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Chapter 3020 Zhuxian Demigod VS Buddha Comes To The World

Chapter 3020 Zhuxian Deshen VS Thousand Buddhas Come To The World

The Tathagata Buddha's idea is not wrong. The performance of any move requires the consumption of physical strength, but the degree of consumption varies.

And everything is equal, the more powerful the attack method, the more energy will naturally be consumed.

The thousand Buddhas came to the world, it seems that the Tathagata Buddha is fine now, but in fact he has used up almost half of his body's Buddha energy.

But it's all worth it, because the Thousand Buddhas are strong enough.

If he didn't use this move, he might be powerless to attack at this time, and he wouldn't even have a chance to consume half of the Buddha's energy, and he would be killed by the Master Tongtian with the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Similarly, the power of Jade Immortal Sword Formation's Jade Immortal Extermination God is strong enough, and it consumes a lot of immortal energy for the Tongtian leader himself.

At this moment, Master Tongtian seems to be fine, but in fact, the immortal energy in his body is being consumed at a very fast speed.

Previously, why he didn't transform into a stronger clone, wasn't it to keep enough immortal energy in his body.

To be honest, everything is worth giving.

Although the strength of his phantom clone is not strong, it retains a lot of immortal energy in his body.

Otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to last long once Zhu Xian Mie Shen was cast.

"This is really a battle of attrition, the fight is who has the longest breath!"

The Tathagata Buddha consumed most of the Buddha Qi at once, and the Master Tongtian continued to consume it.

The sword energy of Jade Immortals and Mishen has defeated many "Tathagatas" at this time, but there are too many Tathagatas, and not all of them can be destroyed by one or two sword energy.

To wipe out all these "Tathagatas" in front of him, the Master Tongtian will have to persist for a long time.

But Tathagata Buddha would not stand with the "Tathagata" next to him and let him fight, they would also attack.

Therefore, the leader of Tongtian is not just to defeat all the "Tathagatas", but also to break the opponent's attack, prevent the opponent from approaching him, and not be hit by the opponent's attack.

This will consume him even more, because it will take him longer to maintain Zhu Xian Mi Shen Shen.

"Master Tongtian, let me see how long you can hold on... Ha!"


The aura of the master of Tongtian is weakening, and the Tathagata Buddha also felt it.

Such a discovery made the Tathagata Buddha a little excited, because this is what he wanted to see.

Although my own Thousand Buddhas came to the world, although I couldn't achieve the expected effect, I couldn't break the Zhuxian Sword Formation with a single shot, and I couldn't kill the Tongtian leader immediately.

But as long as he consumes enough immortal energy of Master Tongtian to weaken him, his chance will come.

As long as the leader of Tongtian is not strong enough, it is not at his disposal.

Whether to kill or cut, it is up to oneself at that time.

"Hmph, then give it a try... Zhu Xian Mie Shen!"

Tathagata Buddha's excitement was written all over his face, how could Master Tongtian not see it.

The provocative words of the other party also stimulated the leader of Tongtian.

This time, it should be the final contest. Whoever wins depends on the result of this contest.

Master Tongtian doesn't want to lose, and he can't lose either.

Because what he represents at this time is not only himself, nor is he a teacher, but also the gate to heaven.

If he is defeated, not only himself and all the people in the heavenly court in front of the West Heaven Gate will die, but the Tathagata Buddha will also rush into the heavenly court with all the people from Lingshan Buddhism.

At that time, I will become the sinner of the entire heaven.

So he must not lose, he must persevere.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang bang... bang bang bang..."

Zhu Xian Mie Shen continued to use it, and the sword energy released seemed to be more, the "Tathagata" attacking palm shadows were broken faster, and the number of broken "Tathagata" was also increasing.

The "Tathagata" at this time is only half of what it was before.

"First is the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and what is Zhuxian Miishing God? Such a large amount of immortal energy has been consumed, but he can still persist until now. He really deserves to be the leader of Tongtian, with such a long immortal energy in his body."

"But you can't lose, and I can't lose either. Let us see whether you are stronger or I am better!"

If the leader of the Tongtian sect is defeated, he will become a sinner in the heavenly court.

If the Tathagata Buddha is defeated, the entire Lingshan Buddhism will also be defeated. He is also a sinner, and the responsibility for the crime is even greater.

Because it was he who first proposed to attack the Heavenly Court and change the status of the Lingshan Buddhist Sect, and then the Lingshan Buddhist Sect attacked the Heavenly Court today.

If it weren't for him, Heavenly Court and Lingshan Buddhism would not have feuded.

After the law of the Three Realms was broken, the relationship between Heavenly Court and Lingshan Buddhism remained the same.

But it is impossible now, after what happened today, Heavenly Court and Lingshan Buddhism are destined to become enemies.

Afterwards, the Heavenly Court will never let the people of Lingshan Buddhism go.

So he also can't fail, absolutely can't fail.

"Attack with all your strength... The Dharma is boundless..."

"The Dharma is boundless..."

Tathagata Buddha took the lead, and the remaining "Tathagatas" echoed loudly.

The Tathagata Buddha's body bloomed with vigorous golden Buddha energy. Under the influence of these Buddha energy, the remaining "Tathagata" had significantly strengthened their palms when attacking.

The birth of the Thousand Buddhas consumed half of the Tathagata Buddha's energy, and now he is starting to consume the other half.

It's really starting to compete whose breath is longer and lasts longer.

"The strength has actually increased?"

As the opponent's palm strength strengthened, the speed at which the sword energy broke through the palm shadow also weakened accordingly.

Such a change made Master Tongtian frowned.

In the end, the heart became ruthless, and three obvious immortal qi shot out from the body, falling into the three separate bodies respectively.

These three immortal qi entered the clone body, the clone body trembled first, the aura emanating from the body began to grow, and then they saw them swinging their swords quickly.

Every time the sword is swung, it will bring up a large amount of sword energy and sword shadow, and its power is stronger than the sword energy of Zhu Xian Mie Shen just now.

Looking at Master Tongtian again, his aura weakened a lot in an instant.

In order to win in the end, the Tathagata Buddha no longer retains only half of the Buddha's energy in his body.

The Master Tongtian also chose the method of giving and receiving, that is, to consume a large amount of immortal energy in an instant to enhance the strength of the other three clones, so that they can exert stronger power.

"Boom boom boom..."

The contest continued, and after both sides increased their attack power, the development of the situation returned to the original state.

The palm shadow and "Tathagata" continued to dissipate and shatter under the attack of the Tongtian leader.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and finally, there were only three "Tathagatas" left beside the Tathagata Buddha.

The aura of Master Tongtian and the three clones is also very weak at this time.

This process consumes a lot of money for both parties.

These three Tathagatas are also the three with the strongest breath among all the previous Tathagatas.

The leader of Tongtian feels that these three "Tathagatas" are the same existence as his own avatar, and belong to the existence of the real avatar

"I can't be defeated, Tathagata Divine Palm... Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong."

There is not much Buddha energy left in the Tathagata Buddha's body. At this moment, he burst out all the Buddha energy, flew up to a height of [-] meters at the same time with the three clones, and then fell from the air, and simultaneously struck out palms at the leader of Tongtian and the three clones.

This palm fell from the sky, and the winner will be decided immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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