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Chapter 3114 Ji Yang's situation is the worst

Chapter 3114 Ji Yang's situation is the worst
"Good come!"

Leopard's tail thwarted his intentions, and he thought that his aggressive tactics would be useless.

Unexpectedly, Leopard Tail knew it was an aggressive method, but still rushed towards him.

This made Tao Luosi very excited, and he thought to himself; "This guy knows that I do it on purpose, but he still rushes forward on his own initiative, can't he be a fool?"

But the stupidity of the leopard tail, Taurus must say that he likes this kind of stupidity.

Because the opponent took the initiative to attack him, he didn't have to worry about not being able to hit him.

Leopard Tail's approach, perhaps in the eyes of many people, is unwise and a fool's approach.

But this is also a helpless move. Leopard Tail does not take the initiative to take action, and keeps fighting a war of attrition, which is very detrimental to his own side.

So he didn't think too much about it, so he was right.

In the end who is strong and who is weak, the answer can only be known through direct confrontation.

"Go to hell...ha..."

Looking at the leopard tail that was getting closer and closer to him, Taoluos eyes were cold, and in his hand, there was an extra two-handed double-edged axe.

As the leopard's tail approached, Taurus swung his big ax and slashed at its head.

He really intends to cut off Baowei's head as soon as they meet each other, and kill Baowei.

"It's not that easy to kill me!"


Leopard Tail took the initiative to make a move, keeping his eyes on Taoluosi's movements.

Seeing Taurus slashing with a large axe, two golden claw weapons of unknown material appeared on the palms of Leopard Tail.

Leopard Tail's own claws (hands) are very sharp and tough, but they are fleshy after all, so they still feel pain.

With the help of this pair of golden claw weapons, it is different. He can perform attacks better, and dare to head-to-head with the enemy's magical weapons.

Swinging his two claws across Taulos' axe, there was a piercing sound of metal friction and some sparks, which changed the direction and strength of the axe's attack, and he also avoided a catastrophe.

Then, I saw Leopard Tail giving full play to its speed advantage and running quickly around Taoluosi's body.

While running, he waved his claws and attacked it.

Taolusi's speed is not as fast as Leopard Tail, and it doesn't make much sense to catch up directly.

So he just stood in place, keeping an eye on the movement of the leopard's tail, while waving the ax in his hand, while defending, he attacked the leopard's tail again and again.

"Zi la la... Ding Dang Dang..."

One sound after another of metal friction and collision sounded at the fighting position of Leopard Tail and Taurus, and more and more sparks were sputtered, which became more and more obvious.

"This guy's strength is really great. If it weren't for this pair of golden claws, my hands would have been too much for me."

The longer the fight, the more Leopard Tail knew about Taurus.

The power displayed by Taurus really made Leopard Tail a little jealous.

If he can have such strength, coupled with his own speed, then his combat power will definitely soar, and his cultivation must at least be raised to a higher level.

But while envious, he also realized that the Taurus in front of him was really difficult to deal with.

If he hadn't used the weapon Golden Claw, coupled with his speed advantage, he might have been defeated long ago.

"Damn it, why is this guy so fast, it's almost blinding my eyes."

"And he obviously knows how to unload the force, so that my attack power has been reduced a lot after hitting him, otherwise he definitely wouldn't be able to persist until now."

When Leopard Tail secretly praised Taurus in his heart, Taurus also admired Leopard Tail in his heart.

Just as Leopard Tail envied his strength, Taurus also envied Leopard Tail's speed.

With the speed of a leopard's tail and the power he possesses, he must have been recognized by the gods on Mount Olympus long ago, and they will not just regard him as a monster.

The envy of each other is exactly their mutual advantage.

It is precisely because of their respective advantages that Leopard Tail and Tauros have been fighting until now.

Both sides are actually dissatisfied with this result. For their own reasons, they both hope that they can quickly solve each other.

However, the strength of Leopard Tail and Taurus is too close. The two fought back and forth. Although each other was injured, it was not a big problem. No one really had the upper hand, let alone win.

"Coward, don't run away if you have the ability, and really receive two punches from me!"

Taurus achieved his goal of wanting the leopard tail to be close to him, but the expected result did not appear.

I also hit Leopard's Tail when I hit myself, but because I didn't hit him head-on enough, and the Leopard's Tail lost some strength, so the injuries in the early game were very minor and meaningless.

I succeeded in the last aggressive method, and Tao Luosi planned to do it again.

As long as Baowei is willing to let himself give two real punches, he doesn't believe that Baowei can still run around him like he is now.

"I said, you Minotaur, is there something wrong with your brain?"

"You're pushing your limits a bit. It's ridiculous to think that I will still do what you want once the aggressive method works."

My own advantage is that I am faster than the opponent, whether it is moving or making moves.

Now Tao Luosi told him not to run, and let him fight while standing, isn't this a joke.

I was willing to take the initiative to approach him because I wanted to solve him as soon as possible. Although I didn't get what I wanted, it was the only choice.

But Leopard Tail wouldn't just stand there stupidly and let Tao Luosi punch a few times, then he would really be looking for abuse.

" must be me who won today, ha..."

Leopard Tail said that Tao Luosi has a problem with his brain, can Tao Luosi be happy?
Coupled with the movement of the leopard's tail, Taurus has always been very depressed, and now he is even more angry.

Shouting furiously, he swung the ax in his hand, and with the sound of wind, he launched a more violent and powerful attack on the leopard's tail.

However, the effects of these attacks are not much different from before.

Either he couldn't hit the leopard's tail, or he lost some power from the leopard's tail, and the effect was unsatisfactory...

"Baowei, he was quite happy to fight himself, but it hurt me and the Jade Emperor!"

The battle between Leopard Tail and Taurus could not be decided in a short while, and they continued to fight as before.

Seeing the fight between Leopard Tail and Tao Luosi, Ji Yang murmured to himself.

One-on-one Leopard Tail, the situation is the best when Ji Yang's side played against the XL gods.

Where there is the best, there is the worst.

The worst thing is not the Jade Emperor, but Ji Yang.

The Jade Emperor was not in good condition, but when he faced Biya and Kratos, neither of them had reached the first-rank immortal rank.

Ji Yang was different. He chose the candidates very well. He happened to choose the two strongest gods among the XL gods.

Each of these two people has the cultivation base of the rank one immortal.

And after fighting for a while, Ji Yang felt that they were not only first-rank immortals, but also very high in first-rank immortals.

This is a pain for Ji Yang, if he hadn't been wearing the Godly Armor of Freedom, cultivated the Xuandi Qi, and added the Heaven Shaking Art, he would have been killed long ago...

(End of this chapter)

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