The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3038 Jade Emperor's Award

Chapter 3038 Jade Emperor's Award

"Xiaobai listens."

Ji Yang walked to a position more than ten meters away from the Jade Emperor, saluted him respectfully, and then looked at him solemnly.

No matter what you think in your heart, it's always good to give yourself a reward anyway, and you must also be polite.

"Xiaobai, you have made great contributions. Everyone has said that if you regenerate your kindness, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother also agree with this sentence."

"Now, I can make you the Emperor of the Three Realms, in charge of the affairs of the mortal world. No matter who comes from the heavens and the underworld, they need to listen to you when they arrive in the mortal world."

"Although you have many divine weapons, I still want to give you a set of free and unfettered armor. This is the ultimate innate magic weapon, which can resist all attacks below the innate magic weapon. It can protect your body from destruction and keep your soul alive."

"In addition, I have a set of high-level celestial arts called Shaking Heaven Jue. Although this spell does not have the effect of direct attack, it can double the amount of immortal energy in your body. The higher the stage of cultivation, the degree to which the immortal energy will double It will also be bigger."

"Also, all partners who have worked with you to break the laws of the Three Realms will be granted titles. Later, I will tell them the details of the titles from Taibai Jinxing, and they will be able to travel freely in the Three Realms in the future..."

The Jade Emperor's award was not only for Ji Yang, but also for his generals, Chi You and others.

Although General Chen, Chi You and others are well-known in the Three Realms, they have not been recognized in the eyes of heaven and earth, and they are only regarded as monsters.

It's different now, once the Jade Emperor canonize them, their status will be different.

In the future, it would be inappropriate for anyone to try to mobilize them with the slogan of subjugating demons and eliminating demons.

At this time, Ji Yang stood there in a daze, with a shocked expression on his face.

Ji Yang couldn't even hear what was said after the Jade Emperor's award.

He is still in the first reward.

Compared with the later conferred gods, the canonization of the Xiaoyao Rendi of the Three Realms completely shocked him.

There is the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court, and the King of Hades in the Underworld, and my status in the mortal world can be compared with the two. To put it simply, I will be the boss of the mortal world in the future.

No matter who came to the mortal world, he had to obey his arrangement.

"Xiaobai, are you satisfied with this Jade Emperor's reward?"

"If you are still not satisfied, you can also express your thoughts, and I can consider it."

The Jade Emperor finished what he had to say, but Ji Yang didn't respond at all, and just stood there in a daze.

The Jade Emperor, who didn't know that Ji Yang had been surprised by his award, smiled and asked softly.

In order to bring him back to his senses, when the Jade Emperor spoke, he intentionally released his aura and shocked Ji Yang.

"Huh? What?"

The impact of the Jade Emperor's immortal energy would not hurt Ji Yang, but it also brought him back to his senses.

He didn't even listen carefully to the Jade Emperor's subsequent rewards, and he didn't hear the Jade Emperor's last words at all.

Ji Yang came back to his senses, feeling a little silly.

With his appearance, all the immortals around were amused, even though Ji Yang was thick-skinned, he was blushed by everyone's laughter.

"I said, are you satisfied with the reward? If not, you can put forward your own ideas."

Although the Jade Emperor was also laughing, he still repeated his words.

"Satisfied, satisfied, if I'm still not satisfied, wouldn't it be too greedy."

"Thank you Jade Emperor for the reward."

What a joke, to put it simply, I will be recognized as the boss of the mortal world by the heavens and the underworld.

Even if I didn't understand what was said later, I have nothing to say about this alone.

"It's good to be satisfied, but your current cultivation is only a second-rank immortal. If you want to truly become the emperor of the Three Realms, you must first reach the first-rank immortal."

"This is the magic weapon and fairy technique promised to you. You accept it first, and it will definitely be used when you accept the first-rank immortal job assessment."

Jade Emperor was very satisfied that Ji Yang was not aware of being too greedy.

If Ji Yang really had any request, even if the Jade Emperor didn't say it, he would feel that he was going too far.

Some things are just fine.

Ji Yang's contribution to breaking the law of the Three Realms is great, and it can even be described as recreating kindness, and the reward given by the engraved Jade Emperor is indeed generous enough.

In managing the mortal world, this is basically on an equal footing with the Jade Emperor.

This is also the largest canonization that the Jade Emperor can give, if it is higher, he will have to give up the Jade Emperor's seat.

"Thank you, Jade Emperor, my first-rank immortal job mission has been completed, and I can accept the first-rank immortal job assessment at any time."

With a wave of the Jade Emperor, a golden armor was worn on Ji Yang's body, and then merged into his body.

From the surface, it is difficult to see the God of Freedom Armor with the naked eye.

At the same time, the cultivation methods related to Shaking Heaven also poured into Ji Yang's mind.

"It's not a few days away. You've just arrived in the Heavenly Court, and it's not too late to take the assessment. During this time, you can also practice the Heaven Shaking Art."

"It's not that easy to pass the first-grade Tianlei assessment. An extra guarantee is only good for you, and has no harm."

Ji Yang personally killed Tathagata Buddha in order to complete the task of first-rank immortality.

The entire Heavenly Court and the Underworld knew about this matter.

The Jade Emperor already knew that he was able to accept the first-rank immortal post assessment.

The Jade Emperor asked Ji Yang to practice Shaking the Sky first, and naturally he had his own considerations, so he would definitely not cheat Ji Yang.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

It must be reasonable for the Jade Emperor to remind himself twice to practice the Heaven-Shaking Jue first, and then to face the first-grade Tianlei assessment.

Ji Yang didn't bother with this matter either, anyway, things that belonged to him couldn't escape from time to time, and he wasn't afraid of the Jade Emperor's repentance.

It doesn't matter to him whether it will be later or later.

After awarding Ji Yang, the celebration must continue.

All the immortals pushed cups and changed cups, drinking until they got drunk.

If someone really came to attack the Heavenly Court at this time, it would definitely go much smoother.

But fortunately, no one attacked the Heavenly Court at this time.

I didn't grasp such a good opportunity, and I don't know if the three main gods of YD will feel annoyed and want to commit suicide after knowing about it.

Ji Yang's drinking capacity, after becoming a god, he has never been drunk again.

But today, he was also drunk, because every fairy family present came to toast him.

This drink of Ji Yang almost put his arms around Daozu Hongjun and shouted, "Brother, if you have something to say, I will do it for you, and I will try to do it for you if I can't."

"Where is this? How did I get here?"

Ji Yang, who was drunk, originally just wanted to find a place to relax.

But he was too unfamiliar with the Heavenly Court, so he lost his way directly after he relieved himself. He didn't ask the patrolling or guarding heavenly soldiers and generals, but wandered around the Heavenly Court alone.

I want to take the opportunity of wandering around to sober up.

Ji Yang didn't know how long he had been wandering around. At this time, he came to a beautiful courtyard with tall pavilions and only one osmanthus tree outside the courtyard, which made the beautiful courtyard look a bit lonely...

(End of this chapter)

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