The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3107 No one can count on it

Chapter 3107 No one can count on it
"Varuna, be careful!"

Of the eight patron saints of YD, two have died.

This has put YD's eight patron saints at an absolute disadvantage.

In the current situation, it is very difficult to turn the tables and recover the disadvantages. If anyone dies, it will be completely over.

Trampled by the black tiger, Kubiro, who wanted to resist but couldn't, had been watching the battle between Varuna and Zhao Gongming.

On the one hand, all he can do now is just wait and see.

On the other hand, he also hoped that Varuna could beat Zhao Gongming so that he would be saved.

His wait-and-see is not meaningless.

Bystanders can tell that when Varuna fought Zhao Gongming earlier, Kubiro had reminded Varuna several times, allowing him to escape several crises.

At this time, seeing Varuna spitting blood and retreating after being beaten by Zhao Gongming, Jubi Luoda's face changed drastically.

In the fight between Varuna and Zhao Gongming, he had always been at a disadvantage. Now that he was beaten seriously, he must be in danger.


"Crack... ah..."

Kubira was anxious in his heart, and his body moved unconsciously.

When he moved, Heihu was not happy.

If you are stepped on by yourself, it's fine if you yell twice, but if you dare to move now, you are going to run.

With the roar of the tiger in his mouth, the tiger's claws stomped hard, directly breaking two bones on Kubiro's body.

The bone was broken, and Kubiro's painful forehead broke out in cold sweat, screaming incessantly, feeling bitter in his heart, he didn't intend to run, if he could run, why would he be stepped on for so long?
"Hmph, if you can't take care of yourself, but care about others, you will be next."

"Even if you remind him so what, can he still hide?"

Kubiro's reminder doesn't matter to Zhao Gongming at all.

In Zhao Gongming's view, if Jubiroti didn't remind Varuna, the result would be the same.

The whip I just gave broke the opponent's tree roots and bones, and injured his viscera.

Even if he wanted to dodge or resist his next attack, Varuna had to be able to do it.

Sneering at Jubiluo, Zhao Gongming charged towards Varuna with his immortal energy in his body shaking.

"Bang bang bang... clang clang clang..."

"Puff puff puff... Damn it, it's really too hateful..."

Zhao Gongming rushed forward and attacked with a golden whip. Varuna reacted quickly and resisted.

Kubiro's kind reminder made Varuna understand, but he had to admit that even if Kubiro didn't remind himself, he knew that his situation was not good.

Since the official fight with Zhao Gongming, he didn't dare to be distracted for a moment.

Even if he retreated after being beaten, he never dared to leave Zhao Gongming in front of him.

So as soon as Zhao Gongming made a move, Falou would have seen it, and there was no need for Kubiro to remind him.

Varuna concentrated on responding to Zhao Gongming's attack, but Zhao Gongming's attack just now really hurt him seriously, he wanted to resist, but he seemed very powerless.

While blocking Zhao Gongming's attack, Varuna was vomiting blood.

If this continues, even if he is not directly beaten to death by Zhao Gongming, he will vomit blood and lose too much blood to die.

Depressed and irritable in his heart, Varuna could only vent himself by yelling.

"This state, you can still hold it for so long, you really surprised me a bit!"

"But if you can block it for a while, how long can you block it, and how much blood can you vomit?"

Varuna blocked his attack for so long, which really exceeded Zhao Gongming's imagination.

Although the opponent was very reluctant to block, but if he blocked it, he blocked it.

However, Zhao Gongming could also see that Varuna's resistance at this time seemed to be a flashback, and he was about to be unable to hold on anymore.

"It's over, this time it's really over, Varuna has reached his limit."

Zhao Gongming saw that Varou was at the end of his battle, and Kubiro, who was still trampled by the black tiger, could also see it clearly.

And compared to Zhao Gongming, Jubiluo knew Varuna better.

He could see that Varuna had no strength left to continue fighting and resisting, and he would soon be finished.

Once Varuna died, it was his turn.

Thinking of this, Kubiro's entire face darkened, and he didn't try to resist, because he knew he couldn't resist.

He could only place his hope on other people, hoping that after Varuna was killed and before he was killed, there would be someone who could save him.

But the reality is too embarrassing. At this time, none of the eight patron saints of YD is optimistic, but one is worse than the other.

As soon as Agini and Sumo died, Lei Zhenzi, the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Nine Heavens Xuannv were free.

The three of them didn't waste any time, and each rushed to other battle circles to help.

Lei Zhenzi came to Wen Zhong's side and joined hands with Wen Zhong to deal with Indra.

The two who also controlled the power of thunder and lightning, dealt with Indra, the god of thunder and lightning, and Indra's situation was obviously not as easy as when they singled out Wen Zhongshi just now.

Nine Heavens Xuannv rushed to the side of Emperor Yan Luo, and together with Emperor Yan Luo, they attacked Yan Mo.

Yan Mo is in charge of the power of death, which is exactly the same as that held by the emperor Yan Luo.

One-on-one, Yan Mo and Emperor Yan Luo can still be regarded as brothers, fighting evenly.

But with the joining of Jiutian Xuannv, Jiutian Xuannv released Xuanhuo to assist Yan Luo Tianzi, Yan Mo was beaten and had no choice but to fight back.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea came to Zhu Bajie's side and teamed up with Zhu Bajie to deal with Fengshen Fayou.

Although the Dragon King of the East China Sea controls the ability of water, he is very familiar with Feng Po and Feng Bo who are in charge of wind power.

Because every time it rains, Feng Bo and Feng Po often help him.

So in terms of dealing with the wind, the Dragon King of the East China Sea really has some ways.

Zhu Bajie also had the upper hand at first, and now he has the Dragon King of the East China Sea to help him, so he still can't overwhelm Vayu to death.

These three places are two against one, and they absolutely don't have the energy to help.

Now there is only Suriya, the sun god, who is still in a one-on-one state, but judging by his state, he can only report to himself, and he is distracted to save others, which is difficult.

Kubiro couldn't count on his partners, so Kubiro could have forgotten the mysterious people who made the last shot.

"I thought you were so strong, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"I, Kubiro, am really going to die in Huaxia like this!"

Kubiro felt so emotional because he saw a few mysterious people who were also entangled by the three of Ji Yang at this time.

It is impossible to expect them to save themselves.

"What are you thinking? Are you thinking about how you will die?"

When Kubiro sighed to himself, a voice that was familiar but he didn't want to hear it sounded beside his ears.

Kubiro raised his head and looked at Zhao Gongming who had arrived beside him at some point, and Zhao Gongming looked at him with a strange smile on his face.

Zhao Gongming came to his side, what about Varuna?
Looking at the place where Zhao Gongming and Varuna were fighting just now, Kubiro saw Varuna's body with a big hole in his chest.

It turned out that while watching the surrounding situation in Kubira, Zhao Gongming pierced Varuna's body with a golden whip and shattered his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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