Chapter 3055

What happened to Ji Yang, of course everyone hopes to know the more details the better.

After all, he was at the end of his strength at that time, and then he took the initiative to attract Tianlei to attack him. The process before and after is still very shocking.

But everyone will not make things difficult for him, Ji Yang wants to say the best, and forget it.

Who doesn't have a secret? It's not convenient to say, why bother to force him.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. The only existence that can be stronger than my master is the founding Yuanling."

It is impossible to know the little secret about Ji Yang.

But he said that the creator of the law of the three realms is the founding Yuanling, which also surprised everyone.

This doubt has lingered in everyone's mind for too long.

After learning the truth, Master Tongtian also shook his head and smiled wryly.

He felt that he should have guessed it long ago.

As for the change of Ji Yang's aura, it must have something to do with the founding Yuanling, and everyone knows this.

It's just that none of them would have thought that Ji Yang would have learned the same Xuandi Qi as Daozu Hongjun.

"The founding Yuanling is the founder of the laws of the three realms. You can tell the Jade Emperor privately. Don't make a big deal of it. I hope everyone will do the same."

"The law of the Three Realms has restricted the Three Realms for too long. Many immortal families have resentment in their hearts. Knowing who the creator is is not a good thing for the founding Yuanling."

After a wry smile, Master Tongtian said to everyone with a serious face.

When everyone heard the words, they also nodded like Ji Yang.

The words of Master Tongtian are still very reasonable.

Not to mention others, Monkey King and Bull Demon King who were present had resentment in their hearts.

I don't understand why the founding Yuanling came out with the law of the three realms, and they couldn't freely travel to and from the three realms for thousands of years...

"What? The creator of the laws of the three realms is the founding Yuanling?"

"It's no wonder, then it's no wonder, it should have been thought of long ago, except for what he thought, who else can have such a powerful force."

After Ji Yang woke up in Biyou Palace, he rested for another day.

With the assistance of Shennong Ding and Nuwa Stone, plus the nourishment of Xuandi Qi in his body, after a day, he was basically as good as before.

According to what he had agreed with the leader of Tongtian, he did not publicize the founding of Yuanling, but found the place alone and told him the truth.

Just hearing his sentence was similar to that of Master Tongtian at that time, I couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Should have thought of it earlier?

There are many things that should have been done long ago, but I didn't expect it or I didn't expect it.

"Jade Emperor, I hope that as few people as possible know about the founding Yuanling, the better, otherwise everyone will become hostile to the founding Yuanling, that would be bad."

"I understand this. I won't tell everyone. I just want to inform Laojun and Tianzun, just a few people."

The relationship between Ji Yang and the founding Yuan Ling is subtle, and he doesn't want the founding Yuan Ling to be hated.

After telling the Jade Emperor everything, he also told the Jade Emperor what the Master Tongtian had warned him earlier.

The Jade Emperor is a sensible person, he will not take this matter out and say it casually.

"Jade Emperor, when I come here today, besides telling you the truth, I have one more thing to say."

"Is there anything else? What's the matter, you just say it's okay, if I can help you, I will help you."

In name, Ji Yang and Jade Emperor seem to have the same status.

One is in charge of the heaven and the other is in charge of the room.

But in real terms, Ji Yang is still the opponent's subordinate.

Just like the kings of Hades in the Ten Palaces, they are in charge of the entire underworld, but if something really happens, it is still arranged by the Jade Emperor.

At this time, when he heard that Ji Yang still had something to do, the Jade Emperor thought that Ji Yang had something to ask for himself.

"No, no, it's not a request, but this trip."

"After the law of the Three Realms was broken, I have been staying in the Heavenly Court. My relatives in the mortal world must also be very worried about my situation. Now that I have reached the rank of Immortal, I plan to go back."

Is Tianting good or not? Very good.

But the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as one's own doghouse. Although this sentence sounds vulgar, it is the truth.

Tianting, I have already seen it, and my curiosity is gone.

Now he can only go back to the mortal world to see his parents and his women.

"Since you want to leave, I won't force you to stay."

"Anyway, the law of the Three Realms is broken, you can come to the heaven whenever you want, and the immortals and I can go to the mortal world whenever you want."

"The mortal world is your territory. When we go, you have to show the friendship of the landlord. This is also your responsibility as the Emperor of the Three Realms."

Ji Yang was about to leave, but the Jade Emperor didn't say anything to persuade him to stay.

Ji Yang is a free man, as long as he makes mistakes, he can go wherever he wants, why should he stop him.

This is not the time when the laws of the Three Realms are restricted, and it is very difficult for the Three Realms to communicate with each other.

The law of the three realms is no longer, the gate of heaven is always open, Ji Yang comes whenever he wants, and he himself goes whenever he wants.


"Actually, I have an idea, the Jade Emperor can listen to it."

"There is an industry in the mortal world called tourism. There are so many fairy families in Heaven and Hell. If everyone comes to the mortal world at the same time, not to mention whether I can take care of them. At that time, there will be so many things in Heaven and Hell that no one will do. It's not good. "

"So I think that the Jade Emperor can issue a decree. If there is no special reason, no matter whether it is the heaven or the underworld, the number of places to go to the mortal world must be limited. You can go together in a group, and I will entertain everyone at that time."

"As for how to distribute the places and how many are there, it depends on you, the Jade Emperor."

This idea was not Ji Yang's temporary idea.

But a long time ago, he had thought about this.

The law of the three realms is broken, and everyone in the heaven and the underworld, who have been trapped for so long, must want to go to the mortal world.

At that time, the mortal world will be in chaos.

He, the Emperor of the Three Realms, can't control so many people.

Going as a tour group, the number is limited, and managing and entertaining by yourself will be much simpler and less troublesome.

"Oh, tour group?"

"Your suggestion is good, but I just got the general idea. In this way, after you return to the mortal world, send me some relevant information so that I can learn more about the tour group and make arrangements."

The Heavenly Court and Difu tour group, this attention is approved by the Jade Emperor.

But Ji Yang just explained briefly, he still didn't understand it very well.

"This is no problem, Jade Emperor, since my attention is so good, should I be rewarded?"

"Reward? What reward do you want?"

Hearing the word reward, the Jade Emperor frowned slightly.

The opinion of feelings is not mentioned in vain, it seems that Ji Yang has premeditated it.

"I want to take two people to the mortal world, or to put it another way, so that they can freely travel between the mortal world and heaven and hell at any time without the idea of ​​a tour group we talked about just now."


I thought that Ji Yang would ask for some kind of magic weapon, skill or treasure.

Unexpectedly, he proposed two people.

This made the Jade Emperor very confused, not knowing who Ji Yang was going to take to the mortal world.

"Chang'e... Jade Rabbit..."

Under the gaze of the Jade Emperor, Ji Yang gave the other party the answer...

(End of this chapter)

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