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Chapter 3197 Joining forces to break the guardianship

Chapter 3197 Joining forces to break the guardianship

Ji Yang's cultivation base, even Di Shitian, who has the highest cultivation base among the eight tribes of Tianlong, is still far behind him.

If it is alone, although the Tianlong Babu people in front of them will not be easy to solve, they will not make it difficult for themselves.

One can fight against eight, the situation is different.

Ji Yang had several chances to seriously injure or even kill his opponent, all of which were wasted because of other people's obstacles.

Now King Kinnaruo used his singing voice to strengthen the fighting power of the other members of Tianlong Babu, and they charged towards Ji Yang again.

Although Ji Yang failed in the previous few attacks, he was somewhat affected in his heart.

But when he saw these people attacking, he still reacted quickly.

"Boom boom boom..."

"What is this thing that has such a strong defensive power?"

"It must be a good thing to have such a strong defense. After the defense is broken, this thing will belong to me, King Asura."

"It's yours, why, whoever gets it..."

There is no need to say more about how strong the defense of the Eastern Emperor Bell is.

People like Di Shitian are not weak in combat power, and their cultivation base is very high.

But the few of them joined forces to attack, and it was still impossible to break through the defense guarded by the Eastern Emperor Bell at once.

Several people teamed up and couldn't break through the defense, which surprised King Ashura and others, but also showed greed in their eyes.

They had a prying heart towards Ji Yang's Donghuang Bell.

"If you want my Donghuang Bell, then come and get it!"

It wasn't the first time Ji Yang had encountered the Donghuang Bell who was spying on him.

Every time I take out the top ten artifacts, it always makes the opponent's mouth water.

But so far, no one has been able to snatch any artifact from himself.

All opponents who wanted to grab their own artifacts had already died under their own artifacts.

"Hmph, this treasure can only belong to me, King Asura, ha!"

Several members of Tianlong Babu all want to get Ji Yang's Donghuang Bell.

King Asura wanted it, so he had to grab it himself.

Looking at Ji Yang with provocative eyes, King Asura's energy was circulating in his body, and he slashed at the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell with a big knife in his hand.

Several people joined forces, and the Donghuang Bell, which was still unable to break, was guarded.

How can it be that King Asura can break through it directly.



When the knife fell, not only did the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell fail to break open, but King Ashura felt his palms go numb, and his body was shaken back a few steps.

"King Ashura, you are really ashamed, look at your friends, what do you think of you?"

"I'm ashamed to look at such contemptuous eyes, hahaha..."

Looking at King Ashura who was shaken back, Ji Yang said with a smirk.

If he doesn't have a partner to help, then he will instigate discord among Tianlong Babu.

Well, they weren't very friendly in the first place.

That Ji Yang made them even more at odds.

As long as they are not in the same mind, it will be much easier to deal with them than it is now.

"You guys... After I get this treasure, we will settle our old and new grudges together."

It's okay if Ji Yang didn't say anything, but King Ashura really took a look at Di Shitian and the others.

Looking at it, sure enough, everyone looked at him with obvious sarcasm and schadenfreude.

Although the relationship between the eight tribes of Tianlong has not been very harmonious, it is basically a discord between the face and the heart, this does not wrap King Asura.

Due to his personality, King Asura is the kind who is not at peace with each other, nor at heart.

But even so, King Asura was still very angry when he was stared at by everyone's mocking eyes.

"Sura Blood Blade Slash!"

After saying the old and new grudges together, the sword in King Asura's hand shone with a scarlet light, and his body turned into a red light, rushing towards Ji Yang again.

Although this King Asura never got any advantage from Ji Yang, he gave Ji Yang a feeling of becoming more and more courageous.

This feeling made Ji Yang like him a little bit.


"Hey, this blow is fine, but it actually left a crack in the protection of the Eastern Emperor Bell."

This Asura Blood Blade Slash is obviously different from King Asura's previous attacks.

In terms of strength, it is obviously more than one weight higher.

So when he slashed with a knife, the surface guarded by the Donghuang Bell was really split open.

"I said, I, King Asura, will order this treasure!"

"Asura slashed wildly!"

While Ji Yang lamented King Ashura's blow, King Ashura proudly glared at Di Shitian and the others, and then started to attack the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell frantically.

The rift guarded by the Eastern Emperor Bell is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for him.

This gave him, who had always been at a disadvantage, a little comfort, and proved that he was not so useless.

Asura King slashed towards the crack with one knife after another, he seemed to be trying to break the surface.

As he repeatedly swung the saber, the surface cracks on the Donghuang Bell's guard became a little bigger.

"If you want to get this treasure, you have to ask us if we agree!"

"That's right, if he gets this treasure, how can we have a peaceful life in the future."

"Raging Tide Slap!"

"Dragon King, you... I will go too!"

Good things, who wouldn't want to have them.

The Donghuang Bell, anyone who reads the Tianlong Babu will be moved.

King Asura shot at first, but the others didn't move, it was also on purpose.

They are testing the waters with King Asura, using him as a gun.

Now seeing that King Ashura had actually cracked the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell, the others were not calm.

I asked you to test the water with a gun, but I didn't say that I would give you things.

So after Asura King looked at them with proud eyes, these people also moved.

This time, everyone mustered their strength to make a move, and the intensity of the attack was much stronger than before.

Even Jin Naluo stopped playing support, and rushed forward on his own initiative.

What are you kidding, I will use support to help you strengthen your strength. When you get the Donghuang Bell, can you still leave me?
I'm afraid not only won't distribute it to myself, but maybe it will have to be used against myself.

"Boom boom boom..."

With King Asura testing the waters, others also know that if they want to break the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell, they must show real skills.

With the joint efforts of the eight people, the cracks on the surface of the Donghuang Bell became bigger and bigger.

It looks like it could be broken at any moment.

"Everyone, work harder, this protection is about to break."

"That's right, break the protection first, break... what's going on, the protection is being repaired!"

That's right, the eight Asura Kings teamed up and indeed brought a lot of damage to the protection of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

But the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell is not dead, but alive.

Unless the Babu of Tianlong can destroy the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell in an instant, Ji Yang can repair it with immortal energy.

"Don't underestimate my guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell, you have been fighting for so long, it should be my turn!"


Keeping still, letting the opponent attack, is because Ji Yang knows that the opponent cannot defeat the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Now that he has repaired the guardian of the Eastern Emperor Bell, he is ready to fight back.

Playing the Fuxiqin in his hand, the sound waves oscillated and spread, attacking the eight people of Di Shitian...

(End of this chapter)

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