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Chapter 3022 The shock of the identity of the visitor

Chapter 3022 The shock of the identity of the visitor
A beam of light broke through the clouds and appeared, and it really looked like it came from the mortal world.

The two figures in the beam of light could not be distinguished at this time, but the aura emitted by one of them was terrifying, which was incomparable to the Lord of Heaven and the Tathagata Buddha.

Although the other person's aura is not weak, he is not very strong either. At least at this time, there are many people in Lingshan Buddhism and Tianting who are stronger than him.

But what he said shocked everyone even more than the man with the terrifying aura.

Restricted by the law of the Three Realms, the Three Realms cannot communicate with each other. Only when the Law of the Three Realms is broken can the Three Realms communicate with each other.

If they came from the mortal world, wouldn't it mean that the law of the Three Realms had been broken.

"Since the law of the Three Realms was opened in the mortal world, the spiritual energy cannot be nourished by the heaven and the earth and has dried up. Naturally, it cannot be compared with the heaven."

"Uh... spiritual energy exhaustion? I've seen this a lot in novels. The spiritual energy exhaustion has also led to a decrease in the number of mortal practitioners. Even if they practice, they cannot achieve high achievements."

"Aura is the key to enhancing a practitioner's cultivation. Although medicine can also help a practitioner improve his cultivation, it cannot completely replace aura... There is someone who can write such a novel, so bring me a few books and read it... ..."

The appearance of the two people in the beam of light did not know how much shock they had brought to the people in the Heavenly Court and Lingshan Buddhism.

Maybe they thought about it, but they didn't care about it.

On the contrary, it was you who spoke, and I chatted with each other.

Although they didn't talk to people from Heavenly Court and Lingshan Buddhism, their words once again referred to the mortal world.

This is one thing for sure, then they are indeed from the mortal world, at least one of them is a mortal.


"Senior brother?"

"Ji Yang..."

After the beam of light appeared, it gradually dissipated and became weaker and weaker.

As the beam of light weakened, the appearance of the two figures in the beam became clearer.

After finally being able to see the appearance of one of them clearly, some people in the Heavenly Court and Lingshan Buddhism really knew him.

Everyone who knew him, after seeing his appearance clearly, was stunned like a thunderbolt.

Because this person turned out to be Ji Yang (although the Lingshan Buddhist sect had no contact with Ji Yang, they also knew Ji Yang's appearance through some information, so Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and some more prestigious people from Lingshan knew him).

Although from the conversation just now, it can be confirmed that at least one of them is from the mortal world, but after really confirming this matter, I still feel surprised.

Ji Yang should maintain the top ten artifact formations in the mortal world, and break the laws of the three realms together with the heaven and the underworld.

Now that he has arrived in the Heavenly Court, does this mean that the law of the Three Realms has been broken?
Otherwise, how could he appear here, and how did he come to heaven without being restricted by the laws of the Three Realms?

"Hi... Hello everyone..."

Everyone had already seen him, and Ji Yang greeted everyone warmly.

It's just that when he said hello, everyone just looked at him with dull expressions, and didn't show anything else.

Everyone is not very calm at this time, and they are still calming down.

It's just that in many cases, once the exciting things happen, they will be endless, one after another.

When everyone hadn't recovered from Ji Yang's arrival in the Heavenly Court, everyone could clearly see the appearance of the other person.

After seeing this person's appearance, the people from Lingshan Buddhism didn't react much.

Because who this person is, they really don't know.

The partner next to Ji Yang, they all know something about it first, but it seems that there is no such person, is it a new partner?

Compared with Lingshan Buddhism, people on the Heavenly Court react much more.

It was mainly the disciples of Jiejiao, who reacted particularly strongly. The shock he brought to them was no less than seeing Ji Yang come to Heaven. Their reaction was not exaggerated at all by using the metaphor of a frying pan.


"It's really the master, the master is here."

"Meet Master..."

The leader of Tongtian sect is the master, and this person is the master.

In other words, his seniority is higher than that of Master Tongtian.

Let me ask, who is higher than the leader of the Tongtian sect, and will make all the disciples of the Jiejiao call him master?

There is no doubt that it is the master of Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun's master Hongjun Daozu.

Daozu Hongjun rarely appeared before the Battle of Conferred Gods.

However, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the others had seen each other before, so they recognized them at a glance.

In the last battle of the Conferred Gods War, after taking away the leader of Tongtian, the two disappeared together.

Later, Master Tongtian returned to the Heavenly Court, but he didn't know where Daozu Hongjun went.

Now that he followed Ji Yang from the mortal world to the Heavenly Court, the shock was indeed not small.

No one knows how high Hongjun Daozu's cultivation is, but he must be higher than his three apprentices anyway.

It's no wonder that as soon as he appeared, relying on the strength of his aura, he knocked back people from the Heavenly Court and Lingshan Buddhism.

"He is Daoist Hongjun!"

"It's over, this time it's really over, Lingshan Buddhism is completely defeated today, I'm afraid it will be in the future... hey..."

I didn't know who the other party was before, but everyone knew the relationship between Hongjun Daozu and Tongtian leader.

After seeing the reactions of the disciples of Jiejiao, the people of Lingshan Buddhism also knew who he was.

After learning that the other party was the ancestor of Daoist Fortune, everyone in Lingshan Buddhism was ashamed.

With Hongjun Daozu here, it is absolutely impossible for them to kill the Tongtian leader who has not been touched until now.

Not to mention killing the leader of Tongtian, whether he can save his life is a problem. It is absolutely impossible to break through the West Heaven Gate and enter the Heavenly Court.

Because they wanted to compete against Hongjun Daozu, these people from Lingshan Buddhism couldn't do it at all.

Not to mention them, even if the Tathagata Buddha is still awake, it is useless if he is still at his peak.

"Get up!"

Hongjun Daozu nodded to the Holy Mother of Jinling and the others, and after motioning for everyone to get up, everyone stood up.

At this time, everyone should be as excited as they are.

Because Hongjun Daozu came here, everyone has a bottom line in their hearts.

They knew that Master Tongtian would be fine, and the people of Lingshan Buddhism should also wake up.

"Master, these traitors from the Lingshan Buddhist sect actually wanted to attack the Heavenly Court, and caused Master's respect to be injured. I implore Master to take action and let these traitors receive the punishment they deserve!"

The Lord Tongtian still has breath, and everyone can feel it.

But the current him, perhaps because of the emptiness of his immortal energy, or he may have suffered serious injuries, so he has not moved.

In this case, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit became the representative of the heavenly court.

With Taoist Hongjun around, there is no need for melee, as long as the opponent makes a move, all the people from Lingshan Buddhism can be wiped out, so she spoke to Taoist Hongjun.

"I implore the ancestors to take action and punish all traitors!"

After the voice of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit fell, all the disciples of the Jiejiao followed suit.

As for the people from Lingshan Buddhism, they couldn't help but tremble at this moment, a very ominous and uncomfortable feeling appeared in their hearts, secretly thinking that they might be doomed...

(End of this chapter)

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