rules.

But he has the ability to deal with certain people, such as the person who bought the snake's head.

When the snake's head was snapped at 1000 million bids, Ji Yang had already asked Xiao Longnv to follow her.

According to the information that Xiaolongnv sent to Ji Yang through her soul, the other party has already got the snake head and left the antique city.

It seems that this person is very cautious, knowing that if the snake's head is captured, it will be coveted by some people.

So as soon as he got the snake head, he took the snake head and left.

"One old and one young, there are only two people."

The people who bought the snake's head were an old man and a young man. This is also the information Ji Yang obtained through the little dragon girl.

Xiaolongnv was already lurking in the opponent's car, and Ji Yang used his and Xiaolongnv's special perception.

Following Xiaolongnv's breath, she drove all the way to catch up with her.

"Mr. Luo, someone is following us?"

The young man driving the car looked indifferent and looked about 27 or [-] years old.

Ji Yang's car had already caught up, feeling someone following him, the young man whispered to the old man beside him.

The old man known as Mr. Luo held the head of a snake in his arms.

He looked at the snake's head with complex eyes, which seemed to be pained and relieved.

At this time, when he heard the young man say that someone was chasing him, his eyes instantly became cold.

"Drive the car to a hidden place and deal with him directly."

This Mr. Luo's hair is almost completely white, his face is covered with wrinkles, but his complexion still looks ruddy.

He is over 90 years old this year. At this age, it is not easy to maintain such a good performance.

Hearing Mr. Luo's words, the young man nodded and drove the car towards the sparsely populated place.

Xiaolongnv's body is only more than ten centimeters, and she will never be found lurking in the car.

She also heard the conversation between the two, and when she heard it, Ji Yang knew it.

Knowing that he had been discovered, Ji Yang didn't feel nervous at all.

Anyway, he was destined to fight with the other party, and the other party took the initiative to find a remote place, which would be more satisfactory to him.

Now that he was discovered, Ji Yang had no scruples in chasing him.

Now Ji Yang and the other party are like two cars traveling together, driving towards the sparsely populated place one after the other.

At this time, the two cars drove to a place full of scrapped cars, and Mr. Luo's car stopped.

This place is located on the edge of Wanghai, and after driving the car here, no one was found.

Both Mr. Luo and Ji Yang feel that this is a good choice to solve the other party.

As Mr. Luo's car stopped, Ji Yang's car also stopped.

"Bang bang!"

The car door opened and closed twice, and Ji Yang and the young man on the opposite side got out of the car.

"Yan Wenkai, get rid of him as soon as possible, the other party is already waiting for us."

"Understood, Mr. Luo, just wait a moment, and I will deal with him right away."

The conversation between Mr. Luo and Yan Wenkai did not mean to shy away from Ji Yang at all.

Because in their hearts, Ji Yang is dead today.

Facing a person who is about to die, what should I shy away from.

After Yan Wenkai finished speaking with Mr. Luo, she stood up straight and looked at Ji Yang.

At this time, the distance between Yan Wenkai and Ji Yang was only more than ten meters.

"Boy, do you know what the price of greed will be?"

Yan Wenkai looked at Ji Yang and asked in a cold voice.

Hearing the indifferent words, Ji Yang shook his head with a sneer.

"I only know that some things should not be taken, so don't take them, and you must know how to return them to their original owners."

Yan Wenkai frowned at Ji Yang's words.

"Hmph, I don't understand what you mean. I don't need to understand what a dead person says."

"Since you dare to hit the snake's head, you will die."

The word "dead" was exited, and Yan Wenkai's clothes would automatically move without wind.

While the clothes were flapping, there was a gust of hunting wind.

The whole person rushed towards Ji Yang at the same time.

This Yan Wenkai's speed was very fast, with a distance of more than ten meters, he arrived in front of Ji Yang in an instant.


Yan Wenkai's five fingers are like hooks, and the sharp fingertips look very sharp.

This claw was grabbed towards Ji Yang, and there was a sound like silk being torn in the air.

"It turned out to be an ancient warrior."

As soon as Yan Wenkai made a move, Ji Yang also felt that the other party had an aura that was different from ordinary people.

This is the breath of an ancient warrior. Judging by the strength of his breath, it is much stronger than that of Lu Zhanxing.

Yan Wenkai's claw, if it were an ordinary person, would have killed her on the spot.

Unfortunately, Ji Yang is not an ordinary person.

Facing Yan Wenkai's claw, Ji Yang's face was calm, and he punched it out.

Ji Yang's punch directly hit Yan Wenkai's palm.

Yan Wenkai frowned, and tightened her five fingers, trying to grab Ji Yang's fist.

But before his five fingers tightened, he felt a chill spread from his palm to his body.

Feeling the chill, Yan Wenkai's expression changed.

"You are also an ancient warrior?"

Yan Wenkai withdrew her palm quickly, and the true energy in her body circulated to force out the cold air that had invaded her body.

The whole person stepped back quickly, looking at Ji Yang with a solemn expression.

Ji Yang didn't admit it or deny it, but just returned what Yan Wenkai said just now to the other party.

"I don't understand what you mean. I don't need to understand what a dead person says."

This sentence is what I said to the other party just now, and now I let the other party use it to talk about myself.

Yan Wenkai's complexion became ugly.

Ji Yang is an ordinary person, so he can solve it if he says so.

But the opponent turned out to be an ancient warrior, and his cultivation was not weak, which shocked Yan Wenkai.

"Mr. Luo, I'll stop him, you go first."

In the fight just now, Yan Wenkai already knew that Ji Yang was not easy to deal with.

The snake heads that Mr. Luo bought at the auction had to be handed over to others.

Now that the other party was waiting for Mr. Luo, Yan Wenkai decided to stop Ji Yang by herself and let Mr. Luo go to meet him.

As long as Mr. Luo meets the other party, Mr. Luo will be safe.

"Then be careful yourself. When I meet with the other party, I will ask them to arrange someone to help you."

Mr. Luo also seems to be a decisive person.

Don't look at him in his 90s, but because his body is well maintained.

The person I want to meet is not far away from me, and it is not a problem to drive a short distance.

"Mr. Luo, let's go!"

Yan Wenkai shouted loudly, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

He hurried towards Ji Yang because he was afraid that Ji Yang would intercept Mr. Luo's car.

But Ji Yang didn't intend to stop the car at all, because he didn't need to stop the other party at all.

Ji Yang also heard what Mr. Luo and Yan Wenkai said, which meant that there was a big fish behind it.

In fact, if Ji Yang wanted to kill Mr. Luo, it would be a matter of minutes.

Don't forget, Xiaolongnv is in the car, but she is still lurking.

As long as Xiao Longnu moves, Mr. Luo will die instantly.

Now in order to catch big fish, this Mr. Luo is used as bait.

After he joins up with the big fish, kill them all by himself.

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(End of this chapter)

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