The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3070 YD8 Great Patronus

Chapter 3070 YD Eight Patron Saints

The Jade Emperor said the word "quiet", and all the mortals in Bar Street and nearby fell asleep.

His move really made Ji Yang look at him with admiration.

Ever since Ji Yang listened to fairy tales, he has heard of the "Jade Emperor".

But every time I hear about the Jade Emperor, to be honest, the description is not very good, and there is nothing particularly outstanding in terms of ability.

It gives people the feeling that the Jade Emperor is just a decoration, and has no special ability at all.

But today, after seeing Jade Emperor's move, Ji Yang couldn't help but secretly nodded.

It's a legend, just listen to it.

You have to believe it, but don't try to believe it all. Some things are true only when you witness them with your own eyes.

Ji Yang believes that if the description of the Jade Emperor in the legend is true, it means that the Jade Emperor was very low-key at that time and deliberately hid himself.

Otherwise, according to the legend, the Jade Emperor doesn't have the ability now...

"You guys, you can't hide it this time, you can't hide it anymore, tell me, Grandpa Pig, what is your origin and what you want to do... I understand, Grandpa Pig will give you a good time later of!"

After Zhu Bajie went down to earth this time, he was always depressed.

To be precise, he has been depressed ever since he learned that Chang'e and Ji Yang had descended to earth.

Originally, he thought that when he was in the mortal world, he could use Ji Yang to vent his anger and anger.

Who would have thought that he would be defeated by Ji Yang in the end, and he would get even more angry.

Compared to Ji Yang, Zhu Bajie and the others felt that someone was following them. Although they didn't know the identity of the other party, whether it was an enemy or a friend, there was nothing wrong with asking.

But the Jade Emperor actually stopped everyone, saying that he was waiting for Ji Yang to arrange.

So this wait, until now.

The Jade Emperor finally spoke, intending to make formal contact with the other party, so Zhu Bajie couldn't bear it first, and asked loudly.

At the same time, he is also ready to be the vanguard. Once the fight starts, he will be the first to strike.

The repressed anger in my heart must be released to be comfortable.

"The gods of China are nothing more than that. It took so long to discover us!"

"It is said that the Chinese gods miss the common people in the world, but seeing them today, what they said is too false."

Things have come to the present situation, and it doesn't make any sense to hide anything.

So even if Zhu Bajie didn't open his mouth, these people didn't intend to keep hiding.

More than a dozen people gathered together, and their seemingly illusory figures at first became solidified and real.

One of them held a pestle in his hand and was covered with various accessories. He was dressed like a man from YD. He glanced at the sleeping mortals and said with a strange smile.

He is satirizing Jade Emperor and others.

He thought about the common people in the world, but he didn't have any mercy when he raised his hand to mortals.

"Let them sleep peacefully and cultivate their minds. This will only benefit them and not harm them."

"If they don't just fall asleep and be used by you despicable garbage gods from YD, they will lose their lives."

"Besides, it's not up to you fellows to comment on how my Chinese gods do things... Now let's talk about who you are and how you want to die!"

Bickering, neither Zhu Bajie nor Jade Emperor, is definitely not good at it.

The other party satirized the Jade Emperor and the others with words, but the Jade Emperor and the others just frowned, not knowing how to refute.

It was Ji Yang who responded the fastest.

Bickering, Ji Yang will be afraid of these guys on the other side.

"We are the eight guardian gods of YD. How dare you call us despicable and trashy gods? Damn... Your humiliation, I, YD God of Death, Yama, will redeem with your life!"

Eight Patron Saints of YD?
Ji Yang's humiliating words made the other party angrily reveal his name.

It's just that for Ji Yang and others who don't know much about the gods of YD, he really can't remember what the eight patron saints are.

As for why there are more than a dozen people in front of the eight patron saints.

This is unclear for the time being, it may be his subordinates, or other gods.

The other party did not explain, and there is no answer for the time being.

PS: The eight guardian gods of YD are Indra, the god of thunder, Yama, the god of death, Varuna, the god of the ocean, Vayu, the god of feudalism, Suma, the god of wine, Surya, the god of the sun, Agni, the god of fire, and God of wealth. God Kubira.

"Death God Yama? Emperor Yan Luo, who do you think is stronger between him and you?"

grim Reaper?

Also the Eight Patron Saints?

It sounds like a hanging feeling.

Although he is not familiar with YD God, Ji Yang can still distinguish such a straightforward identity.

To put it simply, it is not the same as the underworld king, Yin Shuai and ghost messengers, that is, to control the dead.

"Wait for a fight, don't you know!"

Emperor Yan Luo looked at Yan Mo coldly, with a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Although he said he would know in a while, but judging by his expression, he was completely disdainful of Yama.

"That guy is not worthy of the King of Yama (Heaven Luo) to do it. My Leopard Tail is enough to destroy him!"

The emperor Yama is not the only one who came from the mortal world here, but he came from the underworld.

Leopard Tail, one of the top ten handsome men, is also among them.

Emperor Yan Luo is his superior, so of course he wants to flatter him at this time.

"Everyone should not be careless. Although it is not clear whether they targeted us in advance, Huaxia, who came here at this time, met by coincidence."

"But since they dare to come to Huaxia, they must be prepared, so everyone must be careful later, otherwise it will be easy to suffer."

Tianzi Yan Luo and Leopard Tail sang together, and Ji Yang's side smiled when they heard it.

But the Jade Emperor still maintained the calmness he should have, and he smiled. If there is a reminder, he still has to say it.

Emperor Yan Luo and the others nodded heavily when they heard the words.

No matter what you say, you are actually very cautious in your heart.

There is going to be a battle between the YD gods and the Three Realms of China, it's just a matter of time.

Now that the other party is taking the initiative to enter Huaxia, it is impossible if they are not prepared.

How can people who know this point be careless?

It's just that I don't know whether the eight patron saints of YD in front of me are lucky or bad luck.

If they just came for Ji Yang and happened to meet Jade Emperor and the others, then it can only be said that they were unlucky.

Because not only did they choose the wrong time, but they also met the wrong person.

These few people in the mortal tour group are not easy to mess with.

"You guys like to continue to wait and see, just wait and see, I can't bear it anymore!"

Among the eight patron saints of YD, Yama is not the most irritable one.

But the problem is, now he's the one being targeted.

Previously, Ji Yang’s garbage was all of them, but the leopard tail was not worthy, but he was talking about it.

This made Yan Mo's expression become ferocious, regardless of the other people around him.

When the Jade Emperor reminded everyone, Yan Mo yelled angrily first, and rushed towards Ji Yang and the others...

 The second watch came a bit late, and my body has not recovered, please forgive me, but fortunately I kept today's second watch...

(End of this chapter)

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