The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3051 Xuandi Qi

Chapter 3051 Xuandi Qi


The founding Yuan Ling wants to pay himself.

Hearing the word reward, Ji Yang was so excited that he didn't want it.

The Jade Emperor's reward is the reward, and he knows best how much benefit he has obtained.

Compared with the Jade Emperor, the reward for founding Yuanling will definitely be more generous, which makes Ji Yang look forward to it even more.

"Reward, what reward?"

In anticipation, Ji Yang excitedly asked directly.

What a joke, the reward from the founding Yuanling must be a good thing.

"I have taught Hongjun and others the four profound qi of clearing spirit and emptiness, and today I will teach you a method of cultivating the profound qi."

"What? Pass me the method of cultivating profound energy?"

Although Ji Yang had already thought that the reward for founding Yuan Ling would be huge.

But he never thought that it would be such a big deal.

The cultivation method of Xuanqi is the cultivation method taught by the founding Yuanling to Daozu Hongjun and others.

Such a great cultivation method, now he wants to teach himself, why does Ji Yang feel so unreal.

I am the apprentice of Master Tongtian, if I have learned the method of cultivating the profound energy of the founding Yuanling, then I will be in the same generation as Hongjun Daozu.

Then in the future, will I be called Master Tongtian, or Master Nephew?

Thinking of this question, Ji Yang showed a smirk on his face.

Of course, this is just a joke. Master Tongtian is his one-day master, and that is his lifetime master.

Regardless of whether you learn the method of profound energy cultivation or not, the other party is your master.

This kind of thing is better to talk about each other.

Anyway, the founding Yuan Ling is still in the same vein as himself.

"That's right, I just want to teach you the method of cultivating profound energy."

"This cultivation method is called Xuandiqi, and it matches your identity as the Emperor of the Three Realms."

"After learning this cultivation method, you will not be tested by the heavenly thunder, and you will continue to improve your cultivation, and it will make your current cultivation even stronger."

The founding Yuan Ling would not deceive Ji Yang at this time.

He said he wanted to teach Ji Yang, so he would teach him.

"Then let's get started!"

Anyway, if you want to learn, it is better to learn early than late.

Ji Yang looked in front of him excitedly. Although he couldn't see the founding Yuanling, he should still be in front of him.

"I will first cross a qi and enter the depths of your consciousness and soul. This qi is equivalent to the seed of Xuandi qi. I will control this qi to circulate in your consciousness. You just need to remember the method of operation, and you will be able to use it in the future. Just practice more."

"As you practice, this Xuandi Qi will become stronger and stronger, and finally fill your whole body. At that time, your cultivation will far surpass your master, and even be comparable to Hongjun."

If Ji Yang wants to learn, the founding Yuan Ling will naturally teach.

But before teaching, he still had to tell Ji Yang something.

Ji Yang became more and more excited when he heard his words.

It's awesome to surpass one's own master, Master Tongtian.

He even said that he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Hongjun Daozu. Although this process will take a long time, it is always a hope.

The point is, after you have cultivated Xuandi Qi, you don't have to take the Heavenly Thunder assessment every time you reach a bottleneck in your practice. This is really too trivial.

"Now, I will send a wisp of Emperor Xuan Qi into your body."

"When the Emperor Xuan Qi first enters the body, you will feel a little pain, but it is hard to be a master. After you get used to it, you will naturally feel the benefits."

This is the last warning to Ji Yang from the founding Yuan Ling.

As his words fell, Ji Yang saw a ray of golden mist appear in the void.

Needless to say, this golden mist must be the seed of Xuandi Qi.

Then he called himself.


" this a little bit of pain, this...ah..."

The golden gas came and instantly entered Ji Yang's body.

Originally, after hearing the warning from the founding Yuanling, Ji Yang was already mentally prepared.

Knowing that after Xuandi Qi enters the body, he will feel a little bit of pain.

But when Xuandi Qi entered his body, Ji Yang realized that he had been deceived.

It's not that I'm not happy, but because this pain is not a little bit at all.

He felt that his soul seemed to be torn apart by Xuandi Qi.

The painful feeling, even if it is struck by the lightning of the Nine Heavens God, it feels like a tickle.

With a stern scream, Ji Yang felt that he was going crazy from the pain.

"Hold it, if you can't stand this bit of pain, you don't deserve to practice this Xuandi Qi."

Under the pain of tearing the soul, the founding Yuanling did not run the Xuandi Qi.

He wanted Ji Yang to go through the first test first, and then do it after he got used to it.

"It's really too painful, I feel like I'm going to be torn apart...Ahhh..."

Ji Yang can understand the words of the founding Yuanling.

But this pain, he also had to speak out.

"Then do you want to learn the cultivation method of Xuandi Qi? If you can't hold on, I can take it back now, and your reward will be gone."

Ji Yang's reaction was expected by Founder Yuan Ling.

But Ji Yang also has the right to choose.

This Emperor Xuan Qi is not necessarily imparted to him by the founding Yuan Ling.

"Are you kidding me, how can I give up such a good thing."

"I'll get through it."

Give up, nonexistent.

Ji Yang's complaints are complaints, but he will not choose to give up just because of this.

After speaking in a firm voice, Ji Yang simply stopped screaming, and he chose to endure.

Although his whole face became a little distorted because of his patience, he still endured it.

Seeing the patient Ji Yang, the founding Yuan Ling was very relieved.

This way, I can say that I didn't choose the wrong person.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Ji Yang didn't know how long he lasted.

But he could obviously feel that the Xuandi Qi at this moment was not as great as the pain he had given him before.

"You have passed the test of Xuandiqi, and now you can bear this strength."

"Next, let's start feeling the real cultivation method of Xuandi Qi."

Ji Yang is bearing Xuandi Qi, which is also a test of recognition.

If Ji Yang fails this test, Xuandi Qi will dissipate on its own.

The current result is undoubtedly satisfactory to both parties.

Now that Ji Yang has passed the approval of Xuan Di Qi, the founding Yuan Ling did not waste time.

He controlled Xuandi Qi and it circulated in Ji Yang's soul.

With the circulation of Xuandi Qi, Ji Yang could clearly feel that his soul was changing.

This kind of operation is more like a baptism and sublimation of one's own soul.

He could feel that a force so strong that he could not imagine was slowly forming in his soul.

He didn't dare to be careless, feeling the trajectory of Xuandi Qi, these are the things he will do in the future.

"Remember it!"

Another period of time passed, and the founding Yuan Ling had circulated Xuandi Qi several times in Ji Yang's soul.

"take note of it!"

I'm not that stupid yet, after a few times of running, Ji Yang has completely memorized it...

(End of this chapter)

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