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Chapter 3111 Changes of Biya and Kratos

Chapter 3111 Changes of Biya and Kratos
"Who am I...I...don't want to tell you."

The Jade Emperor had said it before, as long as the other party told him their identities, he would tell them who he was.

Now Biya and Kratos have revealed their identities and know that they are from XL's Mount Olympus.

But the Jade Emperor didn't keep his promise. When Biya asked him, he chose to cheat.

Looking at Biya and Kratos with a faint smile on his face, the Jade Emperor was unwilling to reveal his identity.

The Jade Emperor was not a person who broke his promise, but there were some things that could not be generalized.

The identity of the Jade Emperor is too sensitive, he is the ruler of heaven.

The gods of XL and YD join forces to deal with Huaxia Tianting Underworld. If they know that the person in front of them is the Jade Emperor, I am afraid he will have to face it, not just Biya and Kratos, but everyone will reckless Those who wait to see regard him as the target of attack.

Because as long as something happens to the Jade Emperor, Huaxia will definitely suffer heavy losses.

This is much more cost-effective than defeating anyone in front of him.

This is not only a heavy blow to the overall combat effectiveness, but more importantly, a blow to the soul.

Now that I am not in good condition, it is too bad to be said to have been targeted.

Knowing about these Jade Emperors, he would rather be a person who broke his promise than make the Three Realms of China fall into a bad situation because of himself.

"What did you dare to trick us..."

"I'm going to tear you apart today, Kratos, don't stand still, do it!"

The Jade Emperor's answer caused Biya and Kratos' expressions to change instantly, looking extremely angry.

They don't know whether to say that they are naive or that they are too stupid, so why do they believe the other party's words.

During the exchange just now, both sides consciously stopped their hands, thinking that it would not be too late to do it after knowing each other's identity.

Now that the Jade Emperor didn't reveal his identity, Biya and Kratos stopped standing. After Biya's voice fell, they and Kratos rushed towards the Jade Emperor one after the other.

Be ferocious as Biya, mighty as Kratos.

Although the status of the two among the XL gods is very low, their combat effectiveness is still remarkable.

Driven by anger, Biya and Kratos launched a crazy attack on the Jade Emperor.

Biya's attack was very fierce, and he didn't see the slightest evasion or retreat. Everything was mainly offensive, and he was very active.

Although Kratos is not as fierce as Biya, but the strength of his attack is stronger than Biya.

The strength of every punch and every kick gives people a great sense of oppression, as if they are about to split mountains and crack ground.

"Boom boom boom... bang bang bang..."

The Biya brothers took the initiative to attack, and the attacks were either fierce or powerful.

Although the Jade Emperor made a passive move, one against two, he didn't appear to be embarrassed, and felt that he was able to cope with it freely.

"Although the cultivation bases of the two are only around the third-rank immortal rank, when they attacked, they cooperated with each other, and the cooperation was very tacit. This made their actual combat effectiveness higher than their own cultivation bases. To brother."

The Jade Emperor responded with ease, but in his heart, he did not forget to comment on Biya and Kratos.

Because their fighting power and the intensity of their breath are not on the same level at all.

But it doesn't matter, although the attack of the two of them is very strong, but the Jade Emperor can still handle it.

After all, the Jade Emperor's cultivation at his best is the pinnacle of the first-rank immortality, and Kratosbia's team is no more than the second-rank immortality.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. In this level of battle, Jade Emperor is not in poor health.

"Brother, although he didn't reveal his true identity, the combat power he displayed in front of him must have a high status in China. We must defeat him."

Although Kratos likes to ask Biya when he is doing things, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have his own thoughts.

After fighting with the Jade Emperor for so long, he always has some thoughts and feelings of his own.

"That's right, I've seen before that his status in Huaxia is definitely not low, and now I'm even more sure. He doesn't want to reveal his identity, maybe because he is afraid that if we know his identity, it will be even more detrimental to him."

"But the more he is like this, the more we have to defeat him...Kratos, show us our strongest state, don't waste him like this anymore...but remember, don't kill him, capture him alive, so He is worth more."

Biya has a hotter temper than Kratos and seems impulsive, but he also has a delicate side.

While attacking the Jade Emperor fiercely, while communicating with Kratos, he also gave his own proposal.

Many times, it is easy to kill a person.

But there is often a gap between the value of a dead person and the value of a living person.

The Jade Emperor in front of him gave Biya this feeling.

Capturing the Jade Emperor alive will be more meaningful for this attack on China than killing him.

"Brother, so fast, are you going to do that now?"

Biya's thoughts, Kratos understood.

But when he heard that he was in the strongest state, Kratos was a little hesitant.

"Yes, right now."

"The gods of Huaxia are more difficult to deal with than we imagined. We can help others by solving them as soon as possible."

Biya is full of confidence in himself, and feels that not only can the two brothers catch the Jade Emperor, but they can also be faster than those who fight against Ji Yang and Baowei.

After hearing Biya's words, Kratos didn't ask any more questions.

Just staring at the Jade Emperor, the spirit surged in his body, and he shouted violently: "A strong body... ah..."

"Fierce look... Roar..."

While Kratos drank violently, Biya also drank violently.

As the two of them drank, a crackling sound like a firecracker bursting sounded on the two of them, and their bodies also changed accordingly.

"What a strong body and a ferocious appearance, it seems that I will be relaxed next time!"

The Jade Emperor looked at Biya and Kratos, whose bodies had changed, with a serious expression on his face.

The bodies of Biya and Kratos have become very huge at this time, as if using a wishful size, each body has skyrocketed to a height of five or six meters.

After Biya's body got bigger, his originally handsome western face now looked a bit hideous.

With bulging veins on his face, a pair of eyes glowing with strange red light, coupled with the violent aura emanating from his body, he looked like a wild beast with furious hair.

Kratos didn't change as much as Biya, at least his face didn't change.

But his body is stronger than Biya's. His two thick arms are estimated to be about one meter in diameter, which looks very exaggerated.

Coupled with the muscles in the arms that protrude like stones, it must be uncomfortable to be hit by this punch.

At the same time as their bodies changed, their aura also increased. The double impact of sight and feeling made the Jade Emperor feel that the next self would not be as relaxed as before...

(End of this chapter)

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