The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3092 Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl Is Dangerous

Chapter 3092 Nine Heavens Profound Girl Is Dangerous

"What... this guy..."

Nine Heavens Xuannv attacked Su Mo with her sword, her eyes were fixed on Su Mo.

Seeing that Su Mo didn't make defensive and counterattack actions at this time, but instead went to drink, Nine Heavens Xuannv was still very strange.

In this way, I thought that the opponent knew that he was invincible and gave up.

But when she saw the changes in Su Mo's body after drinking, she felt a little uneasy.

The wound on the shoulder is still the same, but the arm is not affected and can still move, so forget it.

The problem is, at this moment, Su Mo's rising aura, that vigorous aura grows, makes Nine Heavens Xuannv feel the danger.

"There's something wrong with his wine, it must be the wine!"

Shocked in my heart, the movements of Nine Heavens Xuannv's hands are not slow.

She continued her attack, and at the same time, unconsciously, she focused on the wine Su Mo had drunk.

His own sword had indeed hurt the opponent just now.

After the opponent was also injured, his breath was momentarily sluggish.

The changes that took place in him all appeared after drinking alcohol, which made Nine Heavens Xuannv put the problem on the alcohol.

"Hahaha... Enjoyable..."

"Woman, I don't know how many years I haven't drank the burning blood wine in my flagon. You forced me to do this, and you asked for it!"

Burning blood wine is brewed by Somo using the blood of many kinds of divine beasts, and with his unique air, mixed with a variety of precious materials.

Drinking this kind of wine will make the blood in the body boil, enhance one's strength, and at the same time have the effect of paralyzing the body and making people lose the sense of pain.

The power of this burning blood wine is very strong, and it can make people have powerful power instantly.

But after the event, people will also have side effects for a long time due to the excessive boiling of blood, making people weak and even comatose.

A specific time cannot be fixed.

It may be a few days, it may be more than ten days, or even several years.

So Sumo would not drink Burning Blood Wine unless it was a dangerous moment or a last resort.

Su Mo's mouth was very hard, he did not want to admit the strength of Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

But in my heart, I have already realized this.

If he didn't know that he might be killed by Nine Heavens Xuannv if he didn't maintain his best state, or even in a stronger state, he wouldn't drink the burning blood wine.

Feeling that the blood in his body was boiling like burning, every pore of him was filled with vigorous air, and even began to leak out uncontrollably.

Su Mo's face was flushed as if he had drunk too much, and there was a cruel excited smile on his face.

He drank the burning blood wine himself, and he didn't believe that Nine Heavens Profound Girl could beat him.

He wants to defeat Jiutian Xuannv, he will not kill Jiutian Xuannv, he wants to capture her alive.

Then he tortured her slowly to relieve the anger in his heart.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl frowned tightly listening to Su Mo's words, and her heart was somewhat affected.

But the Nine Heavens Profound Girl who had rushed in front of Su Mo was still waving her long sword to attack him as before.


Looking at the more powerful attack of Nine Heavens Profound Girl than before, and seeing the flying sword qi, Su Mo stood still, and with a loud shout, he punched out directly.

"Boom boom boom..."

With this punch, the attack was not fancy, it seemed very direct.

But it was this very direct punch that directly dissipated the several sword auras that Jiutian Xuannv swung her sword quickly.

Let Nine Heavens Xuannv's attack be broken in an instant.


Defeating the attack of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was Sumo's first step, but it was not the end.

At the same time that all the sword energy was broken in an instant, Su Mo punched out again.

A punch mixed with a strong smell of alcohol was thrown out, and it directly hit Jiutian Xuannv.

Because her attack was broken in an instant, Nine Heavens Xuannv was stunned for a moment.

Although she felt that Su Mo was in danger at this time, she never thought that her attack would be broken so easily.

Before he had time to react, Su Mo's fist shadow was already in front of Nine Heavens Profound Girl.


Nine Heavens Profound Girl's complexion changed drastically, and she was punched firmly in the abdomen by Fist Shadow.

The immortal energy in the body of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl who was punched by this punch was chaotic, her intestines felt like they were about to be broken, and her body fell towards the ground like a kite with a broken string.


The body fell to the ground, and the dark red blood spit out from the mouth of the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

This punch hurt her badly.

"I was very gentle towards women, and I gave you a chance, but you didn't want it."

"Since you don't like gentleness, then I can only use strong methods. This punch is to repay your sword just now. Are you convinced now?"

With just one punch, Nine Heavens Profound Girl was injured.

Previously, Su Mo wanted to hurt Nine Heavens Xuannv, but he couldn't do it after fighting for a long time.

In this way, it can be judged that Sumo is really strong at this time.

Nine Heavens Girl fell to the ground, followed by Su Mo, floating in the sky more than ten meters away from Nine Heavens Girl, looking down at Nine Heavens Girl lying on the ground, clutching her stomach, with a painful expression.

"Convince you? Dreaming!"

Nine Heavens Xuannv's face was pale, with blood stains on the corner of her mouth, she looked a little pitiful to me.

I was injured, but not to the point where I couldn't continue fighting.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl couldn't do it if she wanted to bow her head to Su Mo.

The battle between her and Su Mo was destined to end with the death of one side.

Nine Heavens Xuannv can't do such things as surrender and surrender...

"YD Dionysus, it's interesting, you are also our Dionysus, if you compare with him, who do you think is stronger?"

Several mysterious people from YD, so far, still haven't made a move.

It was as if I came here today just to watch a play.

In other battles, YD did not gain the upper hand at all.

On the side of Dionysus Somo, he got a certain advantage.

The mysterious people looked at the wounded Nine Heavens Profound Girl, and asked the leader beside them with strange voices.

"This Sumo really surprised me. As for who is stronger, I can't just say it with my mouth, it depends on this."

The person being questioned looked at Su Mo with a bit of enthusiasm.

They are also Dionysus, so they really want to compete with each other.

If it weren't for the cooperation relationship between the two parties at this time, he would definitely challenge Somo now.

As for who is strong and who is weak, he will only know after the fight, but he feels that he is definitely not as good as Su Mo...

"Human Emperor, you continue to guard the Jade Emperor and stare at those guys, I will help Nine Heavens Goddess!"

YD is watching the battle, Ji Yang, Jade Emperor and Baowei are also watching the battle.

The mysterious people of YD can just discuss at this time and have no other actions.

But Ji Yang's side can't just watch Jiutian Xuannv have an accident.

Although Baowei knew that he would not be Su Mo's opponent, he still decided to rush over to help.

"Baowei, don't be impulsive, look again... Nine Heavens Xuannv is not so easy to fail!"

Ji Yang has no objection to Leopard Tail's idea.

But this time, the Jade Emperor stopped him again...

(End of this chapter)

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