The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3126 Catch You Chapter Go Brewing

Chapter 3126 Catch you back to make wine
"Destroy my good deeds, I will destroy you and destroy the sword intent!"

The appearance of Chi You and others made Karl, who could have tortured Ji Yang and let him die slowly in pain, no chance, which made Karl very angry.

So even if Chi You doesn't attack him, and Dionysus doesn't say kill Chi You and Amaterasu, Karl will do it.

Now that Dionysus speaks, Karl is all the more as it should be.

Holding the long sword tightly in his hand, Karl rushed towards Chi You.


"Let me play with you."

But Karl wanted to attack Chi You, but Chi You ignored him and looked at Dionysus instead.

Chi You could feel that the aura emanating from Dionysus was stronger than that of Karl.

To do it, Chi You had to pick a strong one.

So Karl wanted to fight Chi You, but Chi You was too lazy to talk to him.

Amaterasu and Chi You have been together for a long time, not to mention that they are connected with Chi You, but they also know his character very well.

Seeing that Chi You didn't look at Karl, but kept staring at Dionysus, she understood what Chi You was thinking.

It doesn't matter who Amaterasu deals with, since Chi You doesn't want to force Karl, then she will do it.

Before Karl rushed in front of Chi You, Amaterasu blocked Karl's blow with the Yata mirror in his hand.

With a faint smile on his face, he looked at each other with disdain.

Carl's aura is not weak, but for Amaterasu who has fully recovered to his peak state, it's really nothing.

She is the Amaterasu Goddess of country R, ​​no matter her status or personal cultivation, she is an existence equivalent to the twelve main gods of XL.

Carl in front of her, how could she take it seriously.

"If you want to court death, then I will fulfill you first."

His own sword was full of anger, and he also released a not-so-weak destructive aura.

But such a sword was still blocked by Amaterasu.

Karl realized that the Amaterasu in front of him should not be underestimated, so he didn't look very unhappy because the enemy in front of him was Amaterasu instead of Chi You, but his expression was serious.

"If you want to kill me, you have to have that ability!"


Carl's courage is commendable, but Amaterasu doesn't give him credit.

After recovering physically, Amaterasu has not formally fought against anyone yet.

Now that there is a good opponent to practice with, Amaterasu is still very willing.

The Yata Mirror lit up and shot out a hot golden light. Carl sensed the crisis and did not dare to continue the attack, but decided to retreat.

He retreats, and Amaterasu chases after him.

Amaterasu was not slow, and soon caught up with Karl, and at the same time released golden light with the Yata mirror again to attack him.

Carl, who felt that he couldn't avoid it, gritted his teeth and stopped just dodging.

Released the aura of destruction all over his body, while preventing himself from being hit by the golden light, he began to approach Amaterasu.

Soon, the two approached each other and fought into a ball.

At the same time, Chi You also held Chi You's battle ax and rushed towards Dionysus.

Chi You is not a person who likes to be passive, since he has chosen an opponent, he will take the initiative to attack.

Chi You rushed out with full momentum, the closer he was to Dionysus, the more Dionysus could clearly feel the smell of blood and oppression emanating from Chi You.

"Chi You, such a familiar name?"

"It's him, the previous generation of demon gods in Huaxia!"

Chi You said his own name just now, but Dionysus couldn't figure out who he was.

But as Chi You's sense of oppression intensified and he felt the opponent's strength, Dionysus finally knew who he was.

Among the materials provided by YD, there are not many descriptions of Chi You.

But it is still important to point out that Chi You was once a generation of demon gods in China, and his strength was very powerful.

At this time, it was formally faced, and it seemed that what was described in the information was indeed true.

"He's going to be even more difficult to deal with. Today's mission is really not going well."

After confirming the other party's identity, Dionysus' expression became very serious.

He felt that the Chi You in front of him would be more difficult than Ji Yang.

My own helper, Karl, is now entangled by Amaterasu again, unable to join forces with him.

Facing Chi You alone will be more difficult than dealing with Ji Yang just now.

"Fire Yang Wine... Gudong..."

Facing Chi You alone, Dionysus did not dare to be careless.

Looking at Chi You who was getting closer and closer to him, Dionysus took out a bottle of wine and drank it while backing away.

Drinking strong yang wine can make oneself explode with stronger strength in a short period of time.

"This wine tastes good, I like it!"

Chi You likes killing and drinking.

Dionysus drank a bottle of wine in front of him, smelling the scent of wine in the air, but hooked Chi You's wine bug out.

"Like my wine? I am Dionysus, the god of wine of XL. I have a lot of wine. Just follow me and I will give you as much as you want."

"Do you want to follow me?"

Chi You's words aroused the interest of Dionysus.

What he likes most is a person who is good at wine, because he is the god of wine.

He can brew fine wine that others cannot match. As long as the other party has good wine, he can use the good wine to control the other party.

Although they have not officially fought, the powerful aura exuding from Chi You has already gained the attention and recognition of Dionysus.

If Chi You could be allowed to rebel at this time and let him follow him, it would be very beneficial to Dionysus.

"Follow you? Hahaha... You really underestimate me, Chi You."

"Although I, Chi You, love wine, I will not become a traitor just because of wine."

"But your suggestion is good. If you are by my side, there will be endless wine. If so, I decide to save your life. I will capture you alive and let you make wine for me every day."

It would be better to kill Chi You directly than to be someone else's subordinate.

Chi You is a person with a bottom line, he will not do something he shouldn't do just because of some temptation.

A traitor, Chi You can't do it.

However, Dionysus' identity as the God of Dionysus also changed Chi You's original idea of ​​wanting to kill him.

He wanted to capture Dionysus alive and let him make wine for himself.

"Hmph, what a big tone, if you want me, Dionysus, to make wine for you every day, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Even his father, Zeus, did not dare to tell him to make wine for himself every day.

Now that he failed to win over Chi You, Chi You also said something that made him feel humiliated, which made Dionysus very angry.

It is true that he is afraid of Chi You, but it does not mean that Dionysus is afraid of Chi You.

The inability to win over and the humiliation made Dionysus stop talking nonsense with Chi You.

The alcohol strength of Lie Yangjiu has begun to volatilize in the body, and the power of Dionysus has increased dramatically.

Drinking a beast in his mouth, Dionysus directly rushed towards Chi You...

(End of this chapter)

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