Chapter 306
After Ji Yang's inspection just now, Luo Yousheng will become like this today. It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with being tired from driving alone just now, but this matter can only be regarded as an introduction at best.

The main reason is that Luo Yousheng is old and his body functions are weak.

Although he usually pays attention to maintenance and care.

But old age is old age, no matter how much he recuperates, he can't really resist the passage of time.

"Ji Yang, how is Mr. Luo's situation?"

Seeing Ji Yang's expression was wrong, Yan Wenkai frowned but did not speak, and asked worriedly.

Although Tan Hu and the others did not speak, they were still waiting for Ji Yang's answer.

Ji Yang looked at several people, his frowning brows relaxed, and he smiled.

"Mr. Luo's condition is not serious. He doesn't need to be sent to the hospital. I can treat him."

"I can't be disturbed during my treatment, so you all get out."

Originally seeing Ji Yang's expression was wrong, he thought that Luo Yousheng's situation was not good.

At this time, Ji Yang smiled and said it was all right.

Although everyone felt strange, they still obediently left the room and waited outside the room.

"Is Ji Yang's medical skills very good?"

As soon as he left the room, Tan Hu couldn't help asking.

"According to the information obtained by the Xuan Group about Ji Yang, Ji Yang is a doctor at Linhai Hospital, and his medical skills are quite high."

"Even the dean of Linhai Hospital, Ji Deming, is inferior to him in some aspects."

Xuanzu had collected Ji Yang's information before.

At this moment, Tan Hu asked, and Lu Zhanxing spoke directly.

Hearing that Ji Yang's medical skills were even better than that of the director of Linhai Hospital, Ji Deming, Tan Hu was relieved a lot.

Although Yan Wenkai didn't speak, her eyes were fixed on the room, her face was full of worry.

Luo Yousheng's situation is very bad now, Ji Yang's smile just now is simply fake.

His smile and words are just to reassure everyone.

So as soon as everyone left, the smile on his face disappeared.

A trace of solemnity climbed onto his face, and Ji Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Luo Yousheng's body is almost exhausted. Sending him to the hospital in such a physical condition is a waste of time."

"Don't say that I just got the experience of Hua Tuo and other ancient genius doctors, even if they are all resurrected here."

"It's impossible to save Luo Yousheng."

Yan Wenkai and the others would never have imagined that Luo Yousheng's situation was so bad.

And now Ji Yang can't cure Luo Yousheng at all.

In the end, he simply took out his mobile phone and contacted the people in the underworld.

This time he didn't look for Hua Tuo and other genius doctors, nor did he look for Impermanence in Black and White, but Judge Cui.

Rumor has it that Judge Cui was the Minister of Rites during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. His real name was Cui Yu.

Judge Cui is the number one judge in the underworld, holding the book of life and death in his left hand and the ecstasy pen in his right, specializing in the task of prolonging the life of the good and bringing the evil back to hell.

As long as Judge Cui ticks a little, who deserves to die and who deserves to live is only a moment away.

Ji Yang approached Magistrate Cui for two purposes, one was to ask Luo Yousheng how long his life would last.

Another thing is to ask Judge Cui if he can extend Luo Yousheng's life.

Luo Yousheng is not only a loving businessman, he not only spends his own money to buy cultural relics, but also donates them to China.

He is also a philanthropist, and many people in need have been helped by him.

So Ji Yang wanted to ask if Luo Yousheng's good deeds could be used to increase his longevity.

Judge Cui has just handed over some information about the names of people who have lived longer than before to black and white impermanence and other full-time shaman ghosts.

Just as he was free at this time, a reminder came from his mobile phone WeChat.

"Isn't this the famous Xiaobai? Why did he come to me today?"

Ji Yang's immortal status is not high, but because he is in the mortal world, the items sold in the WeChat store are very special.

Therefore, the name Xiaobai is spreading more and more widely in Heaven and Earth, and there are very few people who don't know him now.

In ordinary words, if you don't know Xiaobai, then you are too low.

"Little Bai, you have never looked for me, Judge Cui, why did you think of looking for me today?"

Judge Cui saw that Ji Yang was looking for him, so he directly replied to Ji Yang on WeChat.

Seeing that Judge Cui replied so quickly, Ji Yang was a little surprised.

Judge Cui's words were straightforward, he also told the other party the reason why he didn't go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing.

Judge Cui saw Ji Yang asking about Luo Yousheng's lifespan, which was very simple for him.

Flipping through the life and death book in his hand, he found the time of Luo Yousheng's life and death.

"Luo Yousheng of Quan Men died at the age of 97, and his life span will be exhausted by the time of tomorrow."

The sub-hour refers to the time of day that is farthest from the sun.

That is, from 23 o'clock to one o'clock in the morning.

Tomorrow's time, isn't that just before one o'clock in the morning tomorrow? Calculating the time, it's less than ten hours.

Seeing that Luo Yousheng's life expectancy was less than ten hours, Ji Yang's face darkened.

He also said that he wanted to save Luo Yousheng, but the other person's life expectancy was less than ten hours, so how could he save him?

If it wasn't for his cleverness, he went directly to Judge Cui, and the matter would have become a big mess.

"Judge Cui, can't you increase or decrease one's lifespan according to one's good and evil in the mortal world?"

"Luo Yousheng has done a lot of good deeds in the mortal world, can you help him add a few years to his life?"

Ji Yang sent Judge Cui what he was going to say in the end.

Seeing Ji Yang's words, Judge Cui frowned, and did not reply to Ji Yang.

Instead, he began to check what good and evil things Luo Yousheng had done in the mortal world.

After some investigation, it turns out that Luo Yousheng has done a lot of good deeds.

But although he did many good deeds, he did not have no evil deeds.

Luo Yousheng started out by opening a casino, and now he also relies on the casino to make money.

This gambling is something that harms people. I don't know how many people have lost their families because of gambling.

Some people lost their wives and children in Luo Yousheng's casino, their families were destroyed, and some people even chose to commit suicide directly.

Although Luo Yousheng didn't do these things himself, he couldn't escape his involvement.

So wanting to directly add Yangshou to him, Judge Cui shook his head in the underworld.

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. Although he did a lot of good deeds during his lifetime, he opened a casino out of nowhere."

"Some gamblers lost miserably in his casino, and some even died directly. These should be counted on his head."

"It's hard to add Yangshou to him!"

Seeing Judge Cui's words, Ji Yang's heart sank.

The way of heaven emphasizes balance, and Luo Yousheng's life is a balance in terms of good and evil.

It is indeed not easy to increase Yangshou under such circumstances.

But judging from what Judge Cui meant, he didn't say no, but a difficulty.

From this point of view, Luo Yousheng's longevity can still be increased.

"Judge Cui, is there really no way to increase the longevity of Luo Yousheng?"

Ji Yang tried to ask.

PS: Mr. He and Ao designed sensitive words, and the editor was responsible for notifying the revision. Luo Yousheng is Mr. He, and Quanmen is Ao

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(End of this chapter)

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