The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3041 Ji Yang VS Master Tongtian

Chapter 3041 Ji Yang VS Master Tongtian
"If you don't cultivate well, kid, where are you going?"

Ji Yang felt that he could accept the assessment of the first-rank immortal position, so he left the fairy cave and was going to find the Jade Emperor.

It just so happened that the leader of Tongtian came to him at this time.

Seeing that Ji Yang was not practicing but was about to leave, he frowned slightly.

Ji Yang's talent and savvy are really high. There are countless Tongtian Catholics, and there are many called geniuses, but he feels that Ji Yang is definitely the No. 1 among them.

So he attaches great importance to Ji Yang, and he hopes that Ji Yang will not waste his talent and time.

Being able to master the Shaking Sky Jue as soon as possible is the first step for Ji Yang.

"Master, don't look at me like that, I'm not lazy."

"I just feel that I should be able to accept the first-rank immortal job assessment now, so I have to go to the Jade Emperor."

Master Tongtian's face darkened, Ji Yang was really a little scared.

Although he didn't speak clearly, Ji Yang could still see that he was misunderstood.

Ji Yang hurriedly opened his mouth to explain that the province's Tongtian leader will go crazy later, and he will be in trouble.

"Accept the first-rank immortal job assessment? This matter should be done sooner rather than later."

"But whether you are suitable for the assessment or not, what you say doesn't matter, I say yes."

Even though he knew that he had misunderstood Ji Yang, Master Tongtian would not apologize to him.

Frowning brows stretched out, Master Tongtian showed a strange smile on his face, and looked Ji Yang up and down.

"Master, what do you mean? Can you make it clearer?"

"Also, don't look at me like that. Your eyes look like you want to strip me naked. It makes me feel scared. Although you are my master, if you want to do that to me, I will definitely not agree to it." of."

It is true that Ji Yang was stared at, because the eyes of Master Tongtian are really hot.

But what he said was actually a joke.

It should be guaranteed that the leader of the Tongtian sect is not good at masculinity.

"You kid, don't you want to smoke? How dare you say that about your master."

"Just right, I didn't think it would be good to be cruel to you just now, but this time there is a reason. Today, let me teach you a lesson about disrespecting your master. If you can pass the test, I will let you accept a first-class test." The assessment of immortality."

"Otherwise, just stay here obediently for me to retreat and practice, and you can leave when I am satisfied."

This is what the Master Tongtian said.

He wanted to test Ji Yang's cultivation by himself first, and only allowed him to leave after confirming that he could really withstand the first-grade Tianlei assessment.

Knowing the meaning of Master Tongtian, Ji Yang clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

"Then ask Master to enlighten me!"

Master Tongtian's cultivation is much higher than that of Ji Yang.

If it was a real life-and-death battle, Ji Yang would definitely be killed by the Tongtian leader in minutes.

But the other party just wants to test himself, and the leader of Tongtian will definitely not use his full strength.

So Ji Yang is not worried, and he is also looking forward to it, really wanting to know how strong he will be after practicing Shaking the Sky.

"Let me see how much you have improved in the past few days."

The leader of Tongtian religion floated back and retreated outside the fairy cave.

This fairy cave is a place of cultivation, not a place of fighting.

If there is a fight later and the fairy cave is destroyed, it will be too much for the loss.

"Master, I won't hold back, you be careful...ha..."

Master Tongtian retreated outside the fairy cave, and stood there with a very casual attitude.

I didn't see him releasing his immortal energy, nor did he have any sense of vigilance.

But even so, Ji Yang still felt a strong sense of oppression when facing the leader of Tongtian.

No matter how casual the other party is, you can't be careless.

Shouting loudly, Ji Yang leaped out like a tiger descending the mountain, and punched the leader of Tongtian Cult.


The fist smashed out, and the air resounded with the sound of oppression.


This fist hit Tongtian Cult Master, Tongtian Cult Master didn't throw a punch until he was about to be hit by the fist.

When the two fists collided, Ji Yang's arm trembled, and his body was shaken back a few steps.

"The strength of this punch is not bad, but if it's only this level, I can't let you leave Biyou Palace to die."

Ji Yang took a few steps back, and the Master Tongtian was not unmoved, but he only took half a step back.

Although it's only half a step, it's still under the condition that I haven't activated my immortal energy.

But being able to take half a step back by Ji Yangzhen, Master Tongtian still thinks that Ji Yang is already very good.

"Master, this is just a warm-up, I'm going to be serious next time."

"Size as you wish... big..."

The gap in cultivation between myself and Master Tongtian is too obvious.

Without a formal fight, Ji Yang didn't know that the gap was so big.

But he will not be hit by this, or even give up.

This actually stimulated him and made him want to pass the other party's test even more.

His body became bigger and his aura became stronger. Ji Yang's body was like a moving hill, bumping towards Master Tongtian.

"Strong Universe Hundred Shadows Fist!"

As his body approached the leader of Tongtian, Ji Yang waved his fists, and hundreds of shadows of fists blasted towards the leader of Tongtian.

"Boom bang bang..."

Hundreds of fist shadows roared at him, and the leader of Tongtian couldn't completely ignore it.

A pair of palms slapped in the air, breaking the shadow coefficient of the punching fist.

"Thunderstorm hits the ground!"

"Puff puff... boom..."

Ji Yang made a move, but he was really merciless.

The Qiankun Hundred Shadow Fist here has not yet been broken by the coefficient of the Tongtian leader, and another round of attacks by Ji Yang has arrived.

Flames sprang up from the ground, and thunder and lightning roared down in the air.

I don't know if it's because of the abundance of aura in the Heavenly Court, but the attacks Ji Yang unleashes here are obviously more than one grade higher than those in the mortal world.

"My boy, you really don't show mercy to your master!"

"Purple Electric Hammer... Boom..."

For Ji Yang's seriousness, Master Tongtian will not be angry because of it, but he will be very relieved.

Although the immortal energy in his body is still not functioning, he can't resist Ji Yang's current attack.

The purple hammer was taken out, and the thunder and lightning were released, colliding with Ji Yang's sky thunder and earth fire.

"Master, show mercy to you, I really can't leave Biyou Palace if I can."

"You have to be careful this time, I'm going to use the Shaking Sky Technique!"

"Shaking the sky...Shaking the mountain palm!"

Ordinary spells are obviously unable to pose a threat to Master Tongtian.

Even if the other party doesn't release the immortal energy, he can't pass the test without using the Heaven Shaking Art.

That being the case, Ji Yang didn't waste any more time.

Immortal Qi surged in his body, like a small hill swinging two palms violently.

The air was shaken and torn, and two palm shadows, either virtual or real, struck towards the leader of the Tongtian sect.

"Earth Sha Push Mountain Palm!"

Shaking the Sky Art is a top-notch immortal technique. Under Ji Yangtian Xiaoruyi's use, the leader of Tongtian didn't dare to be careless. He finally started to circulate the immortal energy, and at the same time he struck out with two palms...

(End of this chapter)

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