The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3049 Why Don't You Dare To See Me With My True Face

Chapter 3049 Why Don't You Dare To See Me With My True Face
"Master, what should we do? If this goes on like this, Junior Brother won't be able to hold on!"

Since Ji Yang lay on the ground after being struck by lightning, he hasn't moved at all.

The whole person is like a corpse, lying there motionless.

But the thunder and lightning falling from the sky did not stop at this moment, and continued to fall from the sky.

"You ask me, who should I ask? This is fate. Whether he can survive it depends on himself."

At this time, the disciples of Jiejiao asked the leader of Tongtian, but the leader of Tongtian still wanted to know how to help Ji Yang.

If he had a way, he would have done it directly, why should he still stand here?
Listening to the words of Master Tongtian, the expressions on the faces of the disciples of Jiejiao instantly collapsed.

"Wen Zhong, if something happens to your little uncle, I will see how the teacher will deal with you afterwards."

The lightning attack that cannot be stopped halfway, how can this attack method be used?
Now Ji Yang's situation is obviously not good, and the leader of Tongtian can't do anything about it. Apart from worrying about other disciples, it's hard to talk about Wen Zhong, who is in charge of this assessment. The Holy Mother of Jinling won't bear it.

"Master... I... If something happens to my junior uncle, don't bother Master to find me, I will go to Biyou Palace to plead guilty, and I will be punished!"

Wen Zhong himself never thought that such a thing would happen.

It is true that Nine Heavens Divine Thunder's Wanlei bombardment could not stop midway, but if Master Tongtian and others took action, even if Ji Yang couldn't bear it himself, he would not be in danger of his life.

It was with this in mind that Wen Zhong dared to use this trick.

But who would have thought that something went wrong now, and the Master Tongtian couldn't save Ji Yang, which is very bad.

Everyone wants to know who is hindering the leader of Tongtian and others.

Wen Zhong also wanted to know, he even wanted to skin this man.

Because of such obstacles, he became a bad person in the eyes of everyone in the Jiejiao.

"What punishment, what apology, now is not the time to discuss."

"What we should do now is how to break through the obstacles in front of us and rescue Ji Yang."

"Duobao, Jinling, and Guiling, follow me to set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation. I want to see if this obstacle can block the attack of my Jiejiao Zhuxian Sword Formation."

The Master Tongtian alone cannot break through the obstacles in front of him.

But if you can't do it alone, let's join forces with others.

One person's power is limited, but the power of many people is indeed infinite.

He didn't believe that activating the Zhuxian Sword Formation would not be able to break through the obstacles in front of him.

"Respect the life of the master!"


The three Taoists of Duobao heard the words, and their eyes were full of fierceness.

The obstacle in front of them, they must break it under the leadership of Tongtian Jiaozhu.

This obstacle not only hindered everyone from saving Ji Yang, but also challenged Jiejiao.

Whoever provokes the interception must pay the price.

Master Tongtian led all the disciples of Jiejiao to lay down the Zhuxian sword formation, and when he was about to break through the obstacles in front of him, he didn't move for a moment. What happened to Ji Yang who was bombarded by lightning?

At this moment, his body seemed to be completely burnt.

The surface of the skin was completely scorched black, all the hair on his body fell off, and bursts of black smoke wafted from the surface of his body.

The whole person looks as bad as possible.

If it wasn't for his breath, he would be a dead man at all.

But he looked terrible on the surface, but he didn't feel any pain.

Because his consciousness is at this moment, even he himself knows where it is.

In other words, although his consciousness exists, he doesn't feel any discomfort from his body. His consciousness is in a foggy place that looks familiar yet unfamiliar.

"Where is this, I seem to have been here before?"

"But it feels strange, where is it?"

I am clearly accepting the Heavenly Thunder assessment of the Nine Heavens Responding to Thunder Formation, and my situation has reached the worst time.

At this time, he realized a completely unfamiliar place. Although it saved him from feeling the pain of Tianlei's assessment, everything in front of him couldn't be said to make him happy.

Looking around curiously, Ji Yang was very puzzled.

"Of course you have been here before. I talked to you here last time."

While Ji Yang was still looking around curiously, a familiar voice sounded.

As the sound sounded, Ji Yang instantly thought of where this place was.

"It's you, where are you?"

That's right, when he talked with the founder of the law of the three realms, it was in this environment.

The other party once told him that after the law of the Three Realms was broken, he would meet Ji Yang again.

Now it's time for the other party to fulfill the promise.

After knowing who the other party was, Ji Yang seemed a little excited.

Although the law of the Three Realms has been broken, there is still a question mark over who created the law of the Three Realms.

The only person who knows the answer is Daozu Hongjun, but he still doesn't say it.

Although the others haven't researched this matter in the past few days, everyone wants to know, including Ji Yang.

"I'm right here."

"You... Master, how is this possible?"

Previously, Ji Yang had never met the other party, he had only heard the other party's voice.

This time, after Ji Yang asked, there was indeed a person in front of his eyes.

But after seeing the other party's appearance, Ji Yang felt completely bewildered.

Because the person in front of him turned out to be his master, Master Tongtian.

He looked at the other party in disbelief, and wondered in his heart if he was stunned by the first-grade Tianlei assessment, and his eyes were not good, otherwise how could he see his master.

"What did you call me?"

"Master? I may have been dazzled just now, so..."

"Master? Xiaobai, how can you bark like that? Who do you think I am?"

"Jade Emperor... this..."

"Jade Emperor? Are you sure I am the Jade Emperor?"

"The Queen Mother, I..."

I must have lost my eyesight, otherwise why would the people in front of me keep changing.

Moreover, none of the people I saw were the creators of the laws of the Three Realms.

Even Daoist Hongjun, relying on his cultivation base, was unable to figure out the laws of the Three Realms.

Ji Yang shook his head fiercely. He saw that the Queen Mother in front of him turned into Chang'e again in an instant...

"No, no, it's not that my eyes are dazzled, but that you have been changing your identity."

"Who are you? Why don't you dare to see me with your true colors?"

The appearance of the person in front of him is constantly changing, and vertigo is only a possibility.

But at this time, Ji Yang can be sure that he is definitely not dazzled, but that the other party is deliberately changing his appearance to play himself.

While Ji Yang was puzzled, he was also very angry.

"What you look at is me, and it's not me, because I don't have a definite appearance. I think what I look like is what I look like."

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

"Let me tell you a story, and you'll understand after I tell you!"

What the other party said made Ji Yang more and more confused.

It seemed that it was not easy for the other party to explain, so he simply used the method of storytelling to tell him about his identity...

(End of this chapter)

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