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Chapter 3077 Zhao Gongming's Strength

Chapter 3077 Zhao Gongming's Strength
God of Wealth?
Hearing Zhao Gongming's words, Jubiluo frowned, apparently still not understanding what the God of Wealth represented.

Although Kubiro knew something about the gods in charge of wealth in China.

But what he knows is that there is more than one God of Wealth in China, the Zhao Gongming in front of him is one, and there are also Bigan, Fan Li and others.

But Kubiro didn't know that they were divided into the God of Wealth and the God of Martial Arts.

PS: In China, there is a difference between the God of Wealth and the God of Wealth, which is also one of the gods that people worship the most. A friendly reminder, the God of Wealth is in charge of the wealth of the world and can bring us good luck. There are differences in the God of Wealth, from the location to the way of enshrining. The worshipers need to pay attention, otherwise it may be counterproductive, and the specific requirements can be checked by yourself.

"Wu Caishen is not Wu Caishen, you and I are both gods in charge of wealth, if I can't do it, I will be worse than you!"

I don't know the meaning of Wu Caishen's representative, and I don't know enough about Zhao Gongming's situation.

But the word "Wu" still made him a lot more cautious.

He knew in his heart that the Zhao Gongming in front of him was not as simple as having the ability to manage wealth.

But even though he knew it in his heart, he refused to admit it.

And he really felt that even if the opponent was better at martial arts and fighting than himself, he might not really be inferior to him.

As the god who is also in charge of wealth, why is he worse than him, Kubiro is not convinced.

Because if he is worse than the other party, wouldn't it mean that he, the God of Wealth of YD, is not as good as the God of Wealth of Huaxia?

"Hahaha... almost, don't you already know it very clearly in your heart!"

"You say one thing, but you don't mean it. What kind of god of wealth are you? I think you are the god of hypocrisy, hahaha..."

Who is Zhao Gongming?
He is the True Monarch of Jinlong Ruyizhengyi, Dragon and Tiger Mysterious Altar, and one of the four great marshals of Huaxia Tianting. Before he became a god, he was also one of the eight disciples who sat down with the leader of Jiejiao Tongtian.

Whether it is xinxing or experience in all aspects, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

Since the fight with Kubiro until now, the opponent has been suppressed and beaten by him.

A moment ago, he was surprised and asked because he, as the God of Wealth, possessed such a strong fighting power.

Now I started to pretend to be calm with myself. The gap between before and after is so obvious that ordinary people can see the clue, let alone Zhao Gongming.

Laugh loudly, the smile is very sarcastic.

Hearing this laughter, Kubiro blushed, he was both ashamed and angry.

"What I think in my heart is the same as what I say, the same, the same..."

In any case, Kubiro would not admit what Zhao Gongming said.

He shouted loudly, and at the same time, in order not to give Zhao Gongming a chance to continue talking about himself, he chose to attack Zhao Gongming directly.

Waving the golden staff in his hand, streaks of golden light struck Zhao Gongming like sharp swords.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter to me whether you admit it or not."

"Anyway, whether you admit it or not, today I, Zhao Gongming, will make you YD no longer the God of Wealth!"

There is no God of Wealth anymore, which means that Zhao Gongming will definitely kill Kubiluo today.

Looking at the several golden lights coming, Zhao Gongming waved the golden whip in his hand, and also shot several golden lights.

The golden light collided with the golden light and dissipated each other.


"Who can fight to the end, and who can survive in the end is not certain!"

The golden light dissipated from each other, and Kubiro also rushed in front of Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming easily blocked the slamming staff in his hand.

Hearing Kubiro's unconvinced words, Zhao Gongming was also lazy to refute him.

Talking about winning or losing has no meaning at all, and it will not play a decisive role.

Only when you see the truth in your hands, whoever really wins, that is the real win.

Kubiluo is stubborn and refuses to admit defeat, then he will beat him to a complete failure.

At that time, he doesn't need to admit it or not, he has lost.

The golden whip in his hand shook, and a powerful force countered the shock.

Kubiro felt a burst of tearing pain from his staff, and the tiger's mouth in his palm was split open by the shock, and blood began to flow out.

If it wasn't for how fast he withdrew his staff, his hand might have been shattered by the shock.

Actually speaking, if you only look at Kubira's appearance, it is difficult to think that he is the God of Wealth.

Kubira's becoming the God of Wealth is entirely a coincidence, or an accident.

Before he became the god of wealth, he was actually a thief, because when he was stealing in Shiva's temple, he became a god of heaven and the god of wealth in a daze.

Kubiro is short and stooped, not the kind of appearance that represents wealth in our common sense, but looks a little vulgar, even a little wretched.

The only thing that can tell that he is related to wealth, apart from the staff in his hand representing the god of wealth, is the jewels all over his body.

However, although he is not good-looking, he has a brother-sister relationship with the famous beauty among Indian gods, as the goddess of wealth and happiness, and the auspicious goddess of Vishnu's wife, which is surprising enough.

So Kubiro's combat effectiveness is indeed weak, but because of the relationship between the thieves, his agility and speed are still outstanding.

"I won't lose to you, no!"

The tiger's mouth was in pain, and Kubiro became ruthless under the stimulation of the pain.

The golden staff in his hand, under the control of his mind, became two sharp golden daggers.

This was the weapon he was best at using before he became a god.

Holding the two daggers behind his back, Kubiro attacked Zhao Gongming again at a much faster speed than before.

The jewels all over his body brightened when he approached Zhao Gongming.

He is using his power of wealth to enhance his strength, speed, and attack intensity.

"Puff puff puff...fufufu..."

He swung the two daggers up and down, aiming at all parts of Zhao Gongming's body, stabbing wildly with no precise target at all.

Judging by his appearance, it feels like the kind that just stabs the opponent anyway.

Stab there, it doesn't matter.

It's just that although Kubiro's attack is fierce, in addition to the speed, it is not good in terms of strength.

And even this speed is nothing to Zhao Gongming.

He has already seen the number and coefficient of the opponent's attack.

Wielding the golden whip in his hand, every time he can block Kubiro's attack just right, so that he can never hurt himself in the slightest.

"You are stronger than before, but just these are still too weak."

"If you want to compare with Zhao Gongming, you have to practice for thousands of years... But unfortunately, you don't have this chance."

"Clang clang clang..."

Blocking all of Kubiro's attacks, Zhao Gongming spoke in a cold voice with disdain, and continued to stimulate Kubiro...

(End of this chapter)

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