The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3053 Pretending to be X still has to pay a price

Chapter 3053 Pretending to be X still has to pay a price
"Boom boom boom..."

The ten thousand thunder bombardment of the Nine Heavens Responding to Thunder Formation is the final stage of Ji Yang's first-rank immortal job Tianlei assessment.

No matter the power or the quantity of this thunder and lightning, it is very terrifying.

The previous Ji Yang was lying motionless on the ground after being bombarded, looking like a dead person.

It's good now, although he looks like a black-bone chicken with no feathers on the surface, but he is full of momentum. Instead of dodging the lightning, it seems that there is a strong suction on his body, attracting all the lightning to himself.

Seeing countless thunderbolts hitting Ji Yang's body and rushing into his body, the people around were a little dumbfounded.

In everyone's opinion, it is very unwise to carry on with this ten thousand thunder bombardment.

Dodge if you can, dodge if you can, this is the best choice.

"Master, Junior Brother is not crazy, is he?"

Zhao Gongming looked at Ji Yang who was actively attracting lightning to him, his beard was shaking irregularly.

He is a proper first-rank immortal. When he accepted the first-rank Tianlei assessment, his power of Tianlei was not weak. He himself suffered a lot, but he still survived.

It is precisely because he understands the horror of the first-grade Tianlei, watching the Wanlei bombardment in front of him, which is more powerful than himself at the time, and seeing Ji Yang actively absorbing these thunderbolts, can he say whether Ji Yang is crazy .

"Crazy? Although I don't know what happened to him."

"But at this moment, he is no longer the former him. The golden energy emanating from his body makes me feel terrified."

What Zhao Gongming said, the leader of the Tongtian Church directly rejected it.

What Ji Yang did, not only Zhao Gongming felt crazy, but other people must also have this idea.

But Master Tongtian felt that Ji Yang at this time was obviously different from before accepting this Tianlei assessment.

The golden energy on his body made Master Tongtian feel both familiar and strange.

This breath, it seems that I have touched it before, but it seems to be different, and I can't remember where I touched it for a while.

But one thing is certain, that is, the golden energy is very strong.

Although the golden energy looked thin, as if its power was not strong enough, it also made Master Tongtian feel a little afraid in his heart.

It's no wonder that Master Tongtian is after all the disciple of Daozu Hongjun, and Daozu Hongjun cultivated Xuanqing Qi, so he naturally felt it.

The golden energy on Ji Yang's body is exactly Xuandi Qi, which, like Xuanqing Qi, originates from the founding Yuanling.

So it is normal for the two breaths to have similarities.

But the two strands of profound energy are similar but different, and it is impossible for Master Tongtian to think that Ji Yang has learned the mysterious emperor's energy from the founding Yuanling, so he can only be in a daze.

As for the words of Master Tongtian, all the disciples present at the scene took a breath of cold air.

What a joke, it can make the leader of Tongtian terrified.

Who is the Master of Tongtian?
One of the Three Qings, although there are people in the Three Realms of China who can stand shoulder to shoulder with it, they are very few.

As for Ji Yang, he is just the disciple of Master Tongtian, and he has only practiced for a few years.

How could the aura on his body make Master Tongtian terrified?
It can be seen from the appearance of Master Tongtian, he is not joking, he has already withdrawn all the four swords of Jade Immortal at this time, it seems that he really does not intend to control Ji Yang.

Ji Yang's first-grade Tianlei assessment really brought surprises to all the immortals watching...

" still hurts..."

Ji Yang himself did not know how much shock his actions had brought to the watching immortals.

But he still paid a price for his be coercive.

Xuandi Qi is indeed powerful, although it is just possessed, it is still very weak.

But after Xuandi Qi nourished his soul and body, he could completely take over Wan Lei's bombardment and kill him.

It's just that this process is not as easy as imagined.

He still felt very painful, very uncomfortable, and the thunder and lightning ran wildly in his body. Although it couldn't bring him substantial damage, the taste was really uncomfortable.

"Huh... It's okay, it's okay, it seems that I don't need to return to the teacher to apologize."

At this time, Wan Lei's bombardment and killing, under Ji Yang's method of pretending (forced) but self-suffering, is coming to an end.

Although his state doesn't look as strong as when he just attracted the thunder and lightning, and the whole person is obviously not feeling well, but at least he is still alive.

This made Wen Zhong, who was ready to go back and confess his guilt afterwards, let out a long sigh of relief.

Although he has the heart to plead guilty, who wants to be punished if he can not plead guilty.


Wan Lei's bombardment, without the bombardment of Wan Lei, this thunder and lightning will not stop, but it still has a strong time.

When the last thunder and lightning struck Ji Yang's body, Wan Lei's bombardment finally stopped.


A cry of pain that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out from Ji Yang's mouth at this moment.

He endured it for so long, and finally got over it, can't he let himself out.

What's more, after the thunder and lightning passed, I really hurt myself.

Wan Lei's bombardment dispersed, and the gloomy sky finally cleared up.

The gods of the Thunder Division looked very tired at this time, and the Nine Heavens Responding Thunder Formation had consumed them a lot.

But their efforts were not in vain.

It can be regarded as the achievement of Ji Yang's status as the emperor of the Three Realms.

They looked at Ji Yang, who was still floating in the air, exuding traces of golden air, with a smile on his tired face.

It's just that the smile didn't last long before it changed.

They saw that Ji Yang, who was still hanging just now, unexpectedly fell from the air to the ground.

Ji Yang's body was very stiff at this moment. At this moment, he couldn't even maintain himself in the air, and his body could only fall directly to the ground.

Seeing Ji Yang fall to the ground, many people were ready to go to catch him.

But before the others moved, a figure had already reached Ji Yang's side first and caught him.

Master Tongtian has been paying attention to Ji Yang, and when he saw him falling powerlessly from the sky, he immediately went to his side and caught his body.


"Boy, you did a good job. Although you were a little embarrassed and looked like a roast chicken, you finally survived. You, the emperor of the Three Realms, will not be criticized in the future."

Ji Yang's voice was weak, and Master Tongtian looked at him with satisfaction, and there was a bit of humor in his words.

When Ji Yang heard this, a faint smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, then he turned his head and passed out.

After all, Xuandi Qi is still in its early stages and is still very weak. It is impossible to completely counteract the killing power of Wan Lei.

After taking the initiative to bear this attack, Ji Yang's spirit and body were greatly impacted.

If he hadn't been determined enough, even with Xuandi Qi protecting him, he would have fainted long ago.

Although Ji Yang fell into a coma afterwards, his performance today, just like what Master Tongtian said, has been truly recognized by everyone.

In the future, no one will say that Ji Yang, the free and unrestrained emperor of the Three Realms, has a false name.

Whoever is not convinced, come and accept the Heavenly Thunder assessment of the Nine Heavens Responding to Thunder Formation, and taste the feeling of being bombarded by the Nine Heavens God Thunder, Ten Thousand Thunders...

(End of this chapter)

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