The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3094 The Art of War

Chapter 3094 The Art of War
"Anything more exciting?"

Ji Yang thought that Nine Heavens Xuannv would be defeated today, because judging from her situation just now, she was seriously injured by Su Mo.

As a result, she underwent a mysterious bird transformation, which made her aura stronger than before.

Although the injury is still there, it still looks no weaker than Su Mo, which is already surprising.

Now the Jade Emperor actually said that the Nine Heavens Profound Girl had even more exciting performances, which really made Ji Yang very curious.

"Nine Heavens Xuannv's personal combat ability is excellent, but it is not what she is best at."

"Nine Heavens Xuannv is in the entire three realms of China. In terms of military strategy and strategy, let alone female immortals, even among male immortals, there are few who can compare with her."

"This is also the foundation of her foothold. Just watch, she should be able to display this ability soon!"

Looking at Ji Yang with a look of astonishment, Jade Emperor said softly with a smile.

At this time, the Xuannv of Nine Heavens, although her aura became much stronger due to the transformation of the black bird, she looked no weaker than Su Mo who drank the burning blood wine.

But it is a fact that she was seriously injured. If this body fights forcibly, it will not last long at all.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor felt that Nine Heavens Xuannv should use other methods to defeat Su Mo as much as possible while ensuring her physical condition.

And the art of war strategy she is good at is very suitable to display at this time.

"Yes, she is a female fairy who is good at using the art of war. Back then, she taught the Yellow Emperor the art of war and used it to fight Chi You."

As soon as the Jade Emperor reminded him, Ji Yang also remembered some legends about the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

He, who was already curious, was even more looking forward to what Nine Heavens Profound Girl would do next...

"You have been seriously injured by me. Even if you use spells to enhance your own strength at this time, it is just a fake, and it is impossible to fully exert all your combat power!"

The Jade Emperor and the others saw that even if the Nine Heavens Xuannv's aura increased, her combat effectiveness would decrease due to her physical condition.

Based on Sumo's experience, it can be seen naturally.

Although he was afraid of the flames emanating from the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, Su Mo still felt that he should be the one with the greatest chance of winning.

The astonishment in my heart began to weaken as my confidence increased.

He looked at Nine Heavens Profound Girl with a touch of firmness in his eyes.

"Really? Then you can try it... Chirp... Xuanniao Huoxian..."

Her physical condition was indeed not good, but Nine Heavens Profound Girl would not give in to Su Mo.

What's more, after I became like this, I still have cards, so why should I be afraid of Somo.

A bird twittered from his mouth, and a burst of flames shot towards Somo.

Under her mysterious bird transformation, the flames emitted by her are extremely hot, which cannot be compared with ordinary flames.

"I, Sumo, don't like flames, but that doesn't mean I really have nothing to do!"

"Burning Blood Palm!"

Somo's wine power does have the ability to enhance flames, which will weaken his own attack power.

But all things generate and restrain each other, as long as one's attack is strong enough, he can still restrain the flame.

Sumo who drank the burning blood wine not only enhanced his fighting power, but also changed his aura to a certain extent.

To put it simply, under the influence of the burning blood wine, his wine power will change to a certain extent, unless it is the flame released by Somo himself, otherwise there will be no effect of enhancing the flame.

This is also one of the reasons why he was able to maintain his confidence at this moment when he felt that the flame on Nine Heavens Profound Girl was not weak.

"Boom boom boom..."

Without the boosting effect on other people's flames, Somo didn't have to be afraid of flames.

When he struck out with a palm, the illusory palm image collided with the flames of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, the flames splashed in all directions, and there were constant explosions, which really blocked the Nine Heavens Profound Girl's flames.

Seeing that his burning blood palm broke the opponent's flame, the confident smile on Su Mo's face became bigger and bigger.

"I'm right, you really are vain."

Confidence in the heart, but also unforgiving in the mouth.

Su Mo spoke contemptuously to Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

"Really? You are too happy!"

"Mysterious fire changes, mysterious soldiers appear, line up... encircle..."

Su Mo's self-confidence, in the eyes of Nine Heavens Profound Girl, is really ridiculous.

Isn't it just breaking his own flame attack, as for being so embarrassing.

Besides, it's true that his own flame was shattered, but it didn't just go out.

Looking at Su Mo mockingly, Nine Heavens Profound Girl spread her wings and flew up, muttering words as her body hovered in the air.

Those flames that were shaken to all directions, as the voice of the Nine Heavens Xuannv fell, unexpectedly began to gather with each other, and then turned into one by one wearing red armor and emitting flames. There are as many as twenty or thirty soldiers.

When these flame heavenly soldiers appeared, they did not attack Sumo directly, but surrounded him and trapped him in the middle.


The self-confidence I just mentioned was a bit hit at this moment.

Because the formation of these flame heavenly soldiers is exactly the flame that he blocked just now.

I thought I easily broke the opponent's attack, but now it seems that my feelings are being tricked.

"I said, you are too happy...Kill..."

Seeing Su Mo's anger, Nine Heavens Xuannv felt refreshed.

My current situation is not optimistic, and the Nine Heavens Profound Girl didn't waste any time. After a few words of sarcasm, she ordered the Flame Heavenly Soldiers to attack Somo.

Although using these flame heavenly soldiers to fight will reduce their physical burden.

But if you want to maintain these flame heavenly soldiers, you still need to consume your own immortal energy.

"Damn it, they are just condensed by flames. No matter how strong their fighting power is, I, Sumo, will still lose to them!"

Angry in his heart, Su Mo was not slow to strike.

Seeing [-] or [-] flame heavenly soldiers surrounding him start to attack him, Sumo's energy was circulating in his body, and he greeted the two flame heavenly soldiers.

"Change formation, retreat!"

Su Mo came in a menacing manner, and if he directly confronted him head-on, the Flaming Heavenly Soldiers would definitely suffer.

But with the Nine Heavens Profound Girl commanding, naturally the Flaming Heavenly Soldiers will not let the opponent's speed be overwhelmed as soon as they fight.

Taking retreat as advance and avoiding its sharp edge, Nine Heavens Xuannv gave a decisive order.

Hearing the order from the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, the Flaming Heavenly Soldiers who were rushing to kill paused and began to retreat.

"Don't run..."

Seeing the Flaming Heavenly Soldiers retreat, Su Mo shouted loudly.

At this time, I was on the verge of anger, and it was the time when I was most imposing.

I have already prepared myself, with two punches, I will deal with the two flame heavenly soldiers first.

But now that the Flame Heavenly Soldiers had retreated, Su Mo's offensive had unknowingly weakened a bit.


The attack that has been prepared should not be wasted.

When Su Mo yelled, he clapped his palms continuously out of thin air, and several shadows of his palms flew towards the retreating Flame Heavenly Soldiers.

"Change... flash..."

Looking at Su Mo, who was furious and slapped out of thin air, Nine Heavens Xuannv gave another decisive order.

Her current identity is that of a commander. Although she is in it, she stays out of it.

With my military skills, I commanded these [-] or [-] flame heavenly soldiers to deal with Somo...

(End of this chapter)

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