Chapter 3046
Holding the Pangu ax and the Xuanyuan sword, release your immortal energy and rotate your body. A circle of immortal energy tornado will form around Ji Yang's body, breaking the lightning from Wuleiyuan as much as possible.

Although some of them hit Ji Yang, it was better than hitting all of them on himself.

"He is a free and unrestrained Emperor of the Three Realms, and his reputation is not in vain. His courage is still commendable."

"Indeed, with such a powerful Tianlei test, if I were to do it, I might really be discouraged."

"Don't jump to conclusions too early. Although he hasn't fallen yet, he is not the most powerful in Tianlei's assessment now. Whether he can really pass the assessment is not sure..."

Ji Yang's resistance was praised by many immortals.

But no one dares to say that he will be liked by everyone, and the same is true for Ji Yang.

Although the majority of people in Heaven and Earth still have a good impression of Ji Yang, and are very grateful to him for collecting the top ten artifacts and breaking the laws of the three realms.

But there are also a small number of people who, seeing the scene in front of them, feel sour in their hearts, and their words are even more sour.

Investigating the root cause is jealousy towards Ji Yang.

After all, Ji Yang was once unknown, so it was only a few years of practice time.

But not only did he reach the cultivation base of the first-rank immortal post examination, but he was also named the Xiaoyao Rendi of the Three Realms who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jade Emperor and the Ten Temple Hades.

No matter who goes to the mortal world in the future, he has to obey his arrangement.

How could this matter not attract people's envy, envy...or even hate.

"Good boy, I didn't disappoint my teacher. He has survived the first test."

No matter what other people think about Ji Yang, the Master Tongtian is too lazy to care about him.

Who is not jealous, jealous of their own apprentices, it is because they are not as good as their own apprentices.

Seeing Ji Yang who was resisting with the Pangu ax and Xuanyuan sword, Master Tongtian felt relieved.

And he knew that at this time, Ji Yang hadn't been forced to the last moment, because he hadn't used the Shaking Sky Art yet.

So even if Ji Yang seemed to be struggling to resist and looked dangerous at this time, he still wouldn't help.

"Little uncle, a stronger attack is coming, you are ready!

"All the immortals of the Thunder Department listen to the order and prepare to send out all five thunders!"

Although the Five Thunder Institutes have been releasing lightning all the time, they only attack in turn.

There is no real cooperation with each other to release thunder and lightning together.

If you really want the five thunder institutes to release lightning at the same time, you need a lot of lightning power to consume.

So at this time, except for the Five Thunder Academy, the other Lei Bu's immortals have really come into play.

"Ning Lei!"

Wen Zhong also felt that under the effect of the rounds of attacks in front of him, it was no longer enough to stimulate Ji Yang's power, so he gave a new order.

When his order was issued, the immortals of the Thunder Department gathered the thunder and lightning.

Lei Dian, who was already active in Biyou Palace, became even more active.

The thick layer of thunder accumulated in the sky, if it weren't for the thunder light emitted by the thunder and lightning, the entire Biyou Palace would be completely plunged into darkness at this time.

"Palm the lamp!"

"Yes... hold the lamp..."

The brightness of the thunder light was limited, so the Master Tongtian ordered to light up the lights in Biyou Palace.

Just when Biyou Palace was illuminated by the lights like daylight, all the gods of Wulei Academy had gathered enough thunder and lightning, and as Wen Zhong waved the male and female dragon whips, they released two dragon-like lightning bolts. After thunder and lightning.

At the same time, thunder and lightning were released.

Du Lei, Shenlei, Sea Thunder, Landmine, and Heavenly Thunder, cooperated with the two lightning dragons released by Wen Zhong, and fought towards Ji Yang together.

For a moment, looking over the entire Biyou Palace, all you can see is thunder and lightning.

Moreover, it exudes a large area of ​​lightning with extremely strong destructive power.

Even the immortals watching from the outside of Biyou Palace, after feeling the fluctuations in the power of lightning at this time, they all had to circulate the immortal energy in their bodies to counteract the power of thunder and lightning that hit their faces.

"Master, I'm afraid junior brother won't be able to hold on this time, should we do it now?"

"'s not the time yet..."

Even the people outside Biyou Palace felt a sense of oppression, and felt the horror of Wen Zhong and Wu Leiyuan releasing thunder and lightning at the same time.

How could the people in Biyou Palace not feel it.

While everyone circulated their immortal energy to resist the coercion from the thunder and lightning, they did not forget to ask the leader of Tongtian if they would like to help Ji Yang now.

He is not being treated as a target, and he can clearly feel the terror of thunder and lightning.

Everyone knows what kind of attack Ji Yang will endure.

This time, Master Tongtian didn't say anything about refusing to help.

But he still didn't agree immediately, but said to wait.

That is to make everyone ready and ready to shoot at any time.

It seems that he also knows that it will be very difficult for Ji Yang to survive this time.

"Eastern Emperor Bell... Demon Pot... Kunlun Mirror... Fuxiqin... Nuwa Stone..."

Others know the danger, but it is rare for Ji Yang himself not to know.

He was the one being targeted, and it felt natural and the most obvious.

Now my body is not very good.

Even if he was in his prime and had no physical problems at all, he couldn't bear such a strong lightning attack.

So as soon as Ji Yang sensed the danger, he decisively summoned all his artifacts.

Although he didn't have all the top ten artifacts in his hands, he couldn't form the formation of the top ten artifacts.

But the power emitted by the gathering of eight artifacts is also very powerful.

Even if it can't be compared with the thunder and lightning hitting him at this time, it doesn't feel too far away.

If the Ten Great Artifact Arrays are used, it will definitely be stronger than the Nine Heavens Responding Thunder Array in front of you.

Don't forget that the Ten Great Artifact Arrays can break the laws of the Three Realms, but the Nine Heavens Responding Thunder Array doesn't have that ability.

So even if he feels the danger in front of him, Ji Yang won't give in.

In any case, I am a person who has seen the real world.

"Boom boom boom..."

The eight artifacts floated around Ji Yang's body, and then rotated with each other, forming a protective circle composed entirely of artifacts.

The powerful and dense lightning strikes, and if you want to really hit Ji Yang, you need to break through the protection of these artifacts first.

Although the eight artifacts are very strong, they cannot exert the power of the top ten artifact formations after all.

After protecting Ji Yang for some time, he felt that he could not hold on anymore.

"Shaking Heaven Jue...Mountain Shaking Palm..."

Seeing that the eight artifacts could no longer completely protect him, Ji Yang's eyes turned cold, and he finally cast the Heaven-shaking Jue.

The Mountain Shaking Palm was pushed out, and the two shadows of the palm passed through the eight great artifacts, and hit the incoming lightning.

Although this palm technique is only the first move of Shaking Heaven Jue, its power is indeed powerful.

The thunder and lightning that came intensively smashed two big holes, and the rest of the thunder and lightning did not make up for it for a long time.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Shaking the sky... Shaking the mountains and breaking the sea!"

After the first move, although the effect was there, but because there were too many lightning bolts, the gap was finally filled.

The resistance of the eight great artifacts in front of him was getting weaker and weaker, so he decisively used the second move of the Heaven Shaking Judgment: Shaking Mountains and Breaking Seas...

(End of this chapter)

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